Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation in the thematic areas of Health, Environment /Climate Change.
Type of funded projects: Europe-Southeast Asian Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner) and cover the thematic areas of Health (Anti-microbial drug resistance, Emerging infectious diseases), Environment/ Climate Change (Adaptation/Resilience of food production systems, Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems/Biodiversity) to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones.
Participating countries:
Belgium (french speaking) - Fund for scientific research (F.R.S – FNRS)
Camdodia - Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY)
France - French National Research Agency (ANR)
Germany - Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)
The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST)
Poland - National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)
Spain - Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)
Sweden - Swedish Research Council for sustainable development (FORMAS)
Sweden - Swedish Research Council (SRC)
Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
Thailand - Thailand Center for Excellence for Life Science (TCELS)
Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)
Scope of the projects:
Type of funded projects: Europe-Southeast Asian Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner) and cover the thematic areas of Health (Anti-microbial drug resistance, Emerging infectious diseases), Environment/ Climate Change (Adaptation/Resilience of food production systems, Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems/Biodiversity) to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones.
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