2020 S&T Joint Call for Proposals: Infectious Diseases (Incl. Covid-19) and Nanotechnologies (CLOSED)
Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries (either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner or 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Infectious Diseases (incl. COVID-19) or Nanotechnologies to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. The 2020 S&T call aims to support projects which are close to basic research and the targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) at the end of the project should not be higher than 4[1].
Deadline: 15th of December 2020 12:00 (noon) CET/ 18:00 Jakarta time (CLOSED)
****The original deadline of the 15th of October 2020 has been extended to the 15th of December 2020****
1. Infectious Diseases (incl. COVID-19)
There is a long tradition of cooperation on infectious diseases between Europe and Southeast Asia and health related research is a proven strength of both regions. Nonetheless, major obstacles exist to overcome the existing and increasing global health challenges including the need for a deeper understanding of diseases pathology and the socio-economic causes of the diseases and linked effectiveness of health intervention.
There is a strong potential for collaboration in the area of COVID-19 as the whole world is affected by the outbreak situation and require actions, which can contribute tackling the COVID-19 related challenges. Hence, the thematic area of Infectious Diseases may include COVID-19 and related post-crisis research, e.g.:
- Research into preventive measures against the next pandemic or epidemic
- Long term studies e.g. related to population genomics, drugs, vaccines
- Post-crisis research to mitigate the impact (e.g. PTSD or other mental health research)
This list of sub-thematic areas does not exclude the submission of project proposals without a COVID-19 related thematic focus.
2. Nanotechnologies
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are highly interdisciplinary and cut across industrial and commercial sectors to research and create new materials and devices with remarkable properties and functions. To name but a few, nanotechnology is being used in medicine, electronics, food, manufacturing and materials or water purification. Despite the fact that the technology has a high potential for both regions, research and innovation cooperation in nanotechnology has still a high untapped potential. Hence addressing setting research and innovation initiatives could bring new avenues for joining scientific and innovation capabilities from both regions.
We generally welcome project proposals following an interdisciplinary approach taking into consideration aspects of social science and/or humanities related to the main research focus of the proposal.
(1= Infectious Diseases; 2= Nanotechnologies)
- Belgium – National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS)1+2
- Belgium – Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)1
- Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD)2
- Bulgaria - Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)1+2
- Cambodia – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS)1+2
- Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) 1+2
- Germany – Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)1
- Indonesia – Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research & Innovation Agency (RISTEK / BRIN) 1+2
- Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)1+2
- Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MOE)1+2
- The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD)2
- Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)1+2
- Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) 1+2
- Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)1+2
- Vietnam – Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) 1+2
Some funders may only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with 1=Infectious Diseases and 2=Nanotechnologies after the name of each funding agency in the list above.
Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in July 2021.
Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:
- Personnel costs
- Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
- Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
- Other costs (costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).
The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. The respective National Regulations from the participating countries / the funding ministries or agencies can be downloaded at the end of this site.
The upper funding limit can also be found in the respective national regulations.
Who can apply?
Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.
Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organizations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases. Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.
We strongly suggest that applicants discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point (NCP) before submitting a proposal.
Proposals for S&T projects have to be submitted electronically using PT-Outline Web Tool, accessible through
Link: https://ptoutline.eu/app/jfs20st
During the submission phase, the web tool will be open from the publishing date of the call on 15 June 2020 until 15 December 2020, 12:00 CET (noon) / 18:00 Jakarta time.
Any proposal that is submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted by the secretariat and therefore will not be considered for evaluation.
After successful submission of the proposal, each principal coordinator will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail. This e-mail can be used as proof that the proposal was submitted on time and correctly. In case the coordinator is not sure whether the proposal was submitted correctly, he or she should contact the call secretariat immediately and/or resend the proposal via e-mail to the call secretariat within the deadline.
Please note: Some funding agencies require that applicants from their respective countries submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the JFS application. These additional requirements will be made clear in the national regulations of the concerned countries.
The full Call Text in PDF format is available and can be downloaded here.
Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators).Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The project proposal shall be submitted by the project coordinator.The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his / her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact to the Joint Call Secretariat.
All proposals must be written in English only.
The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.
The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 10,000 words incl. all Annexes):
1. Basic project data
1.1 Project title
1.2 Project Acronym
1.3 Name and institution of the Project Coordinator
1.4 Names and institutions of other project partners
2. Project description
2.1 Describe why your proposal suits the respective call thematic area.
2.2 Describe as precisely as possible the scientific and technological objectives of the project.
2.3 Explain the novel character of the research proposed. Show how the objectives of the project aim at significant advances in the state-of-the-art through extending the current knowledge and/or filling the gaps identified.
2.4 Lay down the added-value of transnational cooperation which is implemented in your consortium.
2.5 Describe what makes up the excellence of your consortium. Describe how the teams complement each other and the added value resulting from the multilateral cooperation. Mention where there is a potential for synergy effects between different tasks of the project and how this is going to be exploited.
2.6 Describe the multidisciplinarity / interdisiplinarity of your proposal.
2.7 Lay down if (and how) the research project matches national priorities of the partners involved.
2.8 Self-assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation.
3. Work plan
3.1 Describe the research project with respect to the methodology; justify the methodology chosen to reach the objectives. Highlight the particular advantages of the methodology chosen.
3.2 Describe the type of activities that are implemented in your project.
3.3 Describe the distribution of tasks. What is the involvement of each partner in relation to the proposed activities? How are the resources distributed among the partners? (time plan).
3.4 Describe the management structure of your project.
4. Potential impact and exploitation of results
4.1 Describe the scientific and / or commercial expected impact.
4.2 Describe whether the project has any beneficial impact on society, in particular regarding societal challenges.
4.3 Describe the measures for the dissemination and / or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property.
4.4 Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership.
5. Financial Plan
6. Annexes
6.1 If applicable: the Letter of Commitment securing willingness to collaborate by partners from countries which are not on the list of funding for the JFS 5th Call.
6.2 CVs and lists of principal publications of participating researchers (3 pages max. per researcher).
Aims and methods of the proposed collaborative project should clearly demonstrate the excellence and innovativeness of the project, product or service, including the added value for Southeast Asia - European research and innovation cooperation and describe expected outcomes / marketability. In addition, a financial plan and a time and work-plan, including milestones, have to be included. All budgets will be submitted in Euros. The applicants have to identify the TRL which is targeted at the end of the project, and the TRL of the work that the project proposal is based on at the moment. This self-assessment / estimation will have to be justified in brief paragraphs.
All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.
During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.
The evaluation process includes the following steps.
Eligibility check
The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all proposals to ensure that they meet the following general eligibility criteria of the Call:
- Date of submission
- Composition of consortium (2+1 rule)
- Duration of project
- Inclusion of all necessary information in English
- Appropriate length of the proposal
- Eligibility of the Project Coordinator
- Eligibility of the other project partners (in case the Project Coordinator or a project partner is rejected in the eligibility check, the whole proposal might be rejected)
- Eligible thematic focus
- Reflection of national priorities (if applicable)
- Eligibility of required funding
- Complete appendixes required
The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points (NCPs) who will perform a check for compliance of the respective country / national regulations.
Please note if the proposal does not meet the formal criteria / the national regulation / eligibility criteria and requirements, may be declined without further review.
Peer review
Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by at least two online evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.
The evaluation will be done using the following evaluation criteria:
- Scientific / technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
- Sound concept, quality of objectives
- Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of a project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product.
- Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
- Good balance between the technology / knowledge available at each participating team
- Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants / participating teams.
- Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
- Social and/ or market related impact
- Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
- Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
- Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/ or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property
- Assessment of the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) referring to the definition of TRL as applied by the Horizon 2020 Work Programme.
- Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
- Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
- Added value of transnational cooperation
- Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment).
The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarizes the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:
1.Scientific / Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea or product / service to be developed
2.Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project / marketability
3.Management, Transnationality and Cooperation
Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC meeting is in charge to the final ranking based on the peer review results. The SC members consist of internationally recognized experts offering a high degree of technical and scientific expertise in the respective research field, as well as broad experiences in international collaboration.
The final ranking list as well as the written remarks by the SC will be forwarded to the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) for the funding decision meeting.
Funding decision
The JCS will communicate to all project coordinators about the final decisions of their proposal together with the main comments from the SC about the proposal. In the case of a positive funding decision, the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract.
Monitoring of Implementation of JFS Call Projects
The projects funded under the JFS will be asked to submit annual monitoring reports. Each project participant should also submit financial and scientific reports to their national / regional funding organisations according to his / her national regulations.
In the case a partner decided to withdraw from a project before the completion date, due to the reasons such as: discrepancies within the consortia, funding problems, changes in the strategy of companies, technical or sudden market problems; the NCPs have to check whether the basic JFS eligibility criteria are still met and if the excellence of the project is still maintained. If not, the involved funding agencies may decide jointly to cease the funding for this specific project.
In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects that are funded through the JFS Call:
- Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFS Call Secretariat (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
- In any publication of results of the research for which JFS Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.
Contact information:
Call secretariat:
Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI):
Dr. Mrs. Finarya Legoh
Senior Program Officer
+62 852 11342556
Mr. Adam Bakthiar
Program Officer
+62 852 11342556
National Contact Points:
Belgium, FWO
Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)
Mr. Toon Monbaliu
+32 2 550 1570
Belgium, FRS-FNRS
National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS)
Mr. Joel Groeneveld
+32 2 504 9270
Dr. Florence Quist
+32 2 504 9351
Brunei Darussalam, UBD
Centre for Advanced Material & Energy Sciences
Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)
Dr. Ms. Rosnah Abdullah
+673 2460922 ext 1323
Bulgaria, BNSF
Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)
Ms. Milena Aleksandrova
+359 884 171363
Directorate General of Higher Education
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia
Dr. Bunlay Nith
Czech Republic, CAS
Division of International Cooperation
Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Ms. Alena Žochová
+420 221 403566
Germany, BMBF / DLR Project Management Agency
International Bureau of BMBF at DLR Project Management Agency
Dr. Adele Clausen
+49 (0)228 38212171
Mr. Hans Westphal
+49 (0)228 38211473
Indonesia, RISTEK / BRIN
Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency
Mr. Adhi Indra Hermanu
+62 878 8444 3878
Ms Anggun Amalia Fibriyanti
+62 857 8588 7275
Department of Planning and Cooperation
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
Phouthanouthong Xaysombath
Mrs. Viengsavanh Bouttanavong
+856 21 250045
Myanmar, MOE
Department of Research and Innovation
Ministry of Education (MOE)
Dr. Thazin Han
+95 9 5143712
The Philippines, PCIEERD-DOST
Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology
Department of Science and Technology (PCIEERD-DOST)
Dr. Enrico C. Paringit
Mr. Raul C. Sabularse
837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121
Switzerland, SNSF
Interdisciplinary and International Co-operation (InterCo)
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Dr. Delphine Marchon
+41 31 308 2319
Thailand, NSTDA
National Science & Technology Cooperation Agency (NSTDA)
International Relations Officer
Ms. Arpawan Jantaravipark
+66 2 564 7000 ext. 71487
Department of International Cooperation
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)
Ms. Dr. Guliz Sutcu
+90 312 298 1759
Vietnam, MOST
Department of International Cooperation
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) - Vietnam
Ms. Trinh Quynh Trang
+84 2 4394 36688
[1] Referring to the definition of TRL as applied by H 2020 Work Programme: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/wp/2014_2015/annexes/h2020-wp1415-annex-g-trl_en.pdf
Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries (either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner or 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Infectious Diseases (incl. COVID-19) or Nanotechnologies to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. The 2020 S&T call aims to support projects which are close to basic research and the targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) at the end of the project should not be higher than 4[1].
Deadline: 15th of December 2020 12:00 (noon) CET/ 18:00 Jakarta time (CLOSED)
****The original deadline of the 15th of October 2020 has been extended to the 15th of December 2020****
1. Infectious Diseases (incl. COVID-19)
There is a long tradition of cooperation on infectious diseases between Europe and Southeast Asia and health related research is a proven strength of both regions. Nonetheless, major obstacles exist to overcome the existing and increasing global health challenges including the need for a deeper understanding of diseases pathology and the socio-economic causes of the diseases and linked effectiveness of health intervention.
There is a strong potential for collaboration in the area of COVID-19 as the whole world is affected by the outbreak situation and require actions, which can contribute tackling the COVID-19 related challenges. Hence, the thematic area of Infectious Diseases may include COVID-19 and related post-crisis research, e.g.:
- Research into preventive measures against the next pandemic or epidemic
- Long term studies e.g. related to population genomics, drugs, vaccines
- Post-crisis research to mitigate the impact (e.g. PTSD or other mental health research)
This list of sub-thematic areas does not exclude the submission of project proposals without a COVID-19 related thematic focus.
2. Nanotechnologies
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are highly interdisciplinary and cut across industrial and commercial sectors to research and create new materials and devices with remarkable properties and functions. To name but a few, nanotechnology is being used in medicine, electronics, food, manufacturing and materials or water purification. Despite the fact that the technology has a high potential for both regions, research and innovation cooperation in nanotechnology has still a high untapped potential. Hence addressing setting research and innovation initiatives could bring new avenues for joining scientific and innovation capabilities from both regions.
We generally welcome project proposals following an interdisciplinary approach taking into consideration aspects of social science and/or humanities related to the main research focus of the proposal.
(1= Infectious Diseases; 2= Nanotechnologies)
- Belgium – National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS)1+2
- Belgium – Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)1
- Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD)2
- Bulgaria - Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)1+2
- Cambodia – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS)1+2
- Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) 1+2
- Germany – Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)1
- Indonesia – Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research & Innovation Agency (RISTEK / BRIN) 1+2
- Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)1+2
- Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MOE)1+2
- The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD)2
- Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)1+2
- Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) 1+2
- Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)1+2
- Vietnam – Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) 1+2
Some funders may only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with 1=Infectious Diseases and 2=Nanotechnologies after the name of each funding agency in the list above.
Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in July 2021.
Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:
- Personnel costs
- Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
- Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
- Other costs (costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).
The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. The respective National Regulations from the participating countries / the funding ministries or agencies can be downloaded at the end of this site.
The upper funding limit can also be found in the respective national regulations.
Who can apply?
Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.
Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organizations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases. Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.
We strongly suggest that applicants discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point (NCP) before submitting a proposal.
Proposals for S&T projects have to be submitted electronically using PT-Outline Web Tool, accessible through
Link: https://ptoutline.eu/app/jfs20st
During the submission phase, the web tool will be open from the publishing date of the call on 15 June 2020 until 15 December 2020, 12:00 CET (noon) / 18:00 Jakarta time.
Any proposal that is submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted by the secretariat and therefore will not be considered for evaluation.
After successful submission of the proposal, each principal coordinator will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail. This e-mail can be used as proof that the proposal was submitted on time and correctly. In case the coordinator is not sure whether the proposal was submitted correctly, he or she should contact the call secretariat immediately and/or resend the proposal via e-mail to the call secretariat within the deadline.
Please note: Some funding agencies require that applicants from their respective countries submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the JFS application. These additional requirements will be made clear in the national regulations of the concerned countries.
The full Call Text in PDF format is available and can be downloaded here.
Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators).Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The project proposal shall be submitted by the project coordinator.The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his / her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact to the Joint Call Secretariat.
All proposals must be written in English only.
The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.
The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 10,000 words incl. all Annexes):
1. Basic project data
1.1 Project title
1.2 Project Acronym
1.3 Name and institution of the Project Coordinator
1.4 Names and institutions of other project partners
2. Project description
2.1 Describe why your proposal suits the respective call thematic area.
2.2 Describe as precisely as possible the scientific and technological objectives of the project.
2.3 Explain the novel character of the research proposed. Show how the objectives of the project aim at significant advances in the state-of-the-art through extending the current knowledge and/or filling the gaps identified.
2.4 Lay down the added-value of transnational cooperation which is implemented in your consortium.
2.5 Describe what makes up the excellence of your consortium. Describe how the teams complement each other and the added value resulting from the multilateral cooperation. Mention where there is a potential for synergy effects between different tasks of the project and how this is going to be exploited.
2.6 Describe the multidisciplinarity / interdisiplinarity of your proposal.
2.7 Lay down if (and how) the research project matches national priorities of the partners involved.
2.8 Self-assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation.
3. Work plan
3.1 Describe the research project with respect to the methodology; justify the methodology chosen to reach the objectives. Highlight the particular advantages of the methodology chosen.
3.2 Describe the type of activities that are implemented in your project.
3.3 Describe the distribution of tasks. What is the involvement of each partner in relation to the proposed activities? How are the resources distributed among the partners? (time plan).
3.4 Describe the management structure of your project.
4. Potential impact and exploitation of results
4.1 Describe the scientific and / or commercial expected impact.
4.2 Describe whether the project has any beneficial impact on society, in particular regarding societal challenges.
4.3 Describe the measures for the dissemination and / or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property.
4.4 Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership.
5. Financial Plan
6. Annexes
6.1 If applicable: the Letter of Commitment securing willingness to collaborate by partners from countries which are not on the list of funding for the JFS 5th Call.
6.2 CVs and lists of principal publications of participating researchers (3 pages max. per researcher).
Aims and methods of the proposed collaborative project should clearly demonstrate the excellence and innovativeness of the project, product or service, including the added value for Southeast Asia - European research and innovation cooperation and describe expected outcomes / marketability. In addition, a financial plan and a time and work-plan, including milestones, have to be included. All budgets will be submitted in Euros. The applicants have to identify the TRL which is targeted at the end of the project, and the TRL of the work that the project proposal is based on at the moment. This self-assessment / estimation will have to be justified in brief paragraphs.
All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.
During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.
The evaluation process includes the following steps.
Eligibility check
The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all proposals to ensure that they meet the following general eligibility criteria of the Call:
- Date of submission
- Composition of consortium (2+1 rule)
- Duration of project
- Inclusion of all necessary information in English
- Appropriate length of the proposal
- Eligibility of the Project Coordinator
- Eligibility of the other project partners (in case the Project Coordinator or a project partner is rejected in the eligibility check, the whole proposal might be rejected)
- Eligible thematic focus
- Reflection of national priorities (if applicable)
- Eligibility of required funding
- Complete appendixes required
The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points (NCPs) who will perform a check for compliance of the respective country / national regulations.
Please note if the proposal does not meet the formal criteria / the national regulation / eligibility criteria and requirements, may be declined without further review.
Peer review
Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by at least two online evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.
The evaluation will be done using the following evaluation criteria:
- Scientific / technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
- Sound concept, quality of objectives
- Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of a project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product.
- Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
- Good balance between the technology / knowledge available at each participating team
- Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants / participating teams.
- Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
- Social and/ or market related impact
- Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
- Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
- Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/ or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property
- Assessment of the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) referring to the definition of TRL as applied by the Horizon 2020 Work Programme.
- Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
- Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
- Added value of transnational cooperation
- Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment).
The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarizes the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:
1.Scientific / Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea or product / service to be developed
2.Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project / marketability
3.Management, Transnationality and Cooperation
Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC meeting is in charge to the final ranking based on the peer review results. The SC members consist of internationally recognized experts offering a high degree of technical and scientific expertise in the respective research field, as well as broad experiences in international collaboration.
The final ranking list as well as the written remarks by the SC will be forwarded to the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) for the funding decision meeting.
Funding decision
The JCS will communicate to all project coordinators about the final decisions of their proposal together with the main comments from the SC about the proposal. In the case of a positive funding decision, the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract.
Monitoring of Implementation of JFS Call Projects
The projects funded under the JFS will be asked to submit annual monitoring reports. Each project participant should also submit financial and scientific reports to their national / regional funding organisations according to his / her national regulations.
In the case a partner decided to withdraw from a project before the completion date, due to the reasons such as: discrepancies within the consortia, funding problems, changes in the strategy of companies, technical or sudden market problems; the NCPs have to check whether the basic JFS eligibility criteria are still met and if the excellence of the project is still maintained. If not, the involved funding agencies may decide jointly to cease the funding for this specific project.
In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects that are funded through the JFS Call:
- Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFS Call Secretariat (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
- In any publication of results of the research for which JFS Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.
Contact information:
Call secretariat:
Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI):
Dr. Mrs. Finarya Legoh
Senior Program Officer
+62 852 11342556
Mr. Adam Bakthiar
Program Officer
+62 852 11342556
National Contact Points:
Belgium, FWO
Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)
Mr. Toon Monbaliu
+32 2 550 1570
Belgium, FRS-FNRS
National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS)
Mr. Joel Groeneveld
+32 2 504 9270
Dr. Florence Quist
+32 2 504 9351
Brunei Darussalam, UBD
Centre for Advanced Material & Energy Sciences
Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)
Dr. Ms. Rosnah Abdullah
+673 2460922 ext 1323
Bulgaria, BNSF
Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)
Ms. Milena Aleksandrova
+359 884 171363
Directorate General of Higher Education
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia
Dr. Bunlay Nith
Czech Republic, CAS
Division of International Cooperation
Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Ms. Alena Žochová
+420 221 403566
Germany, BMBF / DLR Project Management Agency
International Bureau of BMBF at DLR Project Management Agency
Dr. Adele Clausen
+49 (0)228 38212171
Mr. Hans Westphal
+49 (0)228 38211473
Indonesia, RISTEK / BRIN
Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency
Mr. Adhi Indra Hermanu
+62 878 8444 3878
Ms Anggun Amalia Fibriyanti
+62 857 8588 7275
Department of Planning and Cooperation
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
Phouthanouthong Xaysombath
Mrs. Viengsavanh Bouttanavong
+856 21 250045
Myanmar, MOE
Department of Research and Innovation
Ministry of Education (MOE)
Dr. Thazin Han
+95 9 5143712
The Philippines, PCIEERD-DOST
Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology
Department of Science and Technology (PCIEERD-DOST)
Dr. Enrico C. Paringit
Mr. Raul C. Sabularse
837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121
Switzerland, SNSF
Interdisciplinary and International Co-operation (InterCo)
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Dr. Delphine Marchon
+41 31 308 2319
Thailand, NSTDA
National Science & Technology Cooperation Agency (NSTDA)
International Relations Officer
Ms. Arpawan Jantaravipark
+66 2 564 7000 ext. 71487
Department of International Cooperation
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)
Ms. Dr. Guliz Sutcu
+90 312 298 1759
Vietnam, MOST
Department of International Cooperation
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) - Vietnam
Ms. Trinh Quynh Trang
+84 2 4394 36688
[1] Referring to the definition of TRL as applied by H 2020 Work Programme: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/wp/2014_2015/annexes/h2020-wp1415-annex-g-trl_en.pdf