Calls for Proposals

2024 STI Joint Call for Proposals: Climate Change Adaptation and Local Resilience (9th Call)

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The 2024 STI Joint Call for Proposals: Climate Change Adaptation and Local Resilience is now open for applications.








Deadline for Submission: 31 January 2025 12:00 (noon) CET / 06:00 pm Bangkok / Jakarta time


Both Europe and Southeast Asia increasingly suffer from the impact of climate change and related extreme weather events, sea-level rise and changing precipitation patterns. Adaptation to these conditions and increased local resilience are high on the agenda in both regions. 


Therefore, the European Commission (EC) and the JFS funders have decided to devote the 2024 JFS Call for Proposals to the overall area of CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND LOCAL RESILIENCE, and to support under the umbrella of this area research proposals for the following three topics towards sustainable green and blue economies.


  • Topic 1      :  Waste water treatment and reuse (industrial & municipal)
  • Topic 2      :  Underwater and above-water biomass farms working with renewable energy
  • Topic 3      :  Assessment and remediation of contaminated inorganic and organic soils


•    Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call Project consortia must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries fulfilling the 2+1 rule: Either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner OR 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner. At least 1 partner from each region must be eligible for JFS funding.
•    The Project Coordinator (PC) must be selected from among the partners eligible for JFS funding. The third partner can be funded by a funding organisation from a country participating in the JFS OR bring his/her own funding from different Southeast Asia or European countries. The fourth partner can be funded by a funding organisation from a country participating in the JFS OR bring his/her own funding from non-Southeast Asia or non-European countries.   
•    The proposals have to address the link and impact of the proposal to the overall area of “CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND LOCAL RESILIENCE” under one of its topics, to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen the existing ones. 
•    The JFS wants to support integrated research approaches and specifically encourages the submission of proposals by interdisciplinary consortia including expertise from humanities and social sciences. 
•    Applicants are requested to read carefully the National Regulations from the funding organisation that you are requesting funding from, as well as the National Regulations from your partners, since the National Regulations may include additional requirements, e.g.: certain Technology Readiness Levels, submission proposal to the funders’ website besides to JFS’, budget allocation criteria, etc.


Topic 1: Waste water treatment and reuse (industrial & municipal) 
Climate Change can lead to changed precipitation patterns. This can have an impact on waste water compositions and amounts. Droughts may require careful use and recirculation of water. Under the 2024 JFS Call, research proposals will be selected for funding that address the impact of climate change e.g. through the development of cost-effective technologies on water and wastewater reuse and recycling for industries and communities. Projects may address potable and non-potable uses, emerging pollutants, and/or possible nutrient recovery following circular economy pathways.

Topic 2: Underwater and above-water biomass farms working with renewable energy
The world population is increasing, greenhouse gas emissions related to biomass production are a concern in times of global warming and there is a requirement for new and more biomass production. These different challenges are leading to increased attention on underwater and above-waster biomass farms working with renewable energy as part of the development towards a climate neutral society. 
This topic supports sustainable utilization of marine and coastal ecosystems in both the European and Southeast Asian regions. Policy documents such as the European Green Deal and the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework strategy encourage the establishment of marine biomass farms based on renewable energy sources. 
The 2024 JFS Call plans to support research proposals addressing aspects like developing innovative submarine and offshore biomass farms. These systems shall be designed to harness renewable energy sources such as wind, currents, waves, and solar energy, along with various hydrogen sources in water (H2O, H2S, NH3), to develop ecosystem-sensitive, net-zero emission energy and biomass production. Above and underwater biomass farms can aim at harvesting different products, such as fish, shrimps, micro and macro algae and further biomass products.


Topic 3: Assessment and remediation of contaminated inorganic and organic soils
The research on assessment and remediation of contaminated soils is vital for both ASEAN and EU. It enhances agricultural productivity, environmental conservation, and climate change mitigation aligned with sustainability goals. Collaboration can drive policy implementation, technological advancement, and economic development while supporting global environmental and socio-economic objectives. Research proposals submitted under this topic of the 2024 JFS Call may include expertise related to e.g. Bioremediation, Ecotoxicology, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Policy and Management, Geochemistry, Inorganic Absorbents, Soil Engineering & Science, Sustainable Development.


Please Note: Some funders may only participate in one or two of the topics, which is indicated with numbers after the name of each funding agency in the list below:
1= Waste water treatment and reuse (industrial & municipal) 
2= Underwater and above-water biomass farms working with renewable energy 
3= Assessment and remediation of contaminated inorganic and organic soils

  • Belgium – National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS) - 1, 2, 3
  • Brunei Darussalam University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD) - 1, 2, 3
  • Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) - 1, 2, 3
  • Indonesia - National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) - 1, 2, 3
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) - 1, 2, 3
  • Spain – Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI-E.P.E.) - 1, 2, 3
  • Switzerland – Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) - 1, 2, 3
  • Thailand – National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) - 1
  • The Philippines Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD) - 1, 3
  • Türkiye – Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBITAK) - 1, 2, 3
  • Viet Nam – Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) - 1, 2, 3

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). The projects may start at the earliest in October 2025. The starting time of project might be varied, depending on delays in internal JFS procedures or the readiness of the cooperation contract among the parties and funders.  
Within the framework of the Joint Call, the funding can in general be applied for:
•    Personnel costs;
•    Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment);
•    Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia, travel costs, living expenses and visa costs, are eligible for funding);
•    Other costs (costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to: dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs.).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to the respective National Regulations from the participating organisations. The upper funding limit usually can also be found in there. The National Regulations are available for download on the JFS website:


Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies, which all depend on the respective National Regulations as well as the eligibility criteria. 
Institutions which cannot be funded by a participating JFS funder might be included in a project consortium if they can provide their own funding / costs and if the consortium still meets the above described criteria. In this case, a Letter of Commitment must be provided attached to the project proposal to confirm his/her contribution. These institutions can be from Southeast Asia or Europe or from a different region, if in line with the National Regulations of further involved partners.
The JFS welcomes project consortia proposals related to: interdisciplinary research approaches, integrating research with humanities and social sciences, involving partners from private sectors.  

We strongly suggest that applicants discuss their intentions and confirm their proposal eligibility with their respective National Focal Points (NFPs) before submitting a proposal. The contact details of the NFPs can be found at the end of this document.


Proposals for JFS projects have to be submitted online in the PT-Outline Web Tool, which is accessible through 
During the submission phase, the web tool will be open from the publishing date of the 9th Call on 02 September 2024 until 31 January 2025, 12:00pm CEST (noon) / 05:00pm Bangkok / Jakarta time.
Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator (PC) among the respective partners who are eligible for JFS funding (partners participating on their own funding cannot be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted to PT-Outline by the PC, who is responsible on behalf of his/her project consortium. Besides, the PC is responsible to keep updated the project partners on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium, and to constitute the main contact to the Joint Call Secretariat, whenever information related to the projects are required and for monitoring purposes. All proposals must be written in English only.
Any proposal that is submitted after the above mentioned deadline cannot be accepted by the Secretariat and therefore will not be considered for evaluation.
After successful submission of the proposal, each PC receives an automatic confirmation e-mail. This e-mail can be used as proof that the proposal has been submitted on time and correctly. In case the PC is not sure whether the proposal was submitted correctly, he/she should contact the Call Secretariat immediately and/or resend the proposal via e-mail to the Call Secretariat prior to the deadline.
Please note: Some funding organisations require that applicants from their respective countries must submit a complementary proposal documents at the national level, in addition to the JFS submission. These additional requirements will be made clear in the National Regulations of the respective countries / funding organisations.

The applicant / Project Coordinator must fill in the electronic form for JFS proposals, following several steps:

1.    Register to PT-Outline.
2.    Fill the Electronic Proposal Forms: The Electronic Proposal Forms consists of four pages with the following headings: 
a.    General information
b.    Project coordinator
c.    Project Partners
d.    Project Description
3.    Download the Project Description template (Word format) from the last page of the Electronic Proposal Forms. 
4.    Beside download from PT-Outline, the Project Description template can be downloaded from here: 
5.    The Project Description template needs to be filled, and – once finished - converted into PDF format. The PDF Project Description is to be uploaded under page “d. Project Description” of the Electronic Proposal Forms in the PT-Outline. 
6.    Please watch our video tutorial about how to apply. The video is available in the Media section of the JFS Website or on YouTube:

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.
During the phase of proposal submission, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. However, please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.


The Project Description Document should contain the following information (max. number of 6,000 words excluding all Annexes):

1. Basic project data
1.1 Project title
1.2 Project Acronym
1.3 Name and institution of the Project Coordinator
1.4 Names and institutions of other project partners

2. Project description
2.1 Describe why your proposal suits the respective call thematic area.
2.2 Describe as precisely as possible the technological objectives of the project.
2.3 Explain the novel character of the activities proposed. Show how the objectives of the project aim at significant advances in the state-of-the-art through extending the current technologies and/or filling the gaps identified. 
2.4 Lay down the added-value of transnational cooperation which is implemented in your consortium.
2.5 Describe what makes up the excellence of your consortium. Describe how the teams complement each other and the added value resulting from the multilateral cooperation. Mention where there is a potential for synergy effects between different tasks of the project and how this is going to be exploited.
2.6 Describe the multi-disciplinarity / inter-disciplinarity of your proposal.
2.7 Lay down if (and how) the research project matches national priorities of the partners involved.
2.8 Self-assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation.

3. Work plan
3.1 Describe the research project with respect to the methodology; justify the methodology chosen to reach the objectives. Highlight the particular advantages of the methodology chosen.
3.2 Describe the type of activities that are implemented in your project.
3.3 Describe the distribution of tasks. What is the involvement of each partner in relation to the proposed activities? How are the resources distributed among the partners? (time plan).
3.4 Describe the management structure of your project.

4. Potential impact and exploitation of results
4.1 Describe the scientific and / or commercial expected impact for the participating countries of the project consortium and in general.
4.2 Describe whether the project has any beneficial impact on society, in particular regarding societal challenges for the participating countries of the project consortium and in general.
4.3 Describe the measures for the dissemination and./.or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property. What are the next steps?
4.4 Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership.

5. Financial Plan
The financial plan overview must be in line with the national regulations of all consortia partners, and all costs must be stated in EURO. Type of financial plan at least consists for: personnel, equipment and consumables, travel, others.  

6. Annexes
6.1 If applicable: Letter of Commitment securing willingness to collaborate provided by partners from countries which are not on the funding list for the 2024 JFS STI (9th Call) or by partners that are from a participating country but that do not meet the eligibility criteria of the funder from their country and that would like to participate at their own costs.
6.2 CVs and lists of principal publications of participating researchers (only for PC and PIs (1 per partner), 3 pages max. per CV).
Aims and methods of the proposed collaborative project should clearly demonstrate the excellence and innovativeness of the project, product or service, including the added value for Southeast Asian - European research and innovation cooperation and describe expected outcomes / marketability. The applicants must identify the TRL of the work that the project proposal is based on / starting and the TRL which is targeted at the end of the project. This self-assessment / estimation will have to be justified in brief paragraphs.
The applicant is responsible for determining whether the execution of the proposed research requires an ethical statement or license, and complies with national and international sanction rules and legislations. The applicant must ensure that the ethical statement or license is acquired in a timely manner from the relevant ethics review committee.

The evaluation process includes the following steps.
Eligibility Check
Eligibility Check for all submitted proposals is evaluated first by the Call Secretariat to ensure that they meet the following general criteria of the JFS Call:
•    Date of submission
•    Composition of consortium (2+1 basic rule)
•    Duration of project
•    Inclusion of all necessary information in English
•    Appropriate length of the proposal
•    Eligibility of the Project Coordinator
•    Eligibility of the other project partners (in case the Project Coordinator or a project partner is rejected in the eligibility check, the whole proposal might be rejected)
•    Eligible of thematic focus
•    Reflection of national priorities (if applicable)
•    Eligibility of required funding
•    Complete appendixes required

The Call Secretariat then forwards the proposals to the National Focal Points (NFPs) who should perform a check and evaluation for compliance with their respective country’s / national regulations.
Please note if the proposal does not meet the general criteria of JFS OR the national regulations OR eligibility criteria and requirements, the proposal should be declined without further review.

Peer Review
The eligible proposals then are reviewed by independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields, according to the evaluation criteria set previously in the Call. Each proposal ideally is evaluated by at least two online evaluators, one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer. The peer reviewers will be nominated by the National Focal Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation uses the following criteria:
1.    Scientific / technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
•    Sound concept, quality of objectives.
•    Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product.
•    Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan.
•    Good balance between technology / knowledge available at each participating team.
•    Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participant / participating teams.

2.    Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
•    Social and / or market related impact.
•    Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential.
•    Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience.
•    Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and / or exploitation of trans-national project results, and management of intellectual property.

3.    Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
•    Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks.
•    Added value of transnational cooperation.
•    Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment).

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarizes the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:






Scientific / technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea or product / service to be developed




Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project / marketability




Management, Transnationality and Cooperation








After the peer reviewers submitted their results, applicants are contacted and informed about the online evaluation results. At this point the applicants get the opportunity to defend their application on specific points and to provide a written statement (Rebuttal, max. 2 pages of A4 4,000 characters). 
Once the peer review and rebuttal process is finalized, the Call Secretariat sends the proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC meeting is in charge to the final ranking based on the peer review results, the rebuttal and the results of the discussion of the proposals amongst the SC members themselves. The SC members consist of internationally recognized experts offering a high degree of technical, scientific and innovation expertise in the respective research field, as well as broad experiences in international collaboration.
The final ranking list as well as the written remarks by the SC then are forwarded to the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) for the funding decision.   

Funding Decision
Based on the ranking list established and the written minutes of the SC meeting, as well as the available funding, the PSC meeting takes a final funding decision. The JFS Secretariat communicates to all PCs the final decision of their proposals.  In the case of a positive funding decision, the national funding agencies then get in touch with the individual project partner to initiate the process of setting up the funding contract. The start of funded projects is expected to begin at the earliest of October 2025.

Each project participant should submit financial and scientific reports to their national / regional funding organisations according to the requirements set by the respective national regulations / funding contract.
The JFS Call Secretariat may approach the project coordinators of funded JFS Projects to collect information about the content, progress and results of the funded projects. The project coordinator is responsible to provide the requested information in due time. In case the responsibilities within a project are changing, the JFS Call Secretariat is to be informed and updated on new contact details. 
In the case a partner decided to withdraw from a project before the completion date due to the reasons such as: discrepancies within the consortia, funding problems, changes in the strategy of organizations, technical or sudden market problems; the NFPs have to check whether the basic JFS eligibility criteria are still met and if the excellence of the project is still maintained. Therefore, all involved NFPs are to be informed as soon as possible about respective changes in the consortium. If NFPs are not informed in time or NFPs come to the conclusion that the excellence of the project cannot be maintained, the involved funding agencies may decide jointly to cease the funding for this specific project.
In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects funded through the JFS:
•    Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFS Secretariat (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
•    In any publication of results of the research for which JFS funding was awarded, the writers must mention the support received.


Call Secretariat:

Mrs. Dr. Finarya Legoh
Senior Programme Officer
Indonesian Science Fund (Dana Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia / DIPI) 
+62 852 11342556

Ms. Patchara Umprasert
Junior Programme Officer
National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) 
+66 2-564-7000 ext. 71488

National Focal Points:

Belgium, F.R.S.-FNRS
National Fund for Scientific Research

Mr. Joël, Groeneveld; ; +32 2 504 9270
Ms. Dr. Florence, Quist; ; +32 2 504 9351


Brunei Darussalam, UBD
Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Professor Dr Basilios Tsikouras; 

Czech Republic, CAS
Czech Academy of Sciences 

Ms. Julie, Smilnická;

Indonesia, BRIN
National Research and Innovation Agency

Ms. Evy Rusmanida Yanthi; / ; +62819-9000-1977


Myanmar, MoST
Ministry of Science and Technology

Ms. Dr. Thazin, Han; ; +95 9 5143712


Spain, CDTI-E.P.E.
Centre for the Development of Technology and Innovation – E.P.E. (Ministry of Science and Innovation)

Mr. Ricardo, Rubianes; ; +34 91 581 0489

Switzerland, SNSF
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Ms. Andrea, Landolt; ; +41 31 308 2319

Dr. Estelle Bruni;; +41 31 308 23 23

Thailand, NRCT
National Research Council of Thailand

Ms. Chontida, Tangnara; ; +66 (0) 2561 2445 ext. 206

Ms. Warinphak, Thananitchaiyakul; 


The Philippines, (DOST - PCIEERD) 

Department of Science and Technology (DOST) – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging
Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD)

Dr. Leah J. Buendia
Undersecretary for Research and Development
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) / 

Dr. Enrico C. Paringit
Executive Director / 


Türkiye, TÜBITAK
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBITAK)

Ms. Nazli, Öz Yıldırım; 

Mr. Alper, Mert; 

Viet Nam, MoST
Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)

Ms. Thị Tú Quyên, Vũ; ; +84 937966689

Ms. Quỳnh Trang, Trịnh; ; +84 937966689

Mr. Viết Dũng, Đinh ; ; +84 913266851









Deadline for Submission: 31 January 2025 12:00 (noon) CET / 06:00 pm Bangkok / Jakarta time


Both Europe and Southeast Asia increasingly suffer from the impact of climate change and related extreme weather events, sea-level rise and changing precipitation patterns. Adaptation to these conditions and increased local resilience are high on the agenda in both regions. 


Therefore, the European Commission (EC) and the JFS funders have decided to devote the 2024 JFS Call for Proposals to the overall area of CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND LOCAL RESILIENCE, and to support under the umbrella of this area research proposals for the following three topics towards sustainable green and blue economies.


  • Topic 1      :  Waste water treatment and reuse (industrial & municipal)
  • Topic 2      :  Underwater and above-water biomass farms working with renewable energy
  • Topic 3      :  Assessment and remediation of contaminated inorganic and organic soils


•    Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call Project consortia must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries fulfilling the 2+1 rule: Either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner OR 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner. At least 1 partner from each region must be eligible for JFS funding.
•    The Project Coordinator (PC) must be selected from among the partners eligible for JFS funding. The third partner can be funded by a funding organisation from a country participating in the JFS OR bring his/her own funding from different Southeast Asia or European countries. The fourth partner can be funded by a funding organisation from a country participating in the JFS OR bring his/her own funding from non-Southeast Asia or non-European countries.   
•    The proposals have to address the link and impact of the proposal to the overall area of “CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND LOCAL RESILIENCE” under one of its topics, to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen the existing ones. 
•    The JFS wants to support integrated research approaches and specifically encourages the submission of proposals by interdisciplinary consortia including expertise from humanities and social sciences. 
•    Applicants are requested to read carefully the National Regulations from the funding organisation that you are requesting funding from, as well as the National Regulations from your partners, since the National Regulations may include additional requirements, e.g.: certain Technology Readiness Levels, submission proposal to the funders’ website besides to JFS’, budget allocation criteria, etc.


Topic 1: Waste water treatment and reuse (industrial & municipal) 
Climate Change can lead to changed precipitation patterns. This can have an impact on waste water compositions and amounts. Droughts may require careful use and recirculation of water. Under the 2024 JFS Call, research proposals will be selected for funding that address the impact of climate change e.g. through the development of cost-effective technologies on water and wastewater reuse and recycling for industries and communities. Projects may address potable and non-potable uses, emerging pollutants, and/or possible nutrient recovery following circular economy pathways.

Topic 2: Underwater and above-water biomass farms working with renewable energy
The world population is increasing, greenhouse gas emissions related to biomass production are a concern in times of global warming and there is a requirement for new and more biomass production. These different challenges are leading to increased attention on underwater and above-waster biomass farms working with renewable energy as part of the development towards a climate neutral society. 
This topic supports sustainable utilization of marine and coastal ecosystems in both the European and Southeast Asian regions. Policy documents such as the European Green Deal and the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework strategy encourage the establishment of marine biomass farms based on renewable energy sources. 
The 2024 JFS Call plans to support research proposals addressing aspects like developing innovative submarine and offshore biomass farms. These systems shall be designed to harness renewable energy sources such as wind, currents, waves, and solar energy, along with various hydrogen sources in water (H2O, H2S, NH3), to develop ecosystem-sensitive, net-zero emission energy and biomass production. Above and underwater biomass farms can aim at harvesting different products, such as fish, shrimps, micro and macro algae and further biomass products.


Topic 3: Assessment and remediation of contaminated inorganic and organic soils
The research on assessment and remediation of contaminated soils is vital for both ASEAN and EU. It enhances agricultural productivity, environmental conservation, and climate change mitigation aligned with sustainability goals. Collaboration can drive policy implementation, technological advancement, and economic development while supporting global environmental and socio-economic objectives. Research proposals submitted under this topic of the 2024 JFS Call may include expertise related to e.g. Bioremediation, Ecotoxicology, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Policy and Management, Geochemistry, Inorganic Absorbents, Soil Engineering & Science, Sustainable Development.


Please Note: Some funders may only participate in one or two of the topics, which is indicated with numbers after the name of each funding agency in the list below:
1= Waste water treatment and reuse (industrial & municipal) 
2= Underwater and above-water biomass farms working with renewable energy 
3= Assessment and remediation of contaminated inorganic and organic soils

  • Belgium – National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS) - 1, 2, 3
  • Brunei Darussalam University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD) - 1, 2, 3
  • Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) - 1, 2, 3
  • Indonesia - National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) - 1, 2, 3
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) - 1, 2, 3
  • Spain – Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI-E.P.E.) - 1, 2, 3
  • Switzerland – Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) - 1, 2, 3
  • Thailand – National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) - 1
  • The Philippines Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD) - 1, 3
  • Türkiye – Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBITAK) - 1, 2, 3
  • Viet Nam – Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) - 1, 2, 3

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). The projects may start at the earliest in October 2025. The starting time of project might be varied, depending on delays in internal JFS procedures or the readiness of the cooperation contract among the parties and funders.  
Within the framework of the Joint Call, the funding can in general be applied for:
•    Personnel costs;
•    Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment);
•    Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia, travel costs, living expenses and visa costs, are eligible for funding);
•    Other costs (costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to: dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs.).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to the respective National Regulations from the participating organisations. The upper funding limit usually can also be found in there. The National Regulations are available for download on the JFS website:


Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies, which all depend on the respective National Regulations as well as the eligibility criteria. 
Institutions which cannot be funded by a participating JFS funder might be included in a project consortium if they can provide their own funding / costs and if the consortium still meets the above described criteria. In this case, a Letter of Commitment must be provided attached to the project proposal to confirm his/her contribution. These institutions can be from Southeast Asia or Europe or from a different region, if in line with the National Regulations of further involved partners.
The JFS welcomes project consortia proposals related to: interdisciplinary research approaches, integrating research with humanities and social sciences, involving partners from private sectors.  

We strongly suggest that applicants discuss their intentions and confirm their proposal eligibility with their respective National Focal Points (NFPs) before submitting a proposal. The contact details of the NFPs can be found at the end of this document.


Proposals for JFS projects have to be submitted online in the PT-Outline Web Tool, which is accessible through 
During the submission phase, the web tool will be open from the publishing date of the 9th Call on 02 September 2024 until 31 January 2025, 12:00pm CEST (noon) / 05:00pm Bangkok / Jakarta time.
Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator (PC) among the respective partners who are eligible for JFS funding (partners participating on their own funding cannot be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted to PT-Outline by the PC, who is responsible on behalf of his/her project consortium. Besides, the PC is responsible to keep updated the project partners on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium, and to constitute the main contact to the Joint Call Secretariat, whenever information related to the projects are required and for monitoring purposes. All proposals must be written in English only.
Any proposal that is submitted after the above mentioned deadline cannot be accepted by the Secretariat and therefore will not be considered for evaluation.
After successful submission of the proposal, each PC receives an automatic confirmation e-mail. This e-mail can be used as proof that the proposal has been submitted on time and correctly. In case the PC is not sure whether the proposal was submitted correctly, he/she should contact the Call Secretariat immediately and/or resend the proposal via e-mail to the Call Secretariat prior to the deadline.
Please note: Some funding organisations require that applicants from their respective countries must submit a complementary proposal documents at the national level, in addition to the JFS submission. These additional requirements will be made clear in the National Regulations of the respective countries / funding organisations.

The applicant / Project Coordinator must fill in the electronic form for JFS proposals, following several steps:

1.    Register to PT-Outline.
2.    Fill the Electronic Proposal Forms: The Electronic Proposal Forms consists of four pages with the following headings: 
a.    General information
b.    Project coordinator
c.    Project Partners
d.    Project Description
3.    Download the Project Description template (Word format) from the last page of the Electronic Proposal Forms. 
4.    Beside download from PT-Outline, the Project Description template can be downloaded from here: 
5.    The Project Description template needs to be filled, and – once finished - converted into PDF format. The PDF Project Description is to be uploaded under page “d. Project Description” of the Electronic Proposal Forms in the PT-Outline. 
6.    Please watch our video tutorial about how to apply. The video is available in the Media section of the JFS Website or on YouTube:

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.
During the phase of proposal submission, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. However, please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.


The Project Description Document should contain the following information (max. number of 6,000 words excluding all Annexes):

1. Basic project data
1.1 Project title
1.2 Project Acronym
1.3 Name and institution of the Project Coordinator
1.4 Names and institutions of other project partners

2. Project description
2.1 Describe why your proposal suits the respective call thematic area.
2.2 Describe as precisely as possible the technological objectives of the project.
2.3 Explain the novel character of the activities proposed. Show how the objectives of the project aim at significant advances in the state-of-the-art through extending the current technologies and/or filling the gaps identified. 
2.4 Lay down the added-value of transnational cooperation which is implemented in your consortium.
2.5 Describe what makes up the excellence of your consortium. Describe how the teams complement each other and the added value resulting from the multilateral cooperation. Mention where there is a potential for synergy effects between different tasks of the project and how this is going to be exploited.
2.6 Describe the multi-disciplinarity / inter-disciplinarity of your proposal.
2.7 Lay down if (and how) the research project matches national priorities of the partners involved.
2.8 Self-assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation.

3. Work plan
3.1 Describe the research project with respect to the methodology; justify the methodology chosen to reach the objectives. Highlight the particular advantages of the methodology chosen.
3.2 Describe the type of activities that are implemented in your project.
3.3 Describe the distribution of tasks. What is the involvement of each partner in relation to the proposed activities? How are the resources distributed among the partners? (time plan).
3.4 Describe the management structure of your project.

4. Potential impact and exploitation of results
4.1 Describe the scientific and / or commercial expected impact for the participating countries of the project consortium and in general.
4.2 Describe whether the project has any beneficial impact on society, in particular regarding societal challenges for the participating countries of the project consortium and in general.
4.3 Describe the measures for the dissemination and./.or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property. What are the next steps?
4.4 Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership.

5. Financial Plan
The financial plan overview must be in line with the national regulations of all consortia partners, and all costs must be stated in EURO. Type of financial plan at least consists for: personnel, equipment and consumables, travel, others.  

6. Annexes
6.1 If applicable: Letter of Commitment securing willingness to collaborate provided by partners from countries which are not on the funding list for the 2024 JFS STI (9th Call) or by partners that are from a participating country but that do not meet the eligibility criteria of the funder from their country and that would like to participate at their own costs.
6.2 CVs and lists of principal publications of participating researchers (only for PC and PIs (1 per partner), 3 pages max. per CV).
Aims and methods of the proposed collaborative project should clearly demonstrate the excellence and innovativeness of the project, product or service, including the added value for Southeast Asian - European research and innovation cooperation and describe expected outcomes / marketability. The applicants must identify the TRL of the work that the project proposal is based on / starting and the TRL which is targeted at the end of the project. This self-assessment / estimation will have to be justified in brief paragraphs.
The applicant is responsible for determining whether the execution of the proposed research requires an ethical statement or license, and complies with national and international sanction rules and legislations. The applicant must ensure that the ethical statement or license is acquired in a timely manner from the relevant ethics review committee.

The evaluation process includes the following steps.
Eligibility Check
Eligibility Check for all submitted proposals is evaluated first by the Call Secretariat to ensure that they meet the following general criteria of the JFS Call:
•    Date of submission
•    Composition of consortium (2+1 basic rule)
•    Duration of project
•    Inclusion of all necessary information in English
•    Appropriate length of the proposal
•    Eligibility of the Project Coordinator
•    Eligibility of the other project partners (in case the Project Coordinator or a project partner is rejected in the eligibility check, the whole proposal might be rejected)
•    Eligible of thematic focus
•    Reflection of national priorities (if applicable)
•    Eligibility of required funding
•    Complete appendixes required

The Call Secretariat then forwards the proposals to the National Focal Points (NFPs) who should perform a check and evaluation for compliance with their respective country’s / national regulations.
Please note if the proposal does not meet the general criteria of JFS OR the national regulations OR eligibility criteria and requirements, the proposal should be declined without further review.

Peer Review
The eligible proposals then are reviewed by independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields, according to the evaluation criteria set previously in the Call. Each proposal ideally is evaluated by at least two online evaluators, one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer. The peer reviewers will be nominated by the National Focal Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation uses the following criteria:
1.    Scientific / technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
•    Sound concept, quality of objectives.
•    Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product.
•    Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan.
•    Good balance between technology / knowledge available at each participating team.
•    Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participant / participating teams.

2.    Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
•    Social and / or market related impact.
•    Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential.
•    Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience.
•    Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and / or exploitation of trans-national project results, and management of intellectual property.

3.    Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
•    Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks.
•    Added value of transnational cooperation.
•    Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment).

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarizes the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:






Scientific / technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea or product / service to be developed




Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project / marketability




Management, Transnationality and Cooperation








After the peer reviewers submitted their results, applicants are contacted and informed about the online evaluation results. At this point the applicants get the opportunity to defend their application on specific points and to provide a written statement (Rebuttal, max. 2 pages of A4 4,000 characters). 
Once the peer review and rebuttal process is finalized, the Call Secretariat sends the proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC meeting is in charge to the final ranking based on the peer review results, the rebuttal and the results of the discussion of the proposals amongst the SC members themselves. The SC members consist of internationally recognized experts offering a high degree of technical, scientific and innovation expertise in the respective research field, as well as broad experiences in international collaboration.
The final ranking list as well as the written remarks by the SC then are forwarded to the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) for the funding decision.   

Funding Decision
Based on the ranking list established and the written minutes of the SC meeting, as well as the available funding, the PSC meeting takes a final funding decision. The JFS Secretariat communicates to all PCs the final decision of their proposals.  In the case of a positive funding decision, the national funding agencies then get in touch with the individual project partner to initiate the process of setting up the funding contract. The start of funded projects is expected to begin at the earliest of October 2025.

Each project participant should submit financial and scientific reports to their national / regional funding organisations according to the requirements set by the respective national regulations / funding contract.
The JFS Call Secretariat may approach the project coordinators of funded JFS Projects to collect information about the content, progress and results of the funded projects. The project coordinator is responsible to provide the requested information in due time. In case the responsibilities within a project are changing, the JFS Call Secretariat is to be informed and updated on new contact details. 
In the case a partner decided to withdraw from a project before the completion date due to the reasons such as: discrepancies within the consortia, funding problems, changes in the strategy of organizations, technical or sudden market problems; the NFPs have to check whether the basic JFS eligibility criteria are still met and if the excellence of the project is still maintained. Therefore, all involved NFPs are to be informed as soon as possible about respective changes in the consortium. If NFPs are not informed in time or NFPs come to the conclusion that the excellence of the project cannot be maintained, the involved funding agencies may decide jointly to cease the funding for this specific project.
In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects funded through the JFS:
•    Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFS Secretariat (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
•    In any publication of results of the research for which JFS funding was awarded, the writers must mention the support received.


Call Secretariat:

Mrs. Dr. Finarya Legoh
Senior Programme Officer
Indonesian Science Fund (Dana Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia / DIPI) 
+62 852 11342556

Ms. Patchara Umprasert
Junior Programme Officer
National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) 
+66 2-564-7000 ext. 71488

National Focal Points:

Belgium, F.R.S.-FNRS
National Fund for Scientific Research

Mr. Joël, Groeneveld; ; +32 2 504 9270
Ms. Dr. Florence, Quist; ; +32 2 504 9351


Brunei Darussalam, UBD
Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Professor Dr Basilios Tsikouras; 

Czech Republic, CAS
Czech Academy of Sciences 

Ms. Julie, Smilnická;

Indonesia, BRIN
National Research and Innovation Agency

Ms. Evy Rusmanida Yanthi; / ; +62819-9000-1977


Myanmar, MoST
Ministry of Science and Technology

Ms. Dr. Thazin, Han; ; +95 9 5143712


Spain, CDTI-E.P.E.
Centre for the Development of Technology and Innovation – E.P.E. (Ministry of Science and Innovation)

Mr. Ricardo, Rubianes; ; +34 91 581 0489

Switzerland, SNSF
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Ms. Andrea, Landolt; ; +41 31 308 2319

Dr. Estelle Bruni;; +41 31 308 23 23

Thailand, NRCT
National Research Council of Thailand

Ms. Chontida, Tangnara; ; +66 (0) 2561 2445 ext. 206

Ms. Warinphak, Thananitchaiyakul; 


The Philippines, (DOST - PCIEERD) 

Department of Science and Technology (DOST) – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging
Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD)

Dr. Leah J. Buendia
Undersecretary for Research and Development
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) / 

Dr. Enrico C. Paringit
Executive Director / 


Türkiye, TÜBITAK
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBITAK)

Ms. Nazli, Öz Yıldırım; 

Mr. Alper, Mert; 

Viet Nam, MoST
Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)

Ms. Thị Tú Quyên, Vũ; ; +84 937966689

Ms. Quỳnh Trang, Trịnh; ; +84 937966689

Mr. Viết Dũng, Đinh ; ; +84 913266851


2023 STI Joint Call for Proposals: Circular Economy & Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply (8th Call)

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The 2023 STI Joint Call for Proposals: Circular Economy & Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply is now open for applications.






Type of funded projects: 

Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call Project consortia must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries fulfilling the 2+1 rule: Either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner or 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner. At least 1 partner from each region must be eligible for JFS funding. Further, the coordinator must be selected from among the partners eligible for funding. The required third partner can be funded by a funding organisation from a country participating in the JFS or bring his own funding. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of “Circular Economy” or “Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply” to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. Please read the National Regulations from the funding organisation that you are requesting funding from carefully since the National Regulations may include additional requirements, e.g. certain Technology Readiness Levels.

Deadline: 15 April 2024 12:00 (noon) CEST/ 05:00pm Bangkok/Jakarta time



1) Circular Economy: 

Circular economy approaches in science, technology and innovation (STI) have the potential to transform and rebuild European and Southeast Asian countries while at the same time maintaining and benefitting from the advantages of the existing biological and cultural diversity in both regions. With limited resources available and a continuously growing population on earth, a shift from linear to circular economy is inevitable and key for approaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), such as the sustainable use of resources and responsible production and consumption. 

The objective of the 2023 JFS Call for Proposals is to support STI projects towards sustainable-by-design approaches increasing the resource efficiency and considering secondary and renewable raw materials as the resources of the future and thereby restoring natural and biological resources, and minimizing waste.

Special relevance for the two regions of Southeast Asia and Europe have been identified in (but are not limited to) the field of the bio-circular-green economy; digital applications to support circularity; the recovery of critical raw materials, green hydrogen or methane from waste; and enhanced circularity of shipbuilding through recycling, reuse and repair. With the climate crisis being one of the most relevant global concerns nowadays, technologies towards net zero carbon emissions (carbon capture technologies and the utilisation of greenhouse gases such as CH4 or CO2 to produce synthetic fuels or fine chemicals) and the integration of agriculture (water-related projects shall not be funded, e.g. irrigation) and food security into the circular economy are also important aspects.

2) Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply: 

In the pursuit of a sustainable future, a spectrum of cutting-edge technologies converges to establish a clean, accessible, and secure energy supply. Technologies producing renewable energy such as photovoltaic cells and wind energy systems (surface-based or airborne) are crucial to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels. Other renewable energy approaches capture and convert solar heat into usable energy by high-efficiency condensed thermal solar energy systems, and innovative geothermal systems tap into Earth's heat reservoirs for consistent, green power. In terms of clean energy hydrogen technologies play an important role as an energy carrier, fuel, and chemical precursor. New-generation small modular reactor technologies present scalable and safe energy solutions. Integrated biorefineries harmonize renewable resources and industrial processes, yielding biofuels and chemicals. Autonomous energy management systems optimize energy use by intelligently coordinating different systems. Industries like steel, aluminium, cement, and power embrace green hydrogen, revolutionizing emission-heavy sectors. Concurrently, renewable energy integration into high heat treatments and combustion processes reshapes industries' energy reliance. Collectively, these innovations herald a paradigm shift toward sustainability, ensuring a cleaner, accessible, and secure energy future, pivotal in combating climate change and forging a brighter, resilient tomorrow.


The JFS wants to support integrated research approaches and specifically encourages the submission of proposals by interdisciplinary consortia including expertise from humanities and social sciences. 



(1= Circular Economy; 2= Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply)

  • Austria Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) 1,2
  • Belgium  National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.–FNRS) 1,2
  • Brunei Darussalam  University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD) 1,2
  • Bulgaria  Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF1,2
  • Cambodia   Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS1,2
  • Czech Republic  Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) 1,2
  • Germany Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology (DIKBUDRISTEK) and National Research & Innovation Agency (BRIN1,2
  • Malaysia  Universiti Malaya (UM) 1,2
  • Malaysia  Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) 1 
  • Myanmar  Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST1
  • Spain  Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI–E.P.E.1,2
  • Switzerland – Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF1,2
  • Thailand  National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) 1
  • Thailand  Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation (PMU-B1,2
  • The Philippines  – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD1,2
  • Türkiye  Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBITAK1,2


Some funders may only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with 1= Circular Economy; 2= Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply after the name of each funding agency in the list above.


Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in November 2024.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs)

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation are according to the respective National Funding Regulations from the participating organisations and can be downloaded at the end of this site.

The upper funding limit usually can also be found in the respective national regulations.


Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, and companies (all depending on National Funding Regulations). Eligibility criteria can be found in the respective National Funding Regulations.

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organisations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases by this partner confirming his contribution. Other entities may apply if the respective National Funding Regulations allow it.

The JFS welcomes the submission of project proposals by interdisciplinary project consortia. The JFS also welcomes the submission of project proposals by project consortia that involve partners from the private sector.

We strongly suggest that applicants discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Focal Points (NFP) before submitting a proposal. The details of the NFPs can be found at the end of this side.



Proposals for STI projects have to be submitted electronically using PT-Outline Web Tool, accessible through

During the submission phase, the web tool will be open from the publishing date of the Call on 01st of December 2023 until the 15th of April 2024, 12:00pm CEST (noon) / 05:00pm Bangkok/Jakarta time.

Any proposal that is submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted by the secretariat and therefore will not be considered for evaluation.

After the successful submission of the proposal, each principal coordinator will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail. This e-mail can be used as proof that the proposal was submitted on time and correctly. In case the coordinator is not sure whether the proposal was submitted correctly, he or she should contact the call secretariat immediately and/or resend the proposal via e-mail to the Joint Call Secretariat within the deadline.

Please note: Some funding organisations require that applicants from their respective countries submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the JFS application. These additional requirements will be made clear in the National Funding Regulations of the concerned countries/funding organisations.

The full Call Text in PDF format is available and can be downloaded HERE.

Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The project proposal shall be submitted by the Project Coordinator. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his / her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium, and to constitute the main contact to the Joint Call Secretariat. The project coordinator of a project receiving funding through the JFS is also the first contact point for the JFS coordinators whenever information related to the projects is required and for monitoring purposes. All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic form consists of four pages (General information, Project Coordinator, Project partners, and Project description) that need to be filled in online. In addition, a Word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled in with the requested information, converted to PDF format, and then uploaded again.

Please watch our video tutorial about how to apply in the Media section of this website or on


The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 6,000 words excl. all Annexes):


1. Basic project data

1.1 Project title

1.2 Project Acronym

1.3 Name and Institution of the Project Coordinator

1.4 Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Describe why your proposal suits the respective call thematic area.

2.2 Describe as precisely as possible the technological objectives of the project.

2.3 Explain the novel character of the activities proposed. Show how the objectives of the project aim at significant advances in the state-of-the-art through extending the current technologies and/or filling the gaps identified. 

2.4 Lay down the added value of transnational cooperation that is implemented in your consortium.

2.5 Describe what makes up the excellence of your consortium. Describe how the teams complement each other and the added value resulting from the multilateral cooperation. Mention where there is a potential for synergy effects between different tasks of the project and how this is going to be exploited.

2.6 Describe the multidisciplinarity/interdisciplinarity of your proposal.

2.7 Lay down if (and how) the research project matches the national priorities of the partners involved.

2.8 Self-assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation.


3. Work plan

3.1 Describe the research project with respect to the methodology; justify the methodology chosen to reach the objectives. Highlight the particular advantages of the methodology chosen.

3.2 Describe the type of activities that are implemented in your project.

3.3 Describe the distribution of tasks. What is the involvement of each partner in relation to the proposed activities? How are the resources distributed among the partners? (time plan).

3.4 Describe the management structure of your project.


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1 Describe the scientific and/or commercial expected impact.

4.2 Describe whether the project has any beneficial impact on society, in particular regarding societal challenges.

4.3 Describe the measures for the dissemination and./or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property. What are the next steps?

4.4 Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership.


5. Financial Plan


6. Annexes

6.1 If applicable: the Letter of Commitment securing willingness to collaborate by partners from countries that are not on the list of funding for the 2023 JFS STI Call.

6.2 CVs and lists of principal publications of participating researchers (3 pages max. per researcher).


Download the Word template HERE or on PT-Outline.

Aims and methods of the proposed collaborative project should clearly demonstrate the excellence and innovativeness of the project, product or service, including the added value for Southeast Asian - European research and innovation cooperation and describe expected outcomes/marketability. In addition, a financial plan and a time and work plan, including milestones, have to be included. All budgets will be submitted in Euros. The applicants will have to identify the TRL which is targeted at the end of the project, and the TRL of the work that the project proposal is based on. This self-assessment/estimation will have to be justified in brief paragraphs.

The applicant is responsible for determining whether the execution of the proposed research requires an ethical statement or license, and complies with national and international sanction rules and legislation. The applicant must ensure that the ethical statement or license is acquired in a timely manner from the relevant ethics review committee.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (by clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.



The evaluation process includes the following steps.


Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all proposals to ensure that they meet the following general eligibility criteria for the Call:

  • Date of submission
  • Composition of consortium (2+1 rule)
  • Duration of project
  • Inclusion of all necessary information in English
  • Appropriate length of the proposal
  • Eligibility of the Project Coordinator
  • Eligibility of the other project partners (in case the Project Coordinator or a project partner is rejected in the eligibility check, the whole proposal might be rejected)
  • Eligible thematic focus
  • Reflection of national priorities (if applicable)
  • Eligibility of required funding
  • Complete appendixes required

The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Focal Points (NFPs) who will perform a check for compliance with the respective country / national regulation.

Please note if the proposal does not meet the formal criteria / the national regulation/eligibility criteria and requirements, the proposal may be declined without further review.


Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by at least two online evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Focal Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

1. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10):

  • Sound concept, quality of objectives
  • Innovativeness of the project idea: Capacity of the project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service, or product.
  • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
  • Good balance between the technology/knowledge available at each participating team
  • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams

2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10):

  • Social and/or market-related impact
  • Potential to meet market, economic, and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
  • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnerships within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
  • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of trans-national project results, and management of intellectual property

3. Management, Transnationality, and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10):

  • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks added value of transnational cooperation
  • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment).

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarizes the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:


Criteria                                                                                                                                                      Score                Weight

1. Potential impact and expected outcomes/ marketability of product or service to be developed                        0-10                   40%

2. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the product/service to be developed                        0-10                   40%

3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation                                                                                          0-10                   20%

TOTAL                                                                                                                                                        0-10                   100%


After the peer reviewers submit their results, applicants will be contacted and informed about the online evaluation results. At this point, the applicants get the opportunity to defend their application on specific points and give a written statement (max. 2 A4 pages). 

Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC meeting is in charge of the final ranking based on the peer review results. The SC members consist of internationally recognized experts offering a high degree of technical, scientific, and innovation expertise in the respective research field, as well as broad experiences in international collaboration.

The final ranking list as well as the written remarks by the SC will be forwarded to the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) for the funding decision meeting.  


Funding Decision

Based on the ranking list established and the written minutes of the SC meeting, as well as the available funding, the PSC will make a final decision. The JCS will communicate to all project coordinators about the final decisions of their proposal together with the main comments from the SC about the proposal. In the case of a positive funding decision, the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract. The start of funded projects is expected to begin earliest November 2024.



The projects funded under the JFS will be asked to submit annual monitoring reports. Each project participant should also submit financial and scientific reports to their national/regional funding organisations according to his / her national regulations.

In the case a partner decides to withdraw from a project before the completion date, due to the reasons such as: discrepancies within the consortia, funding problems, changes in the strategy of companies, or technical or sudden market problems; the NCPs have to check whether the basic JFS eligibility criteria are still met and if the excellence of the project is still maintained. If not, the involved funding agencies may decide jointly to cease the funding for this specific project.

In addition, the following regulations will apply to all research projects that are funded through the JFS Call:

  • Publications or another form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFS Call Secretariat (publication of the results in open-access journals is strongly encouraged).
  • In any publication of results of the research for which JFS Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.



Call Secretariat:

Mrs. Dr. Finarya Legoh

Senior Programme Officer

Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI)

+62 85211342556


Ms. Patchara Umprasert

Junior Programme Officer

National Science & Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)

+66 2-564-7000 EXT. 71488


National Focal Points:


Austria, BMBWF

Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Ms. Konstanze Pirker (Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD)) 

Mr. Dorian Taylor (BMBWF) 

Belgium, FRS-FNRS

National Fund for Scientific Research

Mr. Joël Groeneveld 

+32 2 504 9270

Ms. Dr. Florence Quist  

+32 2 504 9351


Brunei Darussalam, UBD

Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Mr. Prof. Dr. Basilios Tsikouras


Bulgaria, BNSF

Bulgarian National Science Fund 

Mrs. Milena Aleksandrova

+359 884 171363


Cambodia, MoEYS

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport

Mr. Dr. Kreng Heng   



Czech Republic, CAS

Czech Academy of Sciences 

Ms. Jana Zimová

+420 221 403 417


Germany, BMBF / DLR Project Management Agency

International Bureau of BMBF at DLR Project Management Agency

Ms. Dr. Adele Clausen

+49 (0)228 38212171

Ms. Julia Sattler 

+49 (0)228 3821 2028



Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology and National Research & Innovation Agency

Ms. Dr. Ajeng Arum Sari (BRIN)

+62 811-1064-6771

Ms. Sasti Orista (BRIN)

+62 856 2555 437


Malaysia, UM

Universiti Malaya

Mr. Muhamad Firdaus Zainalabidin 

+603 7967 4654/4653/4522


Mdm.Haryana Rozana  

+603 7967 4654/4653/4522


Malaysia, UPM

Universisti Putra Malaysia

Mr. Dr. Yong-Meng Goh

+603 9769 1248


Myanmar, MoST

Ministry of Science and Technology

Ms. Dr. Thazin Han

+95 9 5143712


Spain, CDTI-E.P.E.

Centre for the Development of Technology and Innovation – E.P.E. (Ministry of Science and Innovation

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes

+34 91 581 0489


Switzerland, SNSF

Swiss National Science Foundation

Ms. Andrea Landolt

+41 31 308 24 09


Thailand, NRCT

National Research Council of Thailand

Ms. Chontida Tangnara 

+66 (0) 2561 2445 ext. 206 

Ms. Ariya Foithong 

+66 (0) 2561 2445 ext. 206 


Thailand, PMU-B

Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation

Dr. Sonthaya Chaiarwut 

+66 (0) 2109 5432 ext. 850

Ms. Nutsupar Noiparsee 

+66 (0) 2109 5432 ext. 853


The Philippines, PCIEERD

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development 

Mr. Dr. Enrico C. Paringit 

Ms. Grace F. Estillore


Türkiye, TÜBITAK

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye

Ms. Güliz Tarimci

+90 312 298 1881






Type of funded projects: 

Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call Project consortia must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries fulfilling the 2+1 rule: Either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner or 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner. At least 1 partner from each region must be eligible for JFS funding. Further, the coordinator must be selected from among the partners eligible for funding. The required third partner can be funded by a funding organisation from a country participating in the JFS or bring his own funding. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of “Circular Economy” or “Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply” to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. Please read the National Regulations from the funding organisation that you are requesting funding from carefully since the National Regulations may include additional requirements, e.g. certain Technology Readiness Levels.

Deadline: 15 April 2024 12:00 (noon) CEST/ 05:00pm Bangkok/Jakarta time



1) Circular Economy: 

Circular economy approaches in science, technology and innovation (STI) have the potential to transform and rebuild European and Southeast Asian countries while at the same time maintaining and benefitting from the advantages of the existing biological and cultural diversity in both regions. With limited resources available and a continuously growing population on earth, a shift from linear to circular economy is inevitable and key for approaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), such as the sustainable use of resources and responsible production and consumption. 

The objective of the 2023 JFS Call for Proposals is to support STI projects towards sustainable-by-design approaches increasing the resource efficiency and considering secondary and renewable raw materials as the resources of the future and thereby restoring natural and biological resources, and minimizing waste.

Special relevance for the two regions of Southeast Asia and Europe have been identified in (but are not limited to) the field of the bio-circular-green economy; digital applications to support circularity; the recovery of critical raw materials, green hydrogen or methane from waste; and enhanced circularity of shipbuilding through recycling, reuse and repair. With the climate crisis being one of the most relevant global concerns nowadays, technologies towards net zero carbon emissions (carbon capture technologies and the utilisation of greenhouse gases such as CH4 or CO2 to produce synthetic fuels or fine chemicals) and the integration of agriculture (water-related projects shall not be funded, e.g. irrigation) and food security into the circular economy are also important aspects.

2) Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply: 

In the pursuit of a sustainable future, a spectrum of cutting-edge technologies converges to establish a clean, accessible, and secure energy supply. Technologies producing renewable energy such as photovoltaic cells and wind energy systems (surface-based or airborne) are crucial to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels. Other renewable energy approaches capture and convert solar heat into usable energy by high-efficiency condensed thermal solar energy systems, and innovative geothermal systems tap into Earth's heat reservoirs for consistent, green power. In terms of clean energy hydrogen technologies play an important role as an energy carrier, fuel, and chemical precursor. New-generation small modular reactor technologies present scalable and safe energy solutions. Integrated biorefineries harmonize renewable resources and industrial processes, yielding biofuels and chemicals. Autonomous energy management systems optimize energy use by intelligently coordinating different systems. Industries like steel, aluminium, cement, and power embrace green hydrogen, revolutionizing emission-heavy sectors. Concurrently, renewable energy integration into high heat treatments and combustion processes reshapes industries' energy reliance. Collectively, these innovations herald a paradigm shift toward sustainability, ensuring a cleaner, accessible, and secure energy future, pivotal in combating climate change and forging a brighter, resilient tomorrow.


The JFS wants to support integrated research approaches and specifically encourages the submission of proposals by interdisciplinary consortia including expertise from humanities and social sciences. 



(1= Circular Economy; 2= Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply)

  • Austria Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) 1,2
  • Belgium  National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.–FNRS) 1,2
  • Brunei Darussalam  University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD) 1,2
  • Bulgaria  Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF1,2
  • Cambodia   Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS1,2
  • Czech Republic  Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) 1,2
  • Germany Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology (DIKBUDRISTEK) and National Research & Innovation Agency (BRIN1,2
  • Malaysia  Universiti Malaya (UM) 1,2
  • Malaysia  Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) 1 
  • Myanmar  Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST1
  • Spain  Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI–E.P.E.1,2
  • Switzerland – Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF1,2
  • Thailand  National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) 1
  • Thailand  Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation (PMU-B1,2
  • The Philippines  – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD1,2
  • Türkiye  Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBITAK1,2


Some funders may only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with 1= Circular Economy; 2= Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply after the name of each funding agency in the list above.


Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in November 2024.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs)

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation are according to the respective National Funding Regulations from the participating organisations and can be downloaded at the end of this site.

The upper funding limit usually can also be found in the respective national regulations.


Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, and companies (all depending on National Funding Regulations). Eligibility criteria can be found in the respective National Funding Regulations.

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organisations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases by this partner confirming his contribution. Other entities may apply if the respective National Funding Regulations allow it.

The JFS welcomes the submission of project proposals by interdisciplinary project consortia. The JFS also welcomes the submission of project proposals by project consortia that involve partners from the private sector.

We strongly suggest that applicants discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Focal Points (NFP) before submitting a proposal. The details of the NFPs can be found at the end of this side.



Proposals for STI projects have to be submitted electronically using PT-Outline Web Tool, accessible through

During the submission phase, the web tool will be open from the publishing date of the Call on 01st of December 2023 until the 15th of April 2024, 12:00pm CEST (noon) / 05:00pm Bangkok/Jakarta time.

Any proposal that is submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted by the secretariat and therefore will not be considered for evaluation.

After the successful submission of the proposal, each principal coordinator will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail. This e-mail can be used as proof that the proposal was submitted on time and correctly. In case the coordinator is not sure whether the proposal was submitted correctly, he or she should contact the call secretariat immediately and/or resend the proposal via e-mail to the Joint Call Secretariat within the deadline.

Please note: Some funding organisations require that applicants from their respective countries submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the JFS application. These additional requirements will be made clear in the National Funding Regulations of the concerned countries/funding organisations.

The full Call Text in PDF format is available and can be downloaded HERE.

Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The project proposal shall be submitted by the Project Coordinator. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his / her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium, and to constitute the main contact to the Joint Call Secretariat. The project coordinator of a project receiving funding through the JFS is also the first contact point for the JFS coordinators whenever information related to the projects is required and for monitoring purposes. All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic form consists of four pages (General information, Project Coordinator, Project partners, and Project description) that need to be filled in online. In addition, a Word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled in with the requested information, converted to PDF format, and then uploaded again.

Please watch our video tutorial about how to apply in the Media section of this website or on


The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 6,000 words excl. all Annexes):


1. Basic project data

1.1 Project title

1.2 Project Acronym

1.3 Name and Institution of the Project Coordinator

1.4 Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Describe why your proposal suits the respective call thematic area.

2.2 Describe as precisely as possible the technological objectives of the project.

2.3 Explain the novel character of the activities proposed. Show how the objectives of the project aim at significant advances in the state-of-the-art through extending the current technologies and/or filling the gaps identified. 

2.4 Lay down the added value of transnational cooperation that is implemented in your consortium.

2.5 Describe what makes up the excellence of your consortium. Describe how the teams complement each other and the added value resulting from the multilateral cooperation. Mention where there is a potential for synergy effects between different tasks of the project and how this is going to be exploited.

2.6 Describe the multidisciplinarity/interdisciplinarity of your proposal.

2.7 Lay down if (and how) the research project matches the national priorities of the partners involved.

2.8 Self-assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation.


3. Work plan

3.1 Describe the research project with respect to the methodology; justify the methodology chosen to reach the objectives. Highlight the particular advantages of the methodology chosen.

3.2 Describe the type of activities that are implemented in your project.

3.3 Describe the distribution of tasks. What is the involvement of each partner in relation to the proposed activities? How are the resources distributed among the partners? (time plan).

3.4 Describe the management structure of your project.


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1 Describe the scientific and/or commercial expected impact.

4.2 Describe whether the project has any beneficial impact on society, in particular regarding societal challenges.

4.3 Describe the measures for the dissemination and./or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property. What are the next steps?

4.4 Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership.


5. Financial Plan


6. Annexes

6.1 If applicable: the Letter of Commitment securing willingness to collaborate by partners from countries that are not on the list of funding for the 2023 JFS STI Call.

6.2 CVs and lists of principal publications of participating researchers (3 pages max. per researcher).


Download the Word template HERE or on PT-Outline.

Aims and methods of the proposed collaborative project should clearly demonstrate the excellence and innovativeness of the project, product or service, including the added value for Southeast Asian - European research and innovation cooperation and describe expected outcomes/marketability. In addition, a financial plan and a time and work plan, including milestones, have to be included. All budgets will be submitted in Euros. The applicants will have to identify the TRL which is targeted at the end of the project, and the TRL of the work that the project proposal is based on. This self-assessment/estimation will have to be justified in brief paragraphs.

The applicant is responsible for determining whether the execution of the proposed research requires an ethical statement or license, and complies with national and international sanction rules and legislation. The applicant must ensure that the ethical statement or license is acquired in a timely manner from the relevant ethics review committee.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (by clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.



The evaluation process includes the following steps.


Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all proposals to ensure that they meet the following general eligibility criteria for the Call:

  • Date of submission
  • Composition of consortium (2+1 rule)
  • Duration of project
  • Inclusion of all necessary information in English
  • Appropriate length of the proposal
  • Eligibility of the Project Coordinator
  • Eligibility of the other project partners (in case the Project Coordinator or a project partner is rejected in the eligibility check, the whole proposal might be rejected)
  • Eligible thematic focus
  • Reflection of national priorities (if applicable)
  • Eligibility of required funding
  • Complete appendixes required

The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Focal Points (NFPs) who will perform a check for compliance with the respective country / national regulation.

Please note if the proposal does not meet the formal criteria / the national regulation/eligibility criteria and requirements, the proposal may be declined without further review.


Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by at least two online evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Focal Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

1. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10):

  • Sound concept, quality of objectives
  • Innovativeness of the project idea: Capacity of the project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service, or product.
  • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
  • Good balance between the technology/knowledge available at each participating team
  • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams

2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10):

  • Social and/or market-related impact
  • Potential to meet market, economic, and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
  • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnerships within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
  • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of trans-national project results, and management of intellectual property

3. Management, Transnationality, and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10):

  • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks added value of transnational cooperation
  • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment).

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarizes the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:


Criteria                                                                                                                                                      Score                Weight

1. Potential impact and expected outcomes/ marketability of product or service to be developed                        0-10                   40%

2. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the product/service to be developed                        0-10                   40%

3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation                                                                                          0-10                   20%

TOTAL                                                                                                                                                        0-10                   100%


After the peer reviewers submit their results, applicants will be contacted and informed about the online evaluation results. At this point, the applicants get the opportunity to defend their application on specific points and give a written statement (max. 2 A4 pages). 

Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC meeting is in charge of the final ranking based on the peer review results. The SC members consist of internationally recognized experts offering a high degree of technical, scientific, and innovation expertise in the respective research field, as well as broad experiences in international collaboration.

The final ranking list as well as the written remarks by the SC will be forwarded to the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) for the funding decision meeting.  


Funding Decision

Based on the ranking list established and the written minutes of the SC meeting, as well as the available funding, the PSC will make a final decision. The JCS will communicate to all project coordinators about the final decisions of their proposal together with the main comments from the SC about the proposal. In the case of a positive funding decision, the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract. The start of funded projects is expected to begin earliest November 2024.



The projects funded under the JFS will be asked to submit annual monitoring reports. Each project participant should also submit financial and scientific reports to their national/regional funding organisations according to his / her national regulations.

In the case a partner decides to withdraw from a project before the completion date, due to the reasons such as: discrepancies within the consortia, funding problems, changes in the strategy of companies, or technical or sudden market problems; the NCPs have to check whether the basic JFS eligibility criteria are still met and if the excellence of the project is still maintained. If not, the involved funding agencies may decide jointly to cease the funding for this specific project.

In addition, the following regulations will apply to all research projects that are funded through the JFS Call:

  • Publications or another form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFS Call Secretariat (publication of the results in open-access journals is strongly encouraged).
  • In any publication of results of the research for which JFS Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.



Call Secretariat:

Mrs. Dr. Finarya Legoh

Senior Programme Officer

Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI)

+62 85211342556


Ms. Patchara Umprasert

Junior Programme Officer

National Science & Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)

+66 2-564-7000 EXT. 71488


National Focal Points:


Austria, BMBWF

Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Ms. Konstanze Pirker (Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD)) 

Mr. Dorian Taylor (BMBWF) 

Belgium, FRS-FNRS

National Fund for Scientific Research

Mr. Joël Groeneveld 

+32 2 504 9270

Ms. Dr. Florence Quist  

+32 2 504 9351


Brunei Darussalam, UBD

Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Mr. Prof. Dr. Basilios Tsikouras


Bulgaria, BNSF

Bulgarian National Science Fund 

Mrs. Milena Aleksandrova

+359 884 171363


Cambodia, MoEYS

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport

Mr. Dr. Kreng Heng   



Czech Republic, CAS

Czech Academy of Sciences 

Ms. Jana Zimová

+420 221 403 417


Germany, BMBF / DLR Project Management Agency

International Bureau of BMBF at DLR Project Management Agency

Ms. Dr. Adele Clausen

+49 (0)228 38212171

Ms. Julia Sattler 

+49 (0)228 3821 2028



Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology and National Research & Innovation Agency

Ms. Dr. Ajeng Arum Sari (BRIN)

+62 811-1064-6771

Ms. Sasti Orista (BRIN)

+62 856 2555 437


Malaysia, UM

Universiti Malaya

Mr. Muhamad Firdaus Zainalabidin 

+603 7967 4654/4653/4522


Mdm.Haryana Rozana  

+603 7967 4654/4653/4522


Malaysia, UPM

Universisti Putra Malaysia

Mr. Dr. Yong-Meng Goh

+603 9769 1248


Myanmar, MoST

Ministry of Science and Technology

Ms. Dr. Thazin Han

+95 9 5143712


Spain, CDTI-E.P.E.

Centre for the Development of Technology and Innovation – E.P.E. (Ministry of Science and Innovation

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes

+34 91 581 0489


Switzerland, SNSF

Swiss National Science Foundation

Ms. Andrea Landolt

+41 31 308 24 09


Thailand, NRCT

National Research Council of Thailand

Ms. Chontida Tangnara 

+66 (0) 2561 2445 ext. 206 

Ms. Ariya Foithong 

+66 (0) 2561 2445 ext. 206 


Thailand, PMU-B

Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation

Dr. Sonthaya Chaiarwut 

+66 (0) 2109 5432 ext. 850

Ms. Nutsupar Noiparsee 

+66 (0) 2109 5432 ext. 853


The Philippines, PCIEERD

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development 

Mr. Dr. Enrico C. Paringit 

Ms. Grace F. Estillore


Türkiye, TÜBITAK

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye

Ms. Güliz Tarimci

+90 312 298 1881

2021 STI Joint Call for Proposals: Sustainable Food Production and Climate Change: Resilience & Adaptation (7th Call) (CLOSED)

Posted on
(CLOSED) The 2021 STI Joint Call for Proposals: Sustainable Food Production and Climate Change: Resilience & Adaptation is now open for applications.





Type of funded projects:

Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call Project consortia must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries fulfilling the 2+1 rule: Either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner or 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner. At least 1 partner from each region must be eligible for JFS funding. Further, the coordinator must be selected from among the partners eligible for funding. The required third partner can be funded by a funding organization from a country participating in the JFS or bring his own funding. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of “Sustainable Food Production” or “Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation” to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. Please read the National Regulations from the funding organization that you are requesting funding from carefully since the National Regulations may include additional requirements, e.g. certain Technology Readiness Levels.

Deadline: 15 October 2021 12:00 (noon) CEST/ 05:00 pm Bangkok time



Thematic Areas

1) Sustainable Food Production:

Food production is an important economic factor in Southeast Asia and Europe with both regions relying on import and export. For example: 90% of all world aquaculture production is based in Asia and Europe imports close to 70% of its seafood from Southeast Asia. Joining forces hence is of economic interest of both regions. At the same time, cooperation of both regions in sustainable food production can contribute to fight global hunger and poverty and reduce related conflicts.

The objective of the 7th JFS Call for Proposals is to support STI projects towards high quality, affordable and sustainable food production along the whole agri-food chain (production, harvesting, processing, transport and distribution). Innovative food technologies such as the application of nanotechnologies will remain a key factor of competitiveness, jobs, sustainable growth and social progress in both regions. Besides technological innovations, new societal or logistical approaches optimizing a sustainable food production chain may be researched.

2) Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation:

Climate change affects everyone at all levels, from global to local, but not to the same extent or scale. The ASEAN region is among the most vulnerable regions in the world, with long and heavily populated coastlines and heavy reliance on agriculture for livelihood, especially for a large segment of population living below the poverty line. Climate change originating from human civilizations from all over the globe has exacerbated water shortages in many areas, constraining agricultural production and threatening food security, causing forest fires and degradation, damaging coastal and marine resources, and increasing the risk of outbreaks of infectious diseases. Heat waves, droughts, floods, and tropical cyclones have also become more intense and frequent in many parts of the region, causing extensive damage to property, assets, human life, health and wellbeing, and the environment. A central aspect of these climate risks are the effects on social and environmental determinants of health – clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and secure shelter. The 7th JFS Call aims at funding activities that join STI forces in Southeast Asia and Europe to cope with the above-mentioned impacts of climate change, help to adapt and increase resilience.



(1= Sustainable Food Production; 2= Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation)

  • Belgium – National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS1,2
  • Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD2
  • Bulgaria – Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF1,2
  • Cambodia – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS1,2
  • Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) 1,2
  • Germany  Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 2
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research & Innovation Agency (RISTEK/BRIN1,2
  • Lao PDR  Ministry of Education and Sports, Cabinet of Lao Academy of Science (MOES1,2
  • Malaysia – University of Malaya (UM) 1,2
  • Malaysia – Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) 1,2
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MOE1
  • Netherlands – Dutch Research Council (NWO) 1,2
  • Philippines – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) 2
  • Philippines – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Rsearch and Development (PCIEERD2
  • Spain – Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) 1,2
  • Switzerland Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) 1,2
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency/Program Management Unit – Brain Power (NSTDA/PMU-B1,2
  • Turkey – Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK1,2



Some funders may only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with 1= Sustainable Food Production; 2= Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation after the name of each funding agency in the list above.

At the bottom of this page you can find all National Regulations for download. 


Scope of the projects:

Funding will typically be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in June 2022.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs)



The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to the respective National Funding Regulations from the participating organizations and can be downloaded at the end of this site.

The upper funding limit usually can also be found in the respective national regulations.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on National Funding Regulations). Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective National Funding Regulations.

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organizations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases by this partner confirming his contribution. Other entities may apply if the respective National Funding Regulations allow it.

The JFS welcomes the submission of project proposals by interdisciplinary project consortia. The JFS also welcomes the submission of project proposals by project consortia that involve partners from the private sector.

We strongly suggest that applicants discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point (NCP) before submitting a proposal. The details of the NCPs can be found at the end of this side.



Proposals for STI projects have to be submitted electronically using PT-Outline Web Tool, accessible through

During the submission phase, the web tool will be open from the publishing date of the Call on 15 June 2021 until October 15th 2021, 12:00pm CEST (noon) / 05:00pm Bangkok/Jakarta time.


Any proposal that is submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted by the secretariat and therefore will not be considered for evaluation.

After successful submission of the proposal, each principal coordinator will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail. This e-mail can be used as proof that the proposal was submitted on time and correctly. In case the coordinator is not sure whether the proposal was submitted correctly, he or she should contact the call secretariat immediately and/or resend the proposal via e-mail to the Joint Call Secretariat within the deadline.

Please note: Some funding organizations require that applicants from their respective countries submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the JFS application. These additional requirements will be made clear in the National Funding Regulations of the concerned countries / funding organization.


The full Call Text in PDF format is available and can be downloaded here.


Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The project proposal shall be submitted by the Project Coordinator. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his / her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact to the Joint Call Secretariat. The project coordinator of a project receiving funding through the JFS is also the first contact point for the JFS coordinators whenever information related to the projects are required and for monitoring purposes. All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic form consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.


Please watch our video tutorial about how to apply in the Media section of this website or on


The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 6,000 words excl. all Annexes):


1. Basic project data

1.1 Project title

1.2 Project Acronym

1.3 Name and institution of the Project Coordinator

1.4 Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Describe why your proposal suits the respective call thematic area.

2.2 Describe as precisely as possible the technological objectives of the project.

2.3 Explain the novel character of the activities proposed. Show how the objectives of the project aim at significant advances in the state-of-the-art through extending the current technologies and/or filling the gaps identified.

2.4 Lay down the added-value of transnational cooperation which is implemented in your consortium.

2.5 Describe what makes up the excellence of your consortium. Describe how the teams complement each other and the added value resulting from the multilateral cooperation. Mention where there is a potential for synergy effects between different tasks of the project and how this is going to be exploited.

2.6 Describe the multidisciplinarity / interdisiplinarity of your proposal.

2.7 Lay down if (and how) the research project matches national priorities of the partners involved.

2.8 Self-assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation


3. Work plan

3.1 Describe the research project with respect to the methodology; justify the methodology chosen to reach the objectives. Highlight the particular advantages of the methodology chosen.

3.2 Describe the type of activities that are implemented in your project.

3.3 Describe the distribution of tasks. What is the involvement of each partner in relation to the proposed activities? How are the resources distributed among the partners? (time plan).

3.4 Describe the management structure of your project.


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1 Describe the scientific and / or commercial expected impact.

4.2 Describe whether the project has any beneficial impact on society, in particular regarding societal challenges.

4.3 Describe the measures for the dissemination and./.or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property. What are the next steps?

4.4 Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership.


5. Financial Plan


6. Annexes

6.1 If applicable: the Letter of Commitment securing willingness to collaborate by partners from countries which are not on the list of funding for the JFS 7th Call.

6.2 CVs and lists of principal publications of participating researchers (3 pages max. per researcher).


Aims and methods of the proposed collaborative project should clearly demonstrate the excellence and innovativeness of the project, product or service, including the added value for Southeast Asian - European research and innovation cooperation and describe expected outcomes / marketability. In addition, a financial plan and a time and work-plan, including milestones, have to be included. All budgets will be submitted in Euros. The applicants will have to identify the TRL which is targeted at the end of the project, and the TRL of the work that the project proposal is based on. This self-assessment / estimation will have to be justified in brief paragraphs.

The applicant is responsible for determining whether the execution of the proposed research requires an ethical statement or license, and complies with national and international sanction rules and legislation. The applicant must ensure that the ethical statement or license is acquired in a timely manner from the relevant ethics review committee.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.



The evaluation process includes the following steps.


Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all proposals to ensure that they meet the following general eligibility criteria of the Call:

  • Date of submission
  • Composition of consortium (2+1 rule)
  • Duration of project
  • Inclusion of all necessary information in English
  • Appropriate length of the proposal
  • Eligibility of the Project Coordinator
  • Eligibility of the other project partners (in case the Project Coordinator or a project partner is rejected in the eligibility check, the whole proposal might be rejected)
  • Eligible thematic focus
  • Reflection of national priorities (if applicable)
  • Eligibility of required funding
  • Complete appendixes required


The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points (NCPs) who will perform a check for compliance of the respective country / national regulation.

Please note if the proposal does not meet the formal criteria / the national regulation / eligibility criteria and requirements, the proposal may be declined without further review.


Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by at least two online evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  • Scientific / technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept, quality of objectives
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: Capacity of the project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product.
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology / knowledge available at each participating team
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams


  • Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Social and / or market related impact
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and / or exploitation of trans-national project results, and management of intellectual property


  • Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment).


The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarizes the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:


Criteria                                                                                                                                                               Score        Weight

1. Scientific / Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea or product / service to be developed       0-10           40%

2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project / marketability                                                                  0-10           40%

3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation                                                                                                   0-10           20%

TOTAL                                                                                                                                                                 0-10          100%


After the peer reviewers submitted their results, applicants will be contacted and informed about the online evaluation results. At this point the applicants get the opportunity to defend their application on specific points and give a written statement (max. 2 A4 pages).

Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC meeting is in charge to the final ranking based on the peer review results. The SC members consist of internationally recognized experts offering a high degree of technical, scientific and innovation expertise in the respective research field, as well as broad experiences in international collaboration.

The final ranking list as well as the written remarks by the SC will be forwarded to the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) for the funding decision meeting.  


Funding Decision

Based on the ranking list established and the written minutes of the SC meeting, as well as the available funding, the PSC will take a final decision. The JCS will communicate to all project coordinators about the final decisions of their proposal together with the main comments from the SC about the proposal. In the case of a positive funding decision, the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract. The start of funded projects is expected to begin no later than July 2022.



The projects funded under the JFS will be asked to submit annual monitoring reports. Each project participant should also submit financial and scientific reports to their national / regional funding organisations according to his / her national regulations.

In the case a partner decided to withdraw from a project before the completion date, due to the reasons such as: discrepancies within the consortia, funding problems, changes in the strategy of companies, technical or sudden market problems; the NCPs have to check whether the basic JFS eligibility criteria are still met and if the excellence of the project is still maintained. If not, the involved funding agencies may decide jointly to cease the funding for this specific project.


In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects that are funded through the JFS Call:

  • Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFS Call Secretariat (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
  • In any publication of results of the research for which JFS Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.




Call Secretariat:


Mrs. Dr. Finarya Legoh

Senior Programme Officer

Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI)

+62 85211342556


Ms. Patchara Umprasert

Junior Programme Officer

National Science & Technology Agency (NSTDA)

+66 2-564-7000 EXT. 71488




National Contact Points:


Belgium, FRS-FNRS

National Fund for Scientific Research

Mr. Joel Groeneveld 

+32 2 504 9270

Ms. Dr. Florence Quist  

+32 2 504 9351


Brunei Darussalam, UBD

Centre for Advanced Material & Energy Sciences

Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)

Ms. Dr. Rosnah Abdullah

+673 2460922 ext 1323


Bulgaria, BNSF

Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)

Ms. Milena Aleksandrova

+359 884 171363



Director of Department of Scientific Research

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia

Mr. Dr. Kreng Heng   



Czech Republic, CAS

Division of International Cooperation

Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Ms. Alena Žochová

+420 221 403566


Germany, BMBF / DLR Project Management Agency

International Bureau of BMBF at DLR Project Management Agency

Ms. Dr. Adele Clausen

+49 (0)228 38212171


Indonesia, RISTEK / BRIN

Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency

Mr. Adhi Indra Hermanu

+62 878 8444 3878



Ministry of Education and Sports, Cabinet of Lao Academy of Science

Mr. Soutthiphong Vongxaiya

Mr. Vongthong Xayyapheth


Malaysia, UM

University of Malaya

Ms. Dr. Tan Hsiao Wei

Ms. Shaliza Ibrahim


Malaysia, UPM

Universisti Putra Malaysia

Mr. Dr. Yong-Meng Goh

+603 9769 1248

+603 9769 3404


Myanmar, MOE

Department of Research and Innovation

Ministry of Education (MOE)

Ms. Dr. Thazin Han

+95 9 5143712


Netherlands, NWO

Dutch Research Council

Ms. Dr. Arina Schrier

Ms. Maaike Spiekerman

+31 (0)30 600 12 11 

+31 (0)70 349 4094


Philippines, PCHRD

Philippine Council for Health Research and Development

Mr. Paul Ernest N. De Leon

Chief, R&D Management Division

Mr. Vincent John H. Tumlos

Planning & International Collaboration Officer


Philippines, PCIEERD

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development 

Mr. Dr. Enrico C. Paringit 

Ms. Grace F. Estillore


 Spain, CDTI-EPE

Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology - EPE

Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes

 +34 91 581 0489

Mr. Adrián Gutiérrez

+91 11 4129 3000


Switzerland, SNSF

Interdisciplinary and International Co-operation (InterCo)

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Ms. Andrea Landolt

+41 31 308 24 09


Thailand, NSTDA

National Science & Technology Cooperation Agency (NSTDA)

International Relations Officer

Ms. Arpawan Jantaravipark

+66 2 564 7000 ext. 71487


Thailand, PMU-B

Program Management Unit – Brain Power

Mrs. Dr. Kanyawim Kirtikara

Ms. Dr. Nopparat Wanitsuksombut

+66 (0) 2470 7903



Department of International Cooperation

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)

Ms. Dr. Guliz Sutcu

+90 312 298 1759





Type of funded projects:

Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call Project consortia must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries fulfilling the 2+1 rule: Either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner or 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner. At least 1 partner from each region must be eligible for JFS funding. Further, the coordinator must be selected from among the partners eligible for funding. The required third partner can be funded by a funding organization from a country participating in the JFS or bring his own funding. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of “Sustainable Food Production” or “Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation” to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. Please read the National Regulations from the funding organization that you are requesting funding from carefully since the National Regulations may include additional requirements, e.g. certain Technology Readiness Levels.

Deadline: 15 October 2021 12:00 (noon) CEST/ 05:00 pm Bangkok time



Thematic Areas

1) Sustainable Food Production:

Food production is an important economic factor in Southeast Asia and Europe with both regions relying on import and export. For example: 90% of all world aquaculture production is based in Asia and Europe imports close to 70% of its seafood from Southeast Asia. Joining forces hence is of economic interest of both regions. At the same time, cooperation of both regions in sustainable food production can contribute to fight global hunger and poverty and reduce related conflicts.

The objective of the 7th JFS Call for Proposals is to support STI projects towards high quality, affordable and sustainable food production along the whole agri-food chain (production, harvesting, processing, transport and distribution). Innovative food technologies such as the application of nanotechnologies will remain a key factor of competitiveness, jobs, sustainable growth and social progress in both regions. Besides technological innovations, new societal or logistical approaches optimizing a sustainable food production chain may be researched.

2) Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation:

Climate change affects everyone at all levels, from global to local, but not to the same extent or scale. The ASEAN region is among the most vulnerable regions in the world, with long and heavily populated coastlines and heavy reliance on agriculture for livelihood, especially for a large segment of population living below the poverty line. Climate change originating from human civilizations from all over the globe has exacerbated water shortages in many areas, constraining agricultural production and threatening food security, causing forest fires and degradation, damaging coastal and marine resources, and increasing the risk of outbreaks of infectious diseases. Heat waves, droughts, floods, and tropical cyclones have also become more intense and frequent in many parts of the region, causing extensive damage to property, assets, human life, health and wellbeing, and the environment. A central aspect of these climate risks are the effects on social and environmental determinants of health – clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and secure shelter. The 7th JFS Call aims at funding activities that join STI forces in Southeast Asia and Europe to cope with the above-mentioned impacts of climate change, help to adapt and increase resilience.



(1= Sustainable Food Production; 2= Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation)

  • Belgium – National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS1,2
  • Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD2
  • Bulgaria – Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF1,2
  • Cambodia – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS1,2
  • Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) 1,2
  • Germany  Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 2
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research & Innovation Agency (RISTEK/BRIN1,2
  • Lao PDR  Ministry of Education and Sports, Cabinet of Lao Academy of Science (MOES1,2
  • Malaysia – University of Malaya (UM) 1,2
  • Malaysia – Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) 1,2
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MOE1
  • Netherlands – Dutch Research Council (NWO) 1,2
  • Philippines – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) 2
  • Philippines – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Rsearch and Development (PCIEERD2
  • Spain – Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) 1,2
  • Switzerland Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) 1,2
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency/Program Management Unit – Brain Power (NSTDA/PMU-B1,2
  • Turkey – Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK1,2



Some funders may only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with 1= Sustainable Food Production; 2= Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation after the name of each funding agency in the list above.

At the bottom of this page you can find all National Regulations for download. 


Scope of the projects:

Funding will typically be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in June 2022.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs)



The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to the respective National Funding Regulations from the participating organizations and can be downloaded at the end of this site.

The upper funding limit usually can also be found in the respective national regulations.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on National Funding Regulations). Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective National Funding Regulations.

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organizations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases by this partner confirming his contribution. Other entities may apply if the respective National Funding Regulations allow it.

The JFS welcomes the submission of project proposals by interdisciplinary project consortia. The JFS also welcomes the submission of project proposals by project consortia that involve partners from the private sector.

We strongly suggest that applicants discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point (NCP) before submitting a proposal. The details of the NCPs can be found at the end of this side.



Proposals for STI projects have to be submitted electronically using PT-Outline Web Tool, accessible through

During the submission phase, the web tool will be open from the publishing date of the Call on 15 June 2021 until October 15th 2021, 12:00pm CEST (noon) / 05:00pm Bangkok/Jakarta time.


Any proposal that is submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted by the secretariat and therefore will not be considered for evaluation.

After successful submission of the proposal, each principal coordinator will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail. This e-mail can be used as proof that the proposal was submitted on time and correctly. In case the coordinator is not sure whether the proposal was submitted correctly, he or she should contact the call secretariat immediately and/or resend the proposal via e-mail to the Joint Call Secretariat within the deadline.

Please note: Some funding organizations require that applicants from their respective countries submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the JFS application. These additional requirements will be made clear in the National Funding Regulations of the concerned countries / funding organization.


The full Call Text in PDF format is available and can be downloaded here.


Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The project proposal shall be submitted by the Project Coordinator. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his / her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact to the Joint Call Secretariat. The project coordinator of a project receiving funding through the JFS is also the first contact point for the JFS coordinators whenever information related to the projects are required and for monitoring purposes. All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic form consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.


Please watch our video tutorial about how to apply in the Media section of this website or on


The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 6,000 words excl. all Annexes):


1. Basic project data

1.1 Project title

1.2 Project Acronym

1.3 Name and institution of the Project Coordinator

1.4 Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Describe why your proposal suits the respective call thematic area.

2.2 Describe as precisely as possible the technological objectives of the project.

2.3 Explain the novel character of the activities proposed. Show how the objectives of the project aim at significant advances in the state-of-the-art through extending the current technologies and/or filling the gaps identified.

2.4 Lay down the added-value of transnational cooperation which is implemented in your consortium.

2.5 Describe what makes up the excellence of your consortium. Describe how the teams complement each other and the added value resulting from the multilateral cooperation. Mention where there is a potential for synergy effects between different tasks of the project and how this is going to be exploited.

2.6 Describe the multidisciplinarity / interdisiplinarity of your proposal.

2.7 Lay down if (and how) the research project matches national priorities of the partners involved.

2.8 Self-assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation


3. Work plan

3.1 Describe the research project with respect to the methodology; justify the methodology chosen to reach the objectives. Highlight the particular advantages of the methodology chosen.

3.2 Describe the type of activities that are implemented in your project.

3.3 Describe the distribution of tasks. What is the involvement of each partner in relation to the proposed activities? How are the resources distributed among the partners? (time plan).

3.4 Describe the management structure of your project.


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1 Describe the scientific and / or commercial expected impact.

4.2 Describe whether the project has any beneficial impact on society, in particular regarding societal challenges.

4.3 Describe the measures for the dissemination and./.or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property. What are the next steps?

4.4 Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership.


5. Financial Plan


6. Annexes

6.1 If applicable: the Letter of Commitment securing willingness to collaborate by partners from countries which are not on the list of funding for the JFS 7th Call.

6.2 CVs and lists of principal publications of participating researchers (3 pages max. per researcher).


Aims and methods of the proposed collaborative project should clearly demonstrate the excellence and innovativeness of the project, product or service, including the added value for Southeast Asian - European research and innovation cooperation and describe expected outcomes / marketability. In addition, a financial plan and a time and work-plan, including milestones, have to be included. All budgets will be submitted in Euros. The applicants will have to identify the TRL which is targeted at the end of the project, and the TRL of the work that the project proposal is based on. This self-assessment / estimation will have to be justified in brief paragraphs.

The applicant is responsible for determining whether the execution of the proposed research requires an ethical statement or license, and complies with national and international sanction rules and legislation. The applicant must ensure that the ethical statement or license is acquired in a timely manner from the relevant ethics review committee.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.



The evaluation process includes the following steps.


Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all proposals to ensure that they meet the following general eligibility criteria of the Call:

  • Date of submission
  • Composition of consortium (2+1 rule)
  • Duration of project
  • Inclusion of all necessary information in English
  • Appropriate length of the proposal
  • Eligibility of the Project Coordinator
  • Eligibility of the other project partners (in case the Project Coordinator or a project partner is rejected in the eligibility check, the whole proposal might be rejected)
  • Eligible thematic focus
  • Reflection of national priorities (if applicable)
  • Eligibility of required funding
  • Complete appendixes required


The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points (NCPs) who will perform a check for compliance of the respective country / national regulation.

Please note if the proposal does not meet the formal criteria / the national regulation / eligibility criteria and requirements, the proposal may be declined without further review.


Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by at least two online evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  • Scientific / technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept, quality of objectives
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: Capacity of the project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product.
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology / knowledge available at each participating team
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams


  • Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Social and / or market related impact
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and / or exploitation of trans-national project results, and management of intellectual property


  • Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment).


The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarizes the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:


Criteria                                                                                                                                                               Score        Weight

1. Scientific / Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea or product / service to be developed       0-10           40%

2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project / marketability                                                                  0-10           40%

3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation                                                                                                   0-10           20%

TOTAL                                                                                                                                                                 0-10          100%


After the peer reviewers submitted their results, applicants will be contacted and informed about the online evaluation results. At this point the applicants get the opportunity to defend their application on specific points and give a written statement (max. 2 A4 pages).

Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC meeting is in charge to the final ranking based on the peer review results. The SC members consist of internationally recognized experts offering a high degree of technical, scientific and innovation expertise in the respective research field, as well as broad experiences in international collaboration.

The final ranking list as well as the written remarks by the SC will be forwarded to the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) for the funding decision meeting.  


Funding Decision

Based on the ranking list established and the written minutes of the SC meeting, as well as the available funding, the PSC will take a final decision. The JCS will communicate to all project coordinators about the final decisions of their proposal together with the main comments from the SC about the proposal. In the case of a positive funding decision, the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract. The start of funded projects is expected to begin no later than July 2022.



The projects funded under the JFS will be asked to submit annual monitoring reports. Each project participant should also submit financial and scientific reports to their national / regional funding organisations according to his / her national regulations.

In the case a partner decided to withdraw from a project before the completion date, due to the reasons such as: discrepancies within the consortia, funding problems, changes in the strategy of companies, technical or sudden market problems; the NCPs have to check whether the basic JFS eligibility criteria are still met and if the excellence of the project is still maintained. If not, the involved funding agencies may decide jointly to cease the funding for this specific project.


In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects that are funded through the JFS Call:

  • Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFS Call Secretariat (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
  • In any publication of results of the research for which JFS Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.




Call Secretariat:


Mrs. Dr. Finarya Legoh

Senior Programme Officer

Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI)

+62 85211342556


Ms. Patchara Umprasert

Junior Programme Officer

National Science & Technology Agency (NSTDA)

+66 2-564-7000 EXT. 71488




National Contact Points:


Belgium, FRS-FNRS

National Fund for Scientific Research

Mr. Joel Groeneveld 

+32 2 504 9270

Ms. Dr. Florence Quist  

+32 2 504 9351


Brunei Darussalam, UBD

Centre for Advanced Material & Energy Sciences

Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)

Ms. Dr. Rosnah Abdullah

+673 2460922 ext 1323


Bulgaria, BNSF

Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)

Ms. Milena Aleksandrova

+359 884 171363



Director of Department of Scientific Research

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia

Mr. Dr. Kreng Heng   



Czech Republic, CAS

Division of International Cooperation

Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Ms. Alena Žochová

+420 221 403566


Germany, BMBF / DLR Project Management Agency

International Bureau of BMBF at DLR Project Management Agency

Ms. Dr. Adele Clausen

+49 (0)228 38212171


Indonesia, RISTEK / BRIN

Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency

Mr. Adhi Indra Hermanu

+62 878 8444 3878



Ministry of Education and Sports, Cabinet of Lao Academy of Science

Mr. Soutthiphong Vongxaiya

Mr. Vongthong Xayyapheth


Malaysia, UM

University of Malaya

Ms. Dr. Tan Hsiao Wei

Ms. Shaliza Ibrahim


Malaysia, UPM

Universisti Putra Malaysia

Mr. Dr. Yong-Meng Goh

+603 9769 1248

+603 9769 3404


Myanmar, MOE

Department of Research and Innovation

Ministry of Education (MOE)

Ms. Dr. Thazin Han

+95 9 5143712


Netherlands, NWO

Dutch Research Council

Ms. Dr. Arina Schrier

Ms. Maaike Spiekerman

+31 (0)30 600 12 11 

+31 (0)70 349 4094


Philippines, PCHRD

Philippine Council for Health Research and Development

Mr. Paul Ernest N. De Leon

Chief, R&D Management Division

Mr. Vincent John H. Tumlos

Planning & International Collaboration Officer


Philippines, PCIEERD

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development 

Mr. Dr. Enrico C. Paringit 

Ms. Grace F. Estillore


 Spain, CDTI-EPE

Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology - EPE

Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes

 +34 91 581 0489

Mr. Adrián Gutiérrez

+91 11 4129 3000


Switzerland, SNSF

Interdisciplinary and International Co-operation (InterCo)

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Ms. Andrea Landolt

+41 31 308 24 09


Thailand, NSTDA

National Science & Technology Cooperation Agency (NSTDA)

International Relations Officer

Ms. Arpawan Jantaravipark

+66 2 564 7000 ext. 71487


Thailand, PMU-B

Program Management Unit – Brain Power

Mrs. Dr. Kanyawim Kirtikara

Ms. Dr. Nopparat Wanitsuksombut

+66 (0) 2470 7903



Department of International Cooperation

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)

Ms. Dr. Guliz Sutcu

+90 312 298 1759

2020 Innovation Joint Call for Proposals: Digital Health (Incl. Infectious Diseases) and Bioeconomy (Incl. Application of ICT-Based Technologies) (CLOSED)

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(CLOSED) The 2020 Innovation Joint Call for Proposals: Digital Health (Incl. Infectious Diseases) and Bioeconomy (Incl. Application of ICT-Based Technologies) is now open for applications





Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries (either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner or 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Digital Health (including Infectious Diseases) or Bioeconomy (including Application of ICT-based Technologies), to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. The 2020 Innovation Call aims to support projects with a strong application focus and the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) that the project begins at should at least be 3[1].  

Extended Deadline: 15th of January 2021 12:00 (noon) CET/ 18:00 Jakarta time (CLOSED)

****The deadline that was originally set on the 16th of November has now been extended to the the 15th of January 2021!****


1) Digital Health (including Infectious Diseases)

Cooperation on infectious diseases of health related research between European and Southeast Asia countries is proven strong in both regions. Nonetheless, major obstacles exist to overcome the existing and increasing global health challenges including the need for a deeper understanding of diseases pathology and the socio-economic causes of the diseases and linked effectiveness of health intervention. Moreover, a crucial collaboration is emerged in the area of COVID-19 as the whole world is affected by the outbreak situation and require actions to which it can contribute. Those can be covered under the thematic area of Digital Health.

Digital health is the convergence and use of modern digital technologies and services to enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery and make medicines more personalized and precise. It would offer more innovative ways for monitoring health and well-being. These technologies include but are not limited to, telemedicine, mobile phones and applications, wearable devices, remote monitoring sensors. It also involves the development of interconnected health systems to improve the use of computational technologies, smart devices, computational analysis techniques and communication media to support healthcare professionals and patients manage illnesses and health risks, as well as promote health and well-being.


2) Bioeconomy (including Application of ICT-based Technologies)

The Bioeconomy comprises those parts of the economy that use renewable biological resources from land and sea – such as crops, forests, fish, animals, and micro-organisms – to produce food, materials, and energy. Bioeconomy is a top-priority on the research agendas of the EU and ASEAN countries.

In addition to Bioeconomy issues, ICT is a crucial instrument for finding scalable and sustainable solutions. In the EU-STI Roadmap, pilots will be launched for innovative service creation based on existing technologies, with a focus on the participation of relevant innovation stakeholders from developing countries, including end-user community representatives (ICT-39-2016-2017: International partnership building in low and middle income countries in WP 2016-2017). There is interest to work on innovative service creation based on existing technologies, with focus on involving all stakeholders especially end-user community representatives, e.g. through innovation hubs and “Living Labs”.

This has been translated in the ICT Work- Programme 2016-2017 with a call for "partnerships with low and middle income countries" with ASEAN being one of the regions targeted and a total budget of €13 million. It calls for the co-design, adaptation, demonstration and validation (e.g. pilots) of ICT related research and innovation in relevant thematic areas addressed by Horizon 2020 including Content Technologies and Societal Challenges.



1= Digital Health (incl. Infectious Diseases); 2= Bioeconomy (incl. Application of ICT-based Technologies)

  • Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD)2
  • Bulgaria - Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)1+2
  • Cambodia – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS)1+2
  • Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)1+2
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research & Innovation Agency (RISTEK / BRIN) 1+2
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)1+2
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MOE)2
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD)2
  • Spain - Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)1+2
  • Thailand - Thailand Center for Excellence for Life Science (TCELS)1
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)1+2
  • Vietnam – Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)1+2



Some funders only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with 1=Digital Health (incl. Infectious Diseases) and 2=Bioeconomy (incl.  Application of ICT-based Technologies) after the name of each funding agency in the list above.


Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in July 2021.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. The respective National Regulations from the participating countries / the funding ministries or agencies can be downloaded at the end of this site.

The upper funding limit can also be found in the respective national regulations.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organizations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases. Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

We strongly suggest that applicants discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point (NCP) before submitting a proposal.



Proposals for Innovation projects have to be submitted electronically using PT-Outline Web Tool, accessible through



During the submission phase, the web tool will be open from the publishing date of the call on 15 June 2020 until January 15th 2021, 12:00 CET (noon) / 18:00 Jakarta time.

Any proposal that is submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted by the secretariat and therefore will not be considered for evaluation.


After successful submission of the proposal, each principal coordinator will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail. This e-mail can be used as proof that the proposal was submitted on time and correctly. In case the coordinator is not sure whether the proposal was submitted correctly, he or she should contact the call secretariat immediately and/or resend the proposal via e-mail to the call secretariat within the deadline.


Please note: Some funding agencies require that applicants from their respective countries submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the JFS application. These additional requirements will be made clear in the national regulations of the concerned countries.


This full Call Text in PDF format is available and can be downloaded here.


Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The project proposal shall be submitted by the project coordinator. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his / her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact to the Joint Call Secretariat.


All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 10,000 words incl. all Annexes):

1. Basic project data

1.1 Project title

1.2 Project Acronym

1.3 Name and institution of the Project Coordinator

1.4 Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Describe why your proposal suits the respective call thematic area.


2.2 Describe as precisely as possible the technological objectives of the project.

2.3 Explain the novel character of the activities proposed. Show how the objectives of the project aim at significant advances in the state-of-the-art through extending the current technologies and/or filling the gaps identified. Why is your approach an innovation? What is the commercialization/application potential? Are there related market-needs?

2.4 Lay down the addad-value of transnational cooperation which is implemented in your consortium.

2.5 Describe what makes up the excellence of your consortium. Describe how the teams complement each other and the added value resulting from the multilateral cooperation. Mention where there is a potential for synergy effects between different tasks of the project and how this is going to be exploited.

2.6 Describe the multidisciplinarity / interdisiplinarity of your proposal.

2.7 Lay down if (and how) the research project matches national priorities of the partners involved.

2.8 Self-assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation


3. Work plan

3.1 Describe the research project with respect to the methodology; justify the methodology chosen to reach the objectives. Highlight the particular advantages of the methodology chosen.

3.2 Describe the type of activities that are implemented in your project.

3.3 Describe the distribution of tasks. What is the involvement of each partner in relation to the proposed activities? How are the resources distributed among the partners? (time plan).

3.4 Describe the management structure of your project.


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1 Describe the commercial and market-related expected impact.

4.2 Describe whether the project has any beneficial impact on society, in particular regarding societal challenges.

4.3 Describe the measures for the dissemination and./.or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property. What are the next steps?

4.4 Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership.


5. Financial Plan


6. Annexes

6.1 If applicable: the Letter of Commitment securing willingness to collaborate by partners from countries which are not on the list of funding for the JFS 6th Call.

6.2 CVs and lists of principal publications of participating researchers (3 pages max. per researcher).


Aims and methods of the proposed collaborative project should clearly demonstrate the excellence and innovativeness of the project, product or service, including the added value for Southeast Asia - European research and innovation cooperation and describe expected outcomes / marketability. In addition, a financial plan and a time and work-plan, including milestones, have to be included. All budgets will be submitted in Euros. The applicants will have to identify the TRL which is targeted at the end of the project, and the TRL of the work that the project proposal is based on at the moment. This self-assessment / estimation will have to be justified in brief paragraphs.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.



The evaluation process includes the following steps.


Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all proposals to ensure that they meet the following general eligibility criteria of the Call:

  • Date of submission
  • Composition of consortium (2+1 rule)
  • Duration of project
  • Inclusion of all necessary information in English
  • Appropriate length of the proposal
  • Eligibility of the Project Coordinator
  • Eligibility of the other project partners (in case the Project Coordinator or a project partner is rejected in the eligibility check, the whole proposal might be rejected)
  • Eligible thematic focus
  • Reflection of national priorities (if applicable)
  • Eligibility of required funding
  • Complete appendixes required

The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points (NCPs) who will perform a check for compliance of the respective country / national regulation.

Please note if the proposal does not meet the formal criteria / the national regulation / eligibility criteria and requirements, may be declined without further review.

Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by at least two online evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Scientific / technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept. Has the team a sound and credible concept for the development and commercialisation of the product / service to be developed?
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: Capacity of the project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product.
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan.
    • Good balance between the technology / knowledge available at each participating team and between the partners with a stronger focus on the research side and those with a focus on the commercialisation side.
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams.


  1. Potential impact and expected outcomes / marketability of product or service to be developed (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Market-need for the product / service to be developed. Has the team give a sound justification for the need for the product / service?
    • Assessment of the chances for a successful commercialisation including a brief comparison with other potentially competing products or services.
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential.
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience.
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and / or exploitation of trans-national project results, and management of intellectual property.
    • Assessment of the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) referring to the definition of TRL as applied by the Horizon 2020 Work Programme.


  1. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation.
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment).


The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarizes the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:





1. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project / marketability



2. Scientific / Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea or product / service to be developed



3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation









Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the proposals and pooled reviews to the Innovation Council (IC) members. The IC meeting is in charge to the final ranking based on the peer review results. The IC members consist of internationally recognized experts offering a high degree of technical, scientific and innovation expertise in the respective research field, as well as broad experiences in international collaboration.


The final ranking list as well as the written remarks by the IC will be forwarded to the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) for the funding decision meeting.  


Funding Decision

Based on the ranking list established and the written minutes of the IC meeting, as well as the available funding, the PSC will take a final decision. The JSC will communicate to all project coordinators about the final decisions of their proposal together with the main comments from the IC about the proposal. In the case of a positive funding decision, the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract. The start of funded projects is expected to begin no later than July 2021.



The projects funded under the JFS will be asked to submit annual monitoring reports. Each project participant should also submit financial and scientific reports to their national / regional funding organisations according to his / her national regulations.

In the case a partner decided to withdraw from a project before the completion date, due to the reasons such as: discrepancies within the consortia, funding problems, changes in the strategy of companies, technical or sudden market problems; the NCPs have to check whether the basic JFS eligibility criteria are still met and if the excellence of the project is still maintained. If not, the involved funding agencies may decide jointly to cease the funding for this specific project.


In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects that are funded through the JFS Call:

  • Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFS Call Secretariat (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
  • In any publication of results of the research for which JFS Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.




Call Secretariat:


Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI):

Dr. Mrs. Finarya Legoh

Senior Program Officer

+62 852 11342556


Mr. Adam Bakhtiar

Program Officer

+62 852 11342556


National Contact Points:

Brunei Darussalam, UBD

Centre for Advanced Material & Energy Sciences

Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)

Dr. Rosnah Abdullah

+673 2460922 ext. 1323


Bulgaria, BNSF

Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)

Ms. Milena Aleksandrova

+359 884 171363



Directorate General of Higher Education

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia

Dr. Bunlay Nith


Czech Republic, CAS

Division of International Cooperation

Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Ms. Alena Žochová

+420 221 403566


Indonesia, RISTEK / BRIN

Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency

Mr. Adhi Indra Hermanu

+62 878 8444 3878

Ms Anggun Amalia Fibriyanti

+62 857 8588 7275



Department of Planning and Cooperation

Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)

Phouthanouthong Xaysombath

Mrs. Viengsavanh Bouttanavong

+856 21 250045


Myanmar, MOE

Department of Research and Innovation

Ministry of Education (MOE)

Dr. Thazin Han

+95 9 5143712


The Philippines, DOST-PCIEERD

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology

Department of Science and Technology (PCIEERD-DOST)

Dr. Enrico C. Paringit

Mr. Raul C. Sabularse

837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121



Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology - EPE

Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes


 +34 91 581 0489

Mr. Adrián Gutiérrez


+91 11 4129 3000


Thailand, TCELS

International Cooperation

Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences (TCELS)

Ms. Premruedee Lertsakvimarn

+66 2 644 5499 ext. 131



Department of International Cooperation

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)

Dr. Güliz Sütçü

+90 312 298 1881

Vietnam, MOST

Department of International Cooperation

Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) - Vietnam

Ms. Trinh Quynh Trang

+84 2 4394 36688


[1] Referring to the definition of TRL as applied by H 2020 Work Programme:






Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries (either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner or 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Digital Health (including Infectious Diseases) or Bioeconomy (including Application of ICT-based Technologies), to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. The 2020 Innovation Call aims to support projects with a strong application focus and the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) that the project begins at should at least be 3[1].  

Extended Deadline: 15th of January 2021 12:00 (noon) CET/ 18:00 Jakarta time (CLOSED)

****The deadline that was originally set on the 16th of November has now been extended to the the 15th of January 2021!****


1) Digital Health (including Infectious Diseases)

Cooperation on infectious diseases of health related research between European and Southeast Asia countries is proven strong in both regions. Nonetheless, major obstacles exist to overcome the existing and increasing global health challenges including the need for a deeper understanding of diseases pathology and the socio-economic causes of the diseases and linked effectiveness of health intervention. Moreover, a crucial collaboration is emerged in the area of COVID-19 as the whole world is affected by the outbreak situation and require actions to which it can contribute. Those can be covered under the thematic area of Digital Health.

Digital health is the convergence and use of modern digital technologies and services to enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery and make medicines more personalized and precise. It would offer more innovative ways for monitoring health and well-being. These technologies include but are not limited to, telemedicine, mobile phones and applications, wearable devices, remote monitoring sensors. It also involves the development of interconnected health systems to improve the use of computational technologies, smart devices, computational analysis techniques and communication media to support healthcare professionals and patients manage illnesses and health risks, as well as promote health and well-being.


2) Bioeconomy (including Application of ICT-based Technologies)

The Bioeconomy comprises those parts of the economy that use renewable biological resources from land and sea – such as crops, forests, fish, animals, and micro-organisms – to produce food, materials, and energy. Bioeconomy is a top-priority on the research agendas of the EU and ASEAN countries.

In addition to Bioeconomy issues, ICT is a crucial instrument for finding scalable and sustainable solutions. In the EU-STI Roadmap, pilots will be launched for innovative service creation based on existing technologies, with a focus on the participation of relevant innovation stakeholders from developing countries, including end-user community representatives (ICT-39-2016-2017: International partnership building in low and middle income countries in WP 2016-2017). There is interest to work on innovative service creation based on existing technologies, with focus on involving all stakeholders especially end-user community representatives, e.g. through innovation hubs and “Living Labs”.

This has been translated in the ICT Work- Programme 2016-2017 with a call for "partnerships with low and middle income countries" with ASEAN being one of the regions targeted and a total budget of €13 million. It calls for the co-design, adaptation, demonstration and validation (e.g. pilots) of ICT related research and innovation in relevant thematic areas addressed by Horizon 2020 including Content Technologies and Societal Challenges.



1= Digital Health (incl. Infectious Diseases); 2= Bioeconomy (incl. Application of ICT-based Technologies)

  • Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD)2
  • Bulgaria - Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)1+2
  • Cambodia – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS)1+2
  • Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)1+2
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research & Innovation Agency (RISTEK / BRIN) 1+2
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)1+2
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MOE)2
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD)2
  • Spain - Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)1+2
  • Thailand - Thailand Center for Excellence for Life Science (TCELS)1
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)1+2
  • Vietnam – Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)1+2



Some funders only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with 1=Digital Health (incl. Infectious Diseases) and 2=Bioeconomy (incl.  Application of ICT-based Technologies) after the name of each funding agency in the list above.


Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in July 2021.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. The respective National Regulations from the participating countries / the funding ministries or agencies can be downloaded at the end of this site.

The upper funding limit can also be found in the respective national regulations.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organizations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases. Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

We strongly suggest that applicants discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point (NCP) before submitting a proposal.



Proposals for Innovation projects have to be submitted electronically using PT-Outline Web Tool, accessible through



During the submission phase, the web tool will be open from the publishing date of the call on 15 June 2020 until January 15th 2021, 12:00 CET (noon) / 18:00 Jakarta time.

Any proposal that is submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted by the secretariat and therefore will not be considered for evaluation.


After successful submission of the proposal, each principal coordinator will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail. This e-mail can be used as proof that the proposal was submitted on time and correctly. In case the coordinator is not sure whether the proposal was submitted correctly, he or she should contact the call secretariat immediately and/or resend the proposal via e-mail to the call secretariat within the deadline.


Please note: Some funding agencies require that applicants from their respective countries submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the JFS application. These additional requirements will be made clear in the national regulations of the concerned countries.


This full Call Text in PDF format is available and can be downloaded here.


Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The project proposal shall be submitted by the project coordinator. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his / her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact to the Joint Call Secretariat.


All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 10,000 words incl. all Annexes):

1. Basic project data

1.1 Project title

1.2 Project Acronym

1.3 Name and institution of the Project Coordinator

1.4 Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Describe why your proposal suits the respective call thematic area.


2.2 Describe as precisely as possible the technological objectives of the project.

2.3 Explain the novel character of the activities proposed. Show how the objectives of the project aim at significant advances in the state-of-the-art through extending the current technologies and/or filling the gaps identified. Why is your approach an innovation? What is the commercialization/application potential? Are there related market-needs?

2.4 Lay down the addad-value of transnational cooperation which is implemented in your consortium.

2.5 Describe what makes up the excellence of your consortium. Describe how the teams complement each other and the added value resulting from the multilateral cooperation. Mention where there is a potential for synergy effects between different tasks of the project and how this is going to be exploited.

2.6 Describe the multidisciplinarity / interdisiplinarity of your proposal.

2.7 Lay down if (and how) the research project matches national priorities of the partners involved.

2.8 Self-assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation


3. Work plan

3.1 Describe the research project with respect to the methodology; justify the methodology chosen to reach the objectives. Highlight the particular advantages of the methodology chosen.

3.2 Describe the type of activities that are implemented in your project.

3.3 Describe the distribution of tasks. What is the involvement of each partner in relation to the proposed activities? How are the resources distributed among the partners? (time plan).

3.4 Describe the management structure of your project.


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1 Describe the commercial and market-related expected impact.

4.2 Describe whether the project has any beneficial impact on society, in particular regarding societal challenges.

4.3 Describe the measures for the dissemination and./.or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property. What are the next steps?

4.4 Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership.


5. Financial Plan


6. Annexes

6.1 If applicable: the Letter of Commitment securing willingness to collaborate by partners from countries which are not on the list of funding for the JFS 6th Call.

6.2 CVs and lists of principal publications of participating researchers (3 pages max. per researcher).


Aims and methods of the proposed collaborative project should clearly demonstrate the excellence and innovativeness of the project, product or service, including the added value for Southeast Asia - European research and innovation cooperation and describe expected outcomes / marketability. In addition, a financial plan and a time and work-plan, including milestones, have to be included. All budgets will be submitted in Euros. The applicants will have to identify the TRL which is targeted at the end of the project, and the TRL of the work that the project proposal is based on at the moment. This self-assessment / estimation will have to be justified in brief paragraphs.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.



The evaluation process includes the following steps.


Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all proposals to ensure that they meet the following general eligibility criteria of the Call:

  • Date of submission
  • Composition of consortium (2+1 rule)
  • Duration of project
  • Inclusion of all necessary information in English
  • Appropriate length of the proposal
  • Eligibility of the Project Coordinator
  • Eligibility of the other project partners (in case the Project Coordinator or a project partner is rejected in the eligibility check, the whole proposal might be rejected)
  • Eligible thematic focus
  • Reflection of national priorities (if applicable)
  • Eligibility of required funding
  • Complete appendixes required

The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points (NCPs) who will perform a check for compliance of the respective country / national regulation.

Please note if the proposal does not meet the formal criteria / the national regulation / eligibility criteria and requirements, may be declined without further review.

Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by at least two online evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Scientific / technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept. Has the team a sound and credible concept for the development and commercialisation of the product / service to be developed?
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: Capacity of the project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product.
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan.
    • Good balance between the technology / knowledge available at each participating team and between the partners with a stronger focus on the research side and those with a focus on the commercialisation side.
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams.


  1. Potential impact and expected outcomes / marketability of product or service to be developed (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Market-need for the product / service to be developed. Has the team give a sound justification for the need for the product / service?
    • Assessment of the chances for a successful commercialisation including a brief comparison with other potentially competing products or services.
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential.
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience.
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and / or exploitation of trans-national project results, and management of intellectual property.
    • Assessment of the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) referring to the definition of TRL as applied by the Horizon 2020 Work Programme.


  1. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation.
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment).


The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarizes the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:





1. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project / marketability



2. Scientific / Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea or product / service to be developed



3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation









Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the proposals and pooled reviews to the Innovation Council (IC) members. The IC meeting is in charge to the final ranking based on the peer review results. The IC members consist of internationally recognized experts offering a high degree of technical, scientific and innovation expertise in the respective research field, as well as broad experiences in international collaboration.


The final ranking list as well as the written remarks by the IC will be forwarded to the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) for the funding decision meeting.  


Funding Decision

Based on the ranking list established and the written minutes of the IC meeting, as well as the available funding, the PSC will take a final decision. The JSC will communicate to all project coordinators about the final decisions of their proposal together with the main comments from the IC about the proposal. In the case of a positive funding decision, the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract. The start of funded projects is expected to begin no later than July 2021.



The projects funded under the JFS will be asked to submit annual monitoring reports. Each project participant should also submit financial and scientific reports to their national / regional funding organisations according to his / her national regulations.

In the case a partner decided to withdraw from a project before the completion date, due to the reasons such as: discrepancies within the consortia, funding problems, changes in the strategy of companies, technical or sudden market problems; the NCPs have to check whether the basic JFS eligibility criteria are still met and if the excellence of the project is still maintained. If not, the involved funding agencies may decide jointly to cease the funding for this specific project.


In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects that are funded through the JFS Call:

  • Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFS Call Secretariat (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
  • In any publication of results of the research for which JFS Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.




Call Secretariat:


Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI):

Dr. Mrs. Finarya Legoh

Senior Program Officer

+62 852 11342556


Mr. Adam Bakhtiar

Program Officer

+62 852 11342556


National Contact Points:

Brunei Darussalam, UBD

Centre for Advanced Material & Energy Sciences

Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)

Dr. Rosnah Abdullah

+673 2460922 ext. 1323


Bulgaria, BNSF

Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)

Ms. Milena Aleksandrova

+359 884 171363



Directorate General of Higher Education

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia

Dr. Bunlay Nith


Czech Republic, CAS

Division of International Cooperation

Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Ms. Alena Žochová

+420 221 403566


Indonesia, RISTEK / BRIN

Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency

Mr. Adhi Indra Hermanu

+62 878 8444 3878

Ms Anggun Amalia Fibriyanti

+62 857 8588 7275



Department of Planning and Cooperation

Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)

Phouthanouthong Xaysombath

Mrs. Viengsavanh Bouttanavong

+856 21 250045


Myanmar, MOE

Department of Research and Innovation

Ministry of Education (MOE)

Dr. Thazin Han

+95 9 5143712


The Philippines, DOST-PCIEERD

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology

Department of Science and Technology (PCIEERD-DOST)

Dr. Enrico C. Paringit

Mr. Raul C. Sabularse

837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121



Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology - EPE

Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes


 +34 91 581 0489

Mr. Adrián Gutiérrez


+91 11 4129 3000


Thailand, TCELS

International Cooperation

Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences (TCELS)

Ms. Premruedee Lertsakvimarn

+66 2 644 5499 ext. 131



Department of International Cooperation

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)

Dr. Güliz Sütçü

+90 312 298 1881

Vietnam, MOST

Department of International Cooperation

Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) - Vietnam

Ms. Trinh Quynh Trang

+84 2 4394 36688


[1] Referring to the definition of TRL as applied by H 2020 Work Programme:


2020 S&T Joint Call for Proposals: Infectious Diseases (Incl. Covid-19) and Nanotechnologies (CLOSED)

Posted on
(CLOSED) The 2020 S&T Joint Call for Proposals: Infectious Diseases (Incl. Covid-19) and Nanotechnologies is now open for applications




Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries (either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner or 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Infectious Diseases (incl. COVID-19) or Nanotechnologies to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. The 2020 S&T call aims to support projects which are close to basic research and the targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) at the end of the project should not be higher than 4[1].  

Deadline: 15th of December 2020 12:00 (noon) CET/ 18:00 Jakarta time (CLOSED)

****The original deadline of the 15th of  October 2020 has been extended to the 15th of December 2020****



1. Infectious Diseases (incl. COVID-19)

There is a long tradition of cooperation on infectious diseases between Europe and Southeast Asia and health related research is a proven strength of both regions. Nonetheless, major obstacles exist to overcome the existing and increasing global health challenges including the need for a deeper understanding of diseases pathology and the socio-economic causes of the diseases and linked effectiveness of health intervention.

There is a strong potential for collaboration in the area of COVID-19 as the whole world is affected by the outbreak situation and require actions, which can contribute tackling the COVID-19 related challenges. Hence, the thematic area of Infectious Diseases may include COVID-19 and related post-crisis research, e.g.:

  • Research into preventive measures against the next pandemic or epidemic
  • Long term studies e.g. related to population genomics, drugs, vaccines
  • Post-crisis research to mitigate the impact (e.g. PTSD or other mental health research)

This list of sub-thematic areas does not exclude the submission of project proposals without a COVID-19 related thematic focus.


2. Nanotechnologies

Nanoscience and nanotechnology are highly interdisciplinary and cut across industrial and commercial sectors to research and create new materials and devices with remarkable properties and functions. To name but a few, nanotechnology is being used in medicine, electronics, food, manufacturing and materials or water purification. Despite the fact that the technology has a high potential for both regions, research and innovation cooperation in nanotechnology has still a high untapped potential. Hence addressing setting research and innovation initiatives could bring new avenues for joining scientific and innovation capabilities from both regions.

We generally welcome project proposals following an interdisciplinary approach taking into consideration aspects of social science and/or humanities related to the main research focus of the proposal.


(1= Infectious Diseases; 2= Nanotechnologies)

  • Belgium – National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS)1+2
  • Belgium – Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)1
  • Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD)2
  • Bulgaria - Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)1+2
  • Cambodia – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS)1+2
  • Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) 1+2
  • Germany – Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)1
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research & Innovation Agency (RISTEK / BRIN) 1+2
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)1+2
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MOE)1+2
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD)2
  • Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)1+2
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) 1+2
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)1+2
  • Vietnam – Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) 1+2



Some funders may only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with 1=Infectious Diseases and 2=Nanotechnologies after the name of each funding agency in the list above.



Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in July 2021.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. The respective National Regulations from the participating countries / the funding ministries or agencies can be downloaded at the end of this site.

The upper funding limit can also be found in the respective national regulations.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organizations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases. Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

We strongly suggest that applicants discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point (NCP) before submitting a proposal.



Proposals for S&T projects have to be submitted electronically using PT-Outline Web Tool, accessible through


During the submission phase, the web tool will be open from the publishing date of the call on 15 June 2020 until 15 December 2020, 12:00 CET (noon) / 18:00 Jakarta time.

Any proposal that is submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted by the secretariat and therefore will not be considered for evaluation.


After successful submission of the proposal, each principal coordinator will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail. This e-mail can be used as proof that the proposal was submitted on time and correctly. In case the coordinator is not sure whether the proposal was submitted correctly, he or she should contact the call secretariat immediately and/or resend the proposal via e-mail to the call secretariat within the deadline.


Please note: Some funding agencies require that applicants from their respective countries submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the JFS application. These additional requirements will be made clear in the national regulations of the concerned countries.


The full Call Text in PDF format is available and can be downloaded here.


Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators).Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The project proposal shall be submitted by the project coordinator.The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his / her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact to the Joint Call Secretariat.

All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 10,000 words incl. all Annexes):

1. Basic project data

1.1 Project title

1.2 Project Acronym

1.3 Name and institution of the Project Coordinator

1.4 Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Describe why your proposal suits the respective call thematic area.

2.2 Describe as precisely as possible the scientific and technological objectives of the project.

2.3 Explain the novel character of the research proposed. Show how the objectives of the project aim at significant advances in the state-of-the-art through extending the current knowledge and/or filling the gaps identified.

2.4 Lay down the added-value of transnational cooperation which is implemented in your consortium.

2.5 Describe what makes up the excellence of your consortium. Describe how the teams complement each other and the added value resulting from the multilateral cooperation. Mention where there is a potential for synergy effects between different tasks of the project and how this is going to be exploited.

2.6 Describe the multidisciplinarity / interdisiplinarity of your proposal.

2.7 Lay down if (and how) the research project matches national priorities of the partners involved.

2.8 Self-assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation.


3. Work plan

3.1 Describe the research project with respect to the methodology; justify the methodology chosen to reach the objectives. Highlight the particular advantages of the methodology chosen.

3.2 Describe the type of activities that are implemented in your project.

3.3 Describe the distribution of tasks. What is the involvement of each partner in relation to the proposed activities? How are the resources distributed among the partners? (time plan).

3.4 Describe the management structure of your project.


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1 Describe the scientific and / or commercial expected impact.

4.2 Describe whether the project has any beneficial impact on society, in particular regarding societal challenges.

4.3 Describe the measures for the dissemination and / or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property.

4.4 Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership.


5. Financial Plan


6. Annexes

6.1 If applicable: the Letter of Commitment securing willingness to collaborate by partners from countries which are not on the list of funding for the JFS 5th Call.

6.2 CVs and lists of principal publications of participating researchers (3 pages max. per researcher).



Aims and methods of the proposed collaborative project should clearly demonstrate the excellence and innovativeness of the project, product or service, including the added value for Southeast Asia - European research and innovation cooperation and describe expected outcomes / marketability. In addition, a financial plan and a time and work-plan, including milestones, have to be included. All budgets will be submitted in Euros. The applicants have to identify the TRL which is targeted at the end of the project, and the TRL of the work that the project proposal is based on at the moment. This self-assessment / estimation will have to be justified in brief paragraphs.


All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.


During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.



The evaluation process includes the following steps.


Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all proposals to ensure that they meet the following general eligibility criteria of the Call:

  • Date of submission
  • Composition of consortium (2+1 rule)
  • Duration of project
  • Inclusion of all necessary information in English
  • Appropriate length of the proposal
  • Eligibility of the Project Coordinator
  • Eligibility of the other project partners (in case the Project Coordinator or a project partner is rejected in the eligibility check, the whole proposal might be rejected)
  • Eligible thematic focus
  • Reflection of national priorities (if applicable)
  • Eligibility of required funding
  • Complete appendixes required

The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points (NCPs) who will perform a check for compliance of the respective country / national regulations.

Please note if the proposal does not meet the formal criteria / the national regulation / eligibility criteria and requirements, may be declined without further review.


Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by at least two online evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation will be done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Scientific / technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept, quality of objectives
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of a project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product.
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology / knowledge available at each participating team
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants / participating teams.


  1. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Social and/ or market related impact
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/ or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property
    • Assessment of the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) referring to the definition of TRL as applied by the Horizon 2020 Work Programme.


  1. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment).


The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarizes the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:





1.Scientific / Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea or product / service to be developed




2.Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project / marketability




3.Management, Transnationality and Cooperation








Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC meeting is in charge to the final ranking based on the peer review results. The SC members consist of internationally recognized experts offering a high degree of technical and scientific expertise in the respective research field, as well as broad experiences in international collaboration.

The final ranking list as well as the written remarks by the SC will be forwarded to the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) for the funding decision meeting.  

Funding decision

The JCS will communicate to all project coordinators about the final decisions of their proposal together with the main comments from the SC about the proposal. In the case of a positive funding decision, the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract.

Monitoring of Implementation of JFS Call Projects

The projects funded under the JFS will be asked to submit annual monitoring reports. Each project participant should also submit financial and scientific reports to their national / regional funding organisations according to his / her national regulations.

In the case a partner decided to withdraw from a project before the completion date, due to the reasons such as: discrepancies within the consortia, funding problems, changes in the strategy of companies, technical or sudden market problems; the NCPs have to check whether the basic JFS eligibility criteria are still met and if the excellence of the project is still maintained. If not, the involved funding agencies may decide jointly to cease the funding for this specific project.

In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects that are funded through the JFS Call:

  • Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFS Call Secretariat (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
  • In any publication of results of the research for which JFS Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.


Contact information:

Call secretariat:


Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI):

Dr. Mrs. Finarya Legoh

Senior Program Officer

+62 852 11342556


Mr. Adam Bakthiar

Program Officer

+62 852 11342556


National Contact Points:


Belgium, FWO

Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)

Mr. Toon Monbaliu

+32 2 550 1570


Belgium, FRS-FNRS

National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS)

Mr. Joel Groeneveld

+32 2 504 9270

Dr. Florence Quist 

+32 2 504 9351


Brunei Darussalam, UBD

Centre for Advanced Material & Energy Sciences

Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)

Dr. Ms. Rosnah Abdullah

+673 2460922 ext 1323


Bulgaria, BNSF

Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)

Ms. Milena Aleksandrova

+359 884 171363



Directorate General of Higher Education

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia

Dr. Bunlay Nith


Czech Republic, CAS

Division of International Cooperation

Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Ms. Alena Žochová

+420 221 403566


Germany, BMBF / DLR Project Management Agency

International Bureau of BMBF at DLR Project Management Agency

Dr. Adele Clausen

+49 (0)228 38212171

Mr. Hans Westphal

+49 (0)228 38211473


Indonesia, RISTEK / BRIN

Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency

Mr. Adhi Indra Hermanu

+62 878 8444 3878

Ms Anggun Amalia Fibriyanti

+62 857 8588 7275



Department of Planning and Cooperation

Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)

Phouthanouthong Xaysombath

Mrs. Viengsavanh Bouttanavong

+856 21 250045


Myanmar, MOE

Department of Research and Innovation

Ministry of Education (MOE)

Dr. Thazin Han

+95 9 5143712


The Philippines, PCIEERD-DOST

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology

Department of Science and Technology (PCIEERD-DOST)

Dr. Enrico C. Paringit

Mr. Raul C. Sabularse

837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121


Switzerland, SNSF

Interdisciplinary and International Co-operation (InterCo)

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Dr. Delphine Marchon

+41 31 308 2319


Thailand, NSTDA

National Science & Technology Cooperation Agency (NSTDA)

International Relations Officer

Ms. Arpawan Jantaravipark

+66 2 564 7000 ext. 71487



Department of International Cooperation

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)

Ms. Dr. Guliz Sutcu

+90 312 298 1759


Vietnam, MOST

Department of International Cooperation

Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) - Vietnam

Ms. Trinh Quynh Trang

+84 2 4394 36688



[1] Referring to the definition of TRL as applied by H 2020 Work Programme:





Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries (either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner or 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Infectious Diseases (incl. COVID-19) or Nanotechnologies to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. The 2020 S&T call aims to support projects which are close to basic research and the targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) at the end of the project should not be higher than 4[1].  

Deadline: 15th of December 2020 12:00 (noon) CET/ 18:00 Jakarta time (CLOSED)

****The original deadline of the 15th of  October 2020 has been extended to the 15th of December 2020****



1. Infectious Diseases (incl. COVID-19)

There is a long tradition of cooperation on infectious diseases between Europe and Southeast Asia and health related research is a proven strength of both regions. Nonetheless, major obstacles exist to overcome the existing and increasing global health challenges including the need for a deeper understanding of diseases pathology and the socio-economic causes of the diseases and linked effectiveness of health intervention.

There is a strong potential for collaboration in the area of COVID-19 as the whole world is affected by the outbreak situation and require actions, which can contribute tackling the COVID-19 related challenges. Hence, the thematic area of Infectious Diseases may include COVID-19 and related post-crisis research, e.g.:

  • Research into preventive measures against the next pandemic or epidemic
  • Long term studies e.g. related to population genomics, drugs, vaccines
  • Post-crisis research to mitigate the impact (e.g. PTSD or other mental health research)

This list of sub-thematic areas does not exclude the submission of project proposals without a COVID-19 related thematic focus.


2. Nanotechnologies

Nanoscience and nanotechnology are highly interdisciplinary and cut across industrial and commercial sectors to research and create new materials and devices with remarkable properties and functions. To name but a few, nanotechnology is being used in medicine, electronics, food, manufacturing and materials or water purification. Despite the fact that the technology has a high potential for both regions, research and innovation cooperation in nanotechnology has still a high untapped potential. Hence addressing setting research and innovation initiatives could bring new avenues for joining scientific and innovation capabilities from both regions.

We generally welcome project proposals following an interdisciplinary approach taking into consideration aspects of social science and/or humanities related to the main research focus of the proposal.


(1= Infectious Diseases; 2= Nanotechnologies)

  • Belgium – National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS)1+2
  • Belgium – Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)1
  • Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD)2
  • Bulgaria - Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)1+2
  • Cambodia – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS)1+2
  • Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) 1+2
  • Germany – Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)1
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research & Innovation Agency (RISTEK / BRIN) 1+2
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)1+2
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MOE)1+2
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD)2
  • Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)1+2
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) 1+2
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)1+2
  • Vietnam – Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) 1+2



Some funders may only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with 1=Infectious Diseases and 2=Nanotechnologies after the name of each funding agency in the list above.



Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in July 2021.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. The respective National Regulations from the participating countries / the funding ministries or agencies can be downloaded at the end of this site.

The upper funding limit can also be found in the respective national regulations.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organizations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases. Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

We strongly suggest that applicants discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point (NCP) before submitting a proposal.



Proposals for S&T projects have to be submitted electronically using PT-Outline Web Tool, accessible through


During the submission phase, the web tool will be open from the publishing date of the call on 15 June 2020 until 15 December 2020, 12:00 CET (noon) / 18:00 Jakarta time.

Any proposal that is submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted by the secretariat and therefore will not be considered for evaluation.


After successful submission of the proposal, each principal coordinator will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail. This e-mail can be used as proof that the proposal was submitted on time and correctly. In case the coordinator is not sure whether the proposal was submitted correctly, he or she should contact the call secretariat immediately and/or resend the proposal via e-mail to the call secretariat within the deadline.


Please note: Some funding agencies require that applicants from their respective countries submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the JFS application. These additional requirements will be made clear in the national regulations of the concerned countries.


The full Call Text in PDF format is available and can be downloaded here.


Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators).Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The project proposal shall be submitted by the project coordinator.The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his / her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact to the Joint Call Secretariat.

All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 10,000 words incl. all Annexes):

1. Basic project data

1.1 Project title

1.2 Project Acronym

1.3 Name and institution of the Project Coordinator

1.4 Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Describe why your proposal suits the respective call thematic area.

2.2 Describe as precisely as possible the scientific and technological objectives of the project.

2.3 Explain the novel character of the research proposed. Show how the objectives of the project aim at significant advances in the state-of-the-art through extending the current knowledge and/or filling the gaps identified.

2.4 Lay down the added-value of transnational cooperation which is implemented in your consortium.

2.5 Describe what makes up the excellence of your consortium. Describe how the teams complement each other and the added value resulting from the multilateral cooperation. Mention where there is a potential for synergy effects between different tasks of the project and how this is going to be exploited.

2.6 Describe the multidisciplinarity / interdisiplinarity of your proposal.

2.7 Lay down if (and how) the research project matches national priorities of the partners involved.

2.8 Self-assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation.


3. Work plan

3.1 Describe the research project with respect to the methodology; justify the methodology chosen to reach the objectives. Highlight the particular advantages of the methodology chosen.

3.2 Describe the type of activities that are implemented in your project.

3.3 Describe the distribution of tasks. What is the involvement of each partner in relation to the proposed activities? How are the resources distributed among the partners? (time plan).

3.4 Describe the management structure of your project.


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1 Describe the scientific and / or commercial expected impact.

4.2 Describe whether the project has any beneficial impact on society, in particular regarding societal challenges.

4.3 Describe the measures for the dissemination and / or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property.

4.4 Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership.


5. Financial Plan


6. Annexes

6.1 If applicable: the Letter of Commitment securing willingness to collaborate by partners from countries which are not on the list of funding for the JFS 5th Call.

6.2 CVs and lists of principal publications of participating researchers (3 pages max. per researcher).



Aims and methods of the proposed collaborative project should clearly demonstrate the excellence and innovativeness of the project, product or service, including the added value for Southeast Asia - European research and innovation cooperation and describe expected outcomes / marketability. In addition, a financial plan and a time and work-plan, including milestones, have to be included. All budgets will be submitted in Euros. The applicants have to identify the TRL which is targeted at the end of the project, and the TRL of the work that the project proposal is based on at the moment. This self-assessment / estimation will have to be justified in brief paragraphs.


All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.


During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.



The evaluation process includes the following steps.


Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all proposals to ensure that they meet the following general eligibility criteria of the Call:

  • Date of submission
  • Composition of consortium (2+1 rule)
  • Duration of project
  • Inclusion of all necessary information in English
  • Appropriate length of the proposal
  • Eligibility of the Project Coordinator
  • Eligibility of the other project partners (in case the Project Coordinator or a project partner is rejected in the eligibility check, the whole proposal might be rejected)
  • Eligible thematic focus
  • Reflection of national priorities (if applicable)
  • Eligibility of required funding
  • Complete appendixes required

The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points (NCPs) who will perform a check for compliance of the respective country / national regulations.

Please note if the proposal does not meet the formal criteria / the national regulation / eligibility criteria and requirements, may be declined without further review.


Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by at least two online evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation will be done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Scientific / technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept, quality of objectives
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of a project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product.
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology / knowledge available at each participating team
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants / participating teams.


  1. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Social and/ or market related impact
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/ or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property
    • Assessment of the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) referring to the definition of TRL as applied by the Horizon 2020 Work Programme.


  1. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment).


The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarizes the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:





1.Scientific / Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea or product / service to be developed




2.Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project / marketability




3.Management, Transnationality and Cooperation








Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC meeting is in charge to the final ranking based on the peer review results. The SC members consist of internationally recognized experts offering a high degree of technical and scientific expertise in the respective research field, as well as broad experiences in international collaboration.

The final ranking list as well as the written remarks by the SC will be forwarded to the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) for the funding decision meeting.  

Funding decision

The JCS will communicate to all project coordinators about the final decisions of their proposal together with the main comments from the SC about the proposal. In the case of a positive funding decision, the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract.

Monitoring of Implementation of JFS Call Projects

The projects funded under the JFS will be asked to submit annual monitoring reports. Each project participant should also submit financial and scientific reports to their national / regional funding organisations according to his / her national regulations.

In the case a partner decided to withdraw from a project before the completion date, due to the reasons such as: discrepancies within the consortia, funding problems, changes in the strategy of companies, technical or sudden market problems; the NCPs have to check whether the basic JFS eligibility criteria are still met and if the excellence of the project is still maintained. If not, the involved funding agencies may decide jointly to cease the funding for this specific project.

In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects that are funded through the JFS Call:

  • Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFS Call Secretariat (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
  • In any publication of results of the research for which JFS Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.


Contact information:

Call secretariat:


Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI):

Dr. Mrs. Finarya Legoh

Senior Program Officer

+62 852 11342556


Mr. Adam Bakthiar

Program Officer

+62 852 11342556


National Contact Points:


Belgium, FWO

Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)

Mr. Toon Monbaliu

+32 2 550 1570


Belgium, FRS-FNRS

National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS)

Mr. Joel Groeneveld

+32 2 504 9270

Dr. Florence Quist 

+32 2 504 9351


Brunei Darussalam, UBD

Centre for Advanced Material & Energy Sciences

Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)

Dr. Ms. Rosnah Abdullah

+673 2460922 ext 1323


Bulgaria, BNSF

Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)

Ms. Milena Aleksandrova

+359 884 171363



Directorate General of Higher Education

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia

Dr. Bunlay Nith


Czech Republic, CAS

Division of International Cooperation

Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Ms. Alena Žochová

+420 221 403566


Germany, BMBF / DLR Project Management Agency

International Bureau of BMBF at DLR Project Management Agency

Dr. Adele Clausen

+49 (0)228 38212171

Mr. Hans Westphal

+49 (0)228 38211473


Indonesia, RISTEK / BRIN

Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency

Mr. Adhi Indra Hermanu

+62 878 8444 3878

Ms Anggun Amalia Fibriyanti

+62 857 8588 7275



Department of Planning and Cooperation

Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)

Phouthanouthong Xaysombath

Mrs. Viengsavanh Bouttanavong

+856 21 250045


Myanmar, MOE

Department of Research and Innovation

Ministry of Education (MOE)

Dr. Thazin Han

+95 9 5143712


The Philippines, PCIEERD-DOST

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology

Department of Science and Technology (PCIEERD-DOST)

Dr. Enrico C. Paringit

Mr. Raul C. Sabularse

837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121


Switzerland, SNSF

Interdisciplinary and International Co-operation (InterCo)

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Dr. Delphine Marchon

+41 31 308 2319


Thailand, NSTDA

National Science & Technology Cooperation Agency (NSTDA)

International Relations Officer

Ms. Arpawan Jantaravipark

+66 2 564 7000 ext. 71487



Department of International Cooperation

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)

Ms. Dr. Guliz Sutcu

+90 312 298 1759


Vietnam, MOST

Department of International Cooperation

Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) - Vietnam

Ms. Trinh Quynh Trang

+84 2 4394 36688



[1] Referring to the definition of TRL as applied by H 2020 Work Programme:


2019 Innovation Joint Call for Proposals: Infectious Diseases (incl. AMR) and Smart Cities (CLOSED)

Posted on
(CLOSED) The 2019 Innovation Joint Call for Proposals in the fields of Infectious Diseases (incl. Antimicrobial Resistance) and Smart Cities is now open for applications


4th Joint Call for Proposals (Innovation) in the Thematic Areas

of Infectious Diseases (including Antimicrobial Resistance [AMR]) and Smart Cities.


Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Infectious Diseases (including Antimicrobial Resistance [AMR]) or Smart Cities to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. The 2019 Innovation call aims to support projects with a strong application focus and the targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) at the end of the project should at least be 3[1].  


Deadline: 18 November 2019 12:00 (noon) CET/ 18:00 Jakarta time


Thematic Areas

1) Infectious Diseases (including Antimicrobial Resistance [AMR])

There is a long tradition of cooperation on infectious diseases between Europe and Southeast Asia and health research is a proven strength of both regions. Nonetheless, major obstacles exist to overcome the existing and increasing global health challenges including the need for a deeper understanding of diseases pathology and the socio-economic causes of the diseases and linked effectiveness of health intervention.

There is a strong potential for collaboration in the area of antimicrobial resistance, as South-East Asia is affected by situations similar to Europe and requiring actions to which it can contribute.



2) Smart Cities

The sustainable development of urban areas is a challenge of key importance. It requires new, efficient, and user-friendly technologies and services, in particular in the areas of energy, transport and ICT. However, these solutions need integrated approaches, both in terms of research and development of advanced technological solutions, as well as deployment in the following areas:

•          Smart Energy Systems

•          Building and Space Sustainability

•          Intelligent Transport and Mobility

•          Societal Challenges: inclusion, education, health, tourism, etc.


Participating countries and funding agencies/ministries (1= Infectious Diseases (incl. AMR; 2=Smart Cities):

  • Cambodia - Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY)1+2
  • Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)1
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI)1+2
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)1+2
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MoE)1+2
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST), Philippine Council for Health Research & Development (PCHRD)1
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD)2
  • Spain - Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)1+2
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)2
  • Thailand - Thailand Center for Excellence for Life Science (TCELS)1
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)1+2
  • Vietnam – Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)1



Some funders only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with a 1=Infectious Diseases (incl. AMR) and 2=Smart Cities after the name of each funding agency in the list above.



The list of funders might not be complete at the time of the launch of the call and others are expected to join later. Please check for updates.



Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in July 2020.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. You can download the respective national regulations for your country in the attachments section.

The upper funding limit can also be found in the respective national regulations.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations).

The participation of industries is not strictly mandatory but due to the strong application focus of this innovation call the participation of SMEs, industries and clusters in consortia is strongly recommended. Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Countries contributing to the Call are: Cambodia, Czech Republic, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Latvia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Spain, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam.

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organisations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases. Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

Applicants should discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point before submitting a proposal.

Application Process

Project proposals are to be submitted electronically using the PT-Outline web tool


Deadline is 18 November 2019 12:00 (noon) CET/ 18:00 Jakarta time

Please note: Some funding agencies might require that applicants from their respective country submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the PT Outline webtool. Please check the additional requirements stated in the national regulations of the countries represented in your project before submitting your proposal.

Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his/her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact for the Joint Call Secretariat.

All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 10,000 words):

1. Basic project data

Project title

Project Acronym

Name and institution of the Principal Investigator

Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Short abstract of the project

2.2 Objectives of the project

2.3 Innovativeness of the project idea and commercialization/application potential 

2.4 Transnational added value

2.5 Scientific excellence/ innovation experience of applicants

2.6 Multi-/interdisciplinarity of the project

2.7 Contribution to national priorities of the participating partners (if applicable)

2.8 Self-Assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation


3. Work plan

3.1 Methodology

3.2 Envisaged types of activities

3.3 Involvement of each partner

3.4 Time plan

3.5 Project coordination and management


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1. Expected commercial/societal impact

4.2. Exploitation of results (description of ow the results will be exploited and what the next steps are)

4.2. Prospects to establish sustainable partnerships

5. Financial Plan

6. Annexes

6.1. Letter of Commitment of partners participating at their own costs (if applicable)

6.2 CVs of participating researchers and scientific track-record

Proposals must clearly demonstrate the added value of transnational collaboration.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.



Evaluation Process

The evaluation process includes the following steps.

  1. Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all pre-proposals to ensure that they meet the formal criteria of the call (date of submission, number and country distribution of participating research partners, inclusion of all necessary information in English and length). The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points who will perform a check for compliance to country/regional rules (as described in respective "National Guidelines for applicants”).

Please note that proposals not meeting the formal criteria or the national/regional eligibility criteria and requirements may be declined without further review.

  1. Peer review

Independent scientific/business experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by three evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Potential impact and expected outcomes/ marketability of product or service to be developed(scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Market-need for the product/service to be developed. Has the team give a sound justification for the need for the product/service?
    • Assessment of the chances for a successful commercialisation including a brief comparison with other potentially competing products or services
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property


  1. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the product/service to be developed (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept. Has the team a sound and credible concept for the development and commercialization of the product/service to be developed?
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: How innovative is the project idea in comparison to existing products/services or those which are being developed currently?
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology/knowledge available at each participating team and between the partners with a stronger focus on the research side and those with a focus on the commercialization side.
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams


  1. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment)

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarises the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:



Criteria                                                                                                                                                      Score                Weight

1. Potential impact and expected outcomes/ marketability of product or service to be developed                        0-10                   40%

2. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the product/service to be developed                        0-10                   40%

3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation                                                                                          0-10                   20%

TOTAL                                                                                                                                                        0-10                   100%


Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the full proposals and pooled reviews to the Evaluation Board (EB) members. The two EBs, one for Infectious Diseases and one for Smart Cities will meet to discuss each proposal and, after consideration of the evaluation criteria, external reviews and their own discussions, the EB will make a classification of the proposals and rank proposals recommended for funding.

Funding decision

Based on the ranking list established by the EB and on available funding, the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) will take a final decision (subject to budgetary considerations). The Joint Call Secretariat will communicate to all project coordinators the final decisions about their proposal together with the main comments from the EB about the proposal. In case of a positive funding decision the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract.

Reporting and project output

The coordinators of all the funded projects will be asked to submit brief annual scientific project reports and a final scientific project report (within six months of the end of the project) to the JCS. All reports must be in English and use a common electronic reporting template that will be provided. The research partners are jointly responsible for delivery of the reports, and the JFS Management Team will only accept reports delivered on behalf of the consortium, via the project coordinator. The coordinators will also be asked to provide slightly adapted versions of the reports for the JFS homepage on which each project will be presented with a project portrait. 

If required, each participant should submit financial and scientific reports to their national/regional funding organisations according to national regulations. The progress and final results of each individual contract/letter of grant will be monitored by the respective national funding organisations.

In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects that are funded through the Joint Call:

  • Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFs Management Team (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
  • In any publication of results of the research for which Joint Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.



Contact information:


Call secretariat:

Indonesian Science Fund

Mrs. Marsia Gustiananda

Mr. Adam Bakthiar

Office Phone: +622122036293




National Contact Points:


Cambodia, MOEY

Dr. Bunlay Nith

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport


Czech Republic, CAS

Alena Klvaňová

Czech Academy of Sciences

+420 221 403 566



Adhi Indra Hermanu

Ministry Of Research, Technology And Higher Education

+62 878 8444 3878



Phouthanouthong Xaysombath and Viengsavanh Bouttanavong

Ministry of Science and Technology

+856 21 250045


Myanmar, MoE

Dr. Thazin Han

Ministry of Education



The Philippines, DOST

For Infectious Diseases:

Vincent H. Tumlos and Mary Ann I. Pacho

Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD-DOST)

8377535 loc. 102  

837 7535 loc 304


For Smart Cities:

Dr. Enrico C. Paringit and Raul C. Sabularse,

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD-DOST)

837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121


Spain, CDTI

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes Escribano

Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial

+34 91 581 56 07


Thailand, NSTDA

Phawika Rueannoi

National Science & Technology Cooperation Agency

+66 (0) 2117- 6935


Thailand, TCELS

Premruedee Lertsakvimarn

Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences

(+66) 2 644 5499 ext. 131



Şule Nur Sarper

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

+90 312 298 1759


Vietnam, MOST

Ms. Le Thi Viet Lam and Mr. Bui Quoc Anh and Ms. Trinh Quynh Trang

Ministry of Science and Technology – Vietnam





[1] Referring to the definition of TRL as applied by H 2020 Work Programme:


4th Joint Call for Proposals (Innovation) in the Thematic Areas

of Infectious Diseases (including Antimicrobial Resistance [AMR]) and Smart Cities.


Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Infectious Diseases (including Antimicrobial Resistance [AMR]) or Smart Cities to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. The 2019 Innovation call aims to support projects with a strong application focus and the targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) at the end of the project should at least be 3[1].  


Deadline: 18 November 2019 12:00 (noon) CET/ 18:00 Jakarta time


Thematic Areas

1) Infectious Diseases (including Antimicrobial Resistance [AMR])

There is a long tradition of cooperation on infectious diseases between Europe and Southeast Asia and health research is a proven strength of both regions. Nonetheless, major obstacles exist to overcome the existing and increasing global health challenges including the need for a deeper understanding of diseases pathology and the socio-economic causes of the diseases and linked effectiveness of health intervention.

There is a strong potential for collaboration in the area of antimicrobial resistance, as South-East Asia is affected by situations similar to Europe and requiring actions to which it can contribute.



2) Smart Cities

The sustainable development of urban areas is a challenge of key importance. It requires new, efficient, and user-friendly technologies and services, in particular in the areas of energy, transport and ICT. However, these solutions need integrated approaches, both in terms of research and development of advanced technological solutions, as well as deployment in the following areas:

•          Smart Energy Systems

•          Building and Space Sustainability

•          Intelligent Transport and Mobility

•          Societal Challenges: inclusion, education, health, tourism, etc.


Participating countries and funding agencies/ministries (1= Infectious Diseases (incl. AMR; 2=Smart Cities):

  • Cambodia - Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY)1+2
  • Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)1
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI)1+2
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)1+2
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MoE)1+2
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST), Philippine Council for Health Research & Development (PCHRD)1
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD)2
  • Spain - Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)1+2
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)2
  • Thailand - Thailand Center for Excellence for Life Science (TCELS)1
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)1+2
  • Vietnam – Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)1



Some funders only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with a 1=Infectious Diseases (incl. AMR) and 2=Smart Cities after the name of each funding agency in the list above.



The list of funders might not be complete at the time of the launch of the call and others are expected to join later. Please check for updates.



Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in July 2020.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. You can download the respective national regulations for your country in the attachments section.

The upper funding limit can also be found in the respective national regulations.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations).

The participation of industries is not strictly mandatory but due to the strong application focus of this innovation call the participation of SMEs, industries and clusters in consortia is strongly recommended. Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Countries contributing to the Call are: Cambodia, Czech Republic, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Latvia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Spain, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam.

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organisations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases. Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

Applicants should discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point before submitting a proposal.

Application Process

Project proposals are to be submitted electronically using the PT-Outline web tool


Deadline is 18 November 2019 12:00 (noon) CET/ 18:00 Jakarta time

Please note: Some funding agencies might require that applicants from their respective country submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the PT Outline webtool. Please check the additional requirements stated in the national regulations of the countries represented in your project before submitting your proposal.

Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his/her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact for the Joint Call Secretariat.

All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 10,000 words):

1. Basic project data

Project title

Project Acronym

Name and institution of the Principal Investigator

Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Short abstract of the project

2.2 Objectives of the project

2.3 Innovativeness of the project idea and commercialization/application potential 

2.4 Transnational added value

2.5 Scientific excellence/ innovation experience of applicants

2.6 Multi-/interdisciplinarity of the project

2.7 Contribution to national priorities of the participating partners (if applicable)

2.8 Self-Assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation


3. Work plan

3.1 Methodology

3.2 Envisaged types of activities

3.3 Involvement of each partner

3.4 Time plan

3.5 Project coordination and management


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1. Expected commercial/societal impact

4.2. Exploitation of results (description of ow the results will be exploited and what the next steps are)

4.2. Prospects to establish sustainable partnerships

5. Financial Plan

6. Annexes

6.1. Letter of Commitment of partners participating at their own costs (if applicable)

6.2 CVs of participating researchers and scientific track-record

Proposals must clearly demonstrate the added value of transnational collaboration.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.



Evaluation Process

The evaluation process includes the following steps.

  1. Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all pre-proposals to ensure that they meet the formal criteria of the call (date of submission, number and country distribution of participating research partners, inclusion of all necessary information in English and length). The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points who will perform a check for compliance to country/regional rules (as described in respective "National Guidelines for applicants”).

Please note that proposals not meeting the formal criteria or the national/regional eligibility criteria and requirements may be declined without further review.

  1. Peer review

Independent scientific/business experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by three evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Potential impact and expected outcomes/ marketability of product or service to be developed(scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Market-need for the product/service to be developed. Has the team give a sound justification for the need for the product/service?
    • Assessment of the chances for a successful commercialisation including a brief comparison with other potentially competing products or services
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property


  1. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the product/service to be developed (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept. Has the team a sound and credible concept for the development and commercialization of the product/service to be developed?
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: How innovative is the project idea in comparison to existing products/services or those which are being developed currently?
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology/knowledge available at each participating team and between the partners with a stronger focus on the research side and those with a focus on the commercialization side.
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams


  1. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment)

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarises the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:



Criteria                                                                                                                                                      Score                Weight

1. Potential impact and expected outcomes/ marketability of product or service to be developed                        0-10                   40%

2. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the product/service to be developed                        0-10                   40%

3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation                                                                                          0-10                   20%

TOTAL                                                                                                                                                        0-10                   100%


Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the full proposals and pooled reviews to the Evaluation Board (EB) members. The two EBs, one for Infectious Diseases and one for Smart Cities will meet to discuss each proposal and, after consideration of the evaluation criteria, external reviews and their own discussions, the EB will make a classification of the proposals and rank proposals recommended for funding.

Funding decision

Based on the ranking list established by the EB and on available funding, the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) will take a final decision (subject to budgetary considerations). The Joint Call Secretariat will communicate to all project coordinators the final decisions about their proposal together with the main comments from the EB about the proposal. In case of a positive funding decision the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract.

Reporting and project output

The coordinators of all the funded projects will be asked to submit brief annual scientific project reports and a final scientific project report (within six months of the end of the project) to the JCS. All reports must be in English and use a common electronic reporting template that will be provided. The research partners are jointly responsible for delivery of the reports, and the JFS Management Team will only accept reports delivered on behalf of the consortium, via the project coordinator. The coordinators will also be asked to provide slightly adapted versions of the reports for the JFS homepage on which each project will be presented with a project portrait. 

If required, each participant should submit financial and scientific reports to their national/regional funding organisations according to national regulations. The progress and final results of each individual contract/letter of grant will be monitored by the respective national funding organisations.

In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects that are funded through the Joint Call:

  • Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFs Management Team (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
  • In any publication of results of the research for which Joint Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.



Contact information:


Call secretariat:

Indonesian Science Fund

Mrs. Marsia Gustiananda

Mr. Adam Bakthiar

Office Phone: +622122036293




National Contact Points:


Cambodia, MOEY

Dr. Bunlay Nith

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport


Czech Republic, CAS

Alena Klvaňová

Czech Academy of Sciences

+420 221 403 566



Adhi Indra Hermanu

Ministry Of Research, Technology And Higher Education

+62 878 8444 3878



Phouthanouthong Xaysombath and Viengsavanh Bouttanavong

Ministry of Science and Technology

+856 21 250045


Myanmar, MoE

Dr. Thazin Han

Ministry of Education



The Philippines, DOST

For Infectious Diseases:

Vincent H. Tumlos and Mary Ann I. Pacho

Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD-DOST)

8377535 loc. 102  

837 7535 loc 304


For Smart Cities:

Dr. Enrico C. Paringit and Raul C. Sabularse,

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD-DOST)

837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121


Spain, CDTI

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes Escribano

Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial

+34 91 581 56 07


Thailand, NSTDA

Phawika Rueannoi

National Science & Technology Cooperation Agency

+66 (0) 2117- 6935


Thailand, TCELS

Premruedee Lertsakvimarn

Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences

(+66) 2 644 5499 ext. 131



Şule Nur Sarper

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

+90 312 298 1759


Vietnam, MOST

Ms. Le Thi Viet Lam and Mr. Bui Quoc Anh and Ms. Trinh Quynh Trang

Ministry of Science and Technology – Vietnam





[1] Referring to the definition of TRL as applied by H 2020 Work Programme:

2019 S&T Joint Call for Proposals: Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) and Nanotechnologies (CLOSED)

Posted on
(CLOSED) The 2019 S&T Call in Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) and Nanotechnologies is now open for applications

Please note: This call is CLOSED since October 18, 2019!


3rd Joint Call for Proposals (Science and Technology [S&T]) in the Thematic Areas

of Integrated Water Resource Management and Nanotechnologies.


Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Integrated Water Resource Management or Nanotechnology to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. The 2019 S&T call aims to support projects which are close to basic research and the targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) at the end of the project should not be higher than 4[1].  

Deadline: 18 October 2019 12:00 (noon) CET/ 17:00 Jakarta time

Thematic Areas

1) Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM):

The protection and sustainable use of water resources plays a decisive role for the future of humankind. IWRM is a process that aims to maximize social and economic well-being while avoiding damage to vital ecosystems and creating fair conditions for the utilization of resources. In this context, ecological goals must be linked to economic and social goals. The areas under investigation are generally river basins or parts thereof, or settlement areas with bodies of water.

Climate Change in South-East Asia will cause more extreme weather events that may lead to drastic change in rainfall and runoff, water quality and supply as well as the viability of irrigation schemes according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Research and innovative technology approaches on integrated land use and water management systems as well as science diplomacy especially for river basins and deltas would contribute to prepare for, mitigate and negotiate the effects of climate change. Combining the experiences in Europe (e.g. Danube) and South-East Asia (e.g. Mekong) would provide opportunities for synergies in joint research and innovative technology development projects to support both policy makers and farmers in the two regions.

The nexus between the sustainability of river systems, transboundary water issues, food security, sustainable urbanization, energy and urban pollution in a context of climate change provides further scope for regional collaboration in research and innovation between Europe and South-East Asia.

IWRM ranks high on the policy agendas in both Southeast Asia and Europe. Water Management is one of the eight thematic tracks of the Krabi Initiative and also in Europe numerous initiatives such as the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Water that aim to create sustainable water systems underline the need for research and action in this field to ensure for instance stable access to clean water, mitigate disaster from flood and prevent water scarcity.

Bi-regional research in this field is expected to exchange and transfer experiences between the two regions and to make best use of synergies.


2) Nanotechnologies

Nanoscience and nanotechnology are highly interdisciplinary and cut across industrial and commercial sectors to research and create new materials and devices with remarkable properties and functions. To name but a few, nanotechnology is being used in medicine, electronics, food, manufacturing and materials or water purification. Despite the fact that the technology has a high potential for both regions, research and innovation cooperation in nanotechnology has still a high untapped potential. Hence addressing setting research and innovation initiatives could bring new avenues for joining scientific and innovation capabilities from both regions.


Participating countries and funding agencies/ministries (1= IWRM; 2=Nanotechnologies):

  • Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam2
  • Bulgaria - Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)1+2
  • Cambodia - Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY)1+2
  • Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) 1+2
  • Germany – Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 1+2
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI) 1
  • Indonesia – Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) 2
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)1+2
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MoE)1+2
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD)1+2
  • Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)1+2
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) 1+2
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)1+2
  • Vietnam – Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) 1



Some funders only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with a 1=IWRM and 2=Nanotechnologies after the name of each funding agency in the list above.



The list of funders might not be complete at the time of the launch of the call and others are expected to join later. Please check for updates.


Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in July 2020.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. You can download the respective national regulations for your country in the attachments section.

The upper funding limit can also be found in the respective national regulations.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Countries contributing to the Call are: Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Czech Republic, Germany, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Latvia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organisations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases. Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

Applicants should discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point before submitting a proposal.

Application Process

Project proposals are to be submitted electronically using the PT-Outline web tool


Deadline is 18 October 2019 12:00 (noon) CET/ 17:00 Jakarta time

Please note: Some funding agencies might require that applicants from their respective country submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the PT Outline webtool. Please check the additional requirements stated in the national regulations of the countries represented in your project before submitting your proposal.

Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project and applicant should be submitted using PT-Outline. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his/her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact for the Joint Call Secretariat.

All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 10,000 words):

1. Basic project data

Project title

Project Acronym

Name and institution of the Principal Investigator

Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Short abstract of the project

2.2 Objectives of the project

2.3 Scientific excellence

2.4 Transnational added value

2.5 Scientific excellence of applicants

2.6 Multi-/interdisciplinarity of the project

2.7 Contribution to national priorities of the participating partners (if applicable)

2.8 Self-Assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation


3. Work plan

3.1 Methodology

3.2 Envisaged types of activities

3.3 Involvement of each partner

3.4 Time plan

3.5 Project coordination and management


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1. Expected scientific/commercial impact

4.2. Dissemination and exploitation of results

4.2. Prospects to establish sustainable partnerships

5. Financial Plan

6. Annexes

6.1. Letter of Commitment of partners participating at their own costs (if applicable)

6.2 CVs of participating researchers and scientific track-record

Proposals must clearly demonstrate the added value of transnational collaboration.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.


Evaluation Process

The evaluation process includes the following steps.

  1. Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all proposals to ensure that they meet the formal criteria of the call (date of submission, number and country distribution of participating research partners, inclusion of all necessary information in English and length). The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points who will perform a check for compliance to country/regional rules (as described in respective "National Guidelines for applicants”).

Please note that proposals not meeting the formal criteria or the national/regional eligibility criteria and requirements may be declined without further review.

  1. Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by three evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept, quality of objectives
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of a project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology/knowledge available at each participating team
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams
  2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Social and/or market related impact
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property
  3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment)

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarises the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:



Criteria                                                                                                                             Score                                         Weight

1. Scientific/Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea                            0-10                                           40%

2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project                                                      0-10                                            40%

3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation                                                                 0-10                                            20%

TOTAL                                                                                                                               0-10                                           100%


Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The two SCs, one for Integrated Water Resource Management and one for Nanotechnology will meet to discuss each proposal and, after consideration of the evaluation criteria, external reviews and their own discussions, the SC will make a classification of the proposals and rank proposals recommended for funding.

Funding decision

Based on the ranking list established by the SC and on available funding, the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) will take a final decision. The Joint Call Secretariat will communicate to all project coordinators the final decisions about their proposal together with the main comments from the SC about the proposal. In case of a positive funding decision the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract.


Reporting and project output

The coordinators of all the funded projects will be asked to submit brief annual scientific project reports and a final scientific project report (within six months of the end of the project) to the JCS. All reports must be in English and use a common electronic reporting template that will be provided. The research partners are jointly responsible for delivery of the reports, and the JFS Management Team will only accept reports delivered on behalf of the consortium, via the project coordinator. The coordinators will also be asked to provide slightly adapted versions of the reports for the JFS homepage on which each project will be presented with a project portrait. 

If required, each participant should submit financial and scientific reports to their national/regional funding organisations according to national regulations. The progress and final results of each individual contract/letter of grant will be monitored by the respective national funding organisations.

In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects that are funded through the Joint Call:

  • Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFs Management Team (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
  • In any publication of results of the research for which Joint Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.


Contact information:


Call secretariat:

Indonesian Science Fund

Mrs. Marsia Gustiananda

Mr. Adam Bakthiar

Office Phone: +622122036293


National Contact Points:


Brunei Darussalam, UBD

Dr. Rosnah Abdullah

Centre for Advanced Material & Energy Sciences

Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)

+673 2460922 ext 1323


Bulgaria, BNSF

Prof. Dr. Diana Kopeva

Bulgarian National Science Fund

+359 888 345 175


Cambodia, MOEY

Dr. Bunlay Nith

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport


Czech Republic, CAS

Alena Klvaňová

Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), Division of International Cooperation

+420 221 403 566


Germany, BMBF/ DLR Project Management Agency

Hans Westphal and Dr. Adele Clausen

International Bureau of BMBF at DLR Project Management Agency and

+49 (0)228 3821 1473; +49 (0)228 3821 2171



Adhi Indra Hermanu

Ministry Of Research, Technology and Higher Education

+62 878 8444 3878


Indonesia, LPDP-ISF

Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education - Indonesian Science Fund




Phouthanouthong Xaysombath / Ms. Viengsavanh Bouttanavong

Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Planning and Cooperation

+856 21 250045


Myanmar, MoE

Dr. Thazin Han

Ministry of Education



The Philippines, DOST-PCIEERD

Dr. Enrico C. Paringit and Raul C. Sabularse,

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD-DOST)

837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121


Switzerland, SNSF

Andrea Landolt

Swiss National Science Foundation

+41 31 308 24 09


Thailand, NSTDA

Phawika Rueannoi

National Science & Technology Cooperation Agency

+66 (0) 2117- 6935



Şule Nur Sarper

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

+90 312 298 1759


Vietnam, MOST

Ms. Le Thi Viet Lam and Mr. Bui Quoc Anh and Ms. Trinh Quynh Trang

Ministry of Science and Technology – Vietnam




[1] Referring to the definition of TRL as applied by H 2020 Work Programme:

Please note: This call is CLOSED since October 18, 2019!


3rd Joint Call for Proposals (Science and Technology [S&T]) in the Thematic Areas

of Integrated Water Resource Management and Nanotechnologies.


Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Integrated Water Resource Management or Nanotechnology to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. The 2019 S&T call aims to support projects which are close to basic research and the targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) at the end of the project should not be higher than 4[1].  

Deadline: 18 October 2019 12:00 (noon) CET/ 17:00 Jakarta time

Thematic Areas

1) Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM):

The protection and sustainable use of water resources plays a decisive role for the future of humankind. IWRM is a process that aims to maximize social and economic well-being while avoiding damage to vital ecosystems and creating fair conditions for the utilization of resources. In this context, ecological goals must be linked to economic and social goals. The areas under investigation are generally river basins or parts thereof, or settlement areas with bodies of water.

Climate Change in South-East Asia will cause more extreme weather events that may lead to drastic change in rainfall and runoff, water quality and supply as well as the viability of irrigation schemes according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Research and innovative technology approaches on integrated land use and water management systems as well as science diplomacy especially for river basins and deltas would contribute to prepare for, mitigate and negotiate the effects of climate change. Combining the experiences in Europe (e.g. Danube) and South-East Asia (e.g. Mekong) would provide opportunities for synergies in joint research and innovative technology development projects to support both policy makers and farmers in the two regions.

The nexus between the sustainability of river systems, transboundary water issues, food security, sustainable urbanization, energy and urban pollution in a context of climate change provides further scope for regional collaboration in research and innovation between Europe and South-East Asia.

IWRM ranks high on the policy agendas in both Southeast Asia and Europe. Water Management is one of the eight thematic tracks of the Krabi Initiative and also in Europe numerous initiatives such as the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Water that aim to create sustainable water systems underline the need for research and action in this field to ensure for instance stable access to clean water, mitigate disaster from flood and prevent water scarcity.

Bi-regional research in this field is expected to exchange and transfer experiences between the two regions and to make best use of synergies.


2) Nanotechnologies

Nanoscience and nanotechnology are highly interdisciplinary and cut across industrial and commercial sectors to research and create new materials and devices with remarkable properties and functions. To name but a few, nanotechnology is being used in medicine, electronics, food, manufacturing and materials or water purification. Despite the fact that the technology has a high potential for both regions, research and innovation cooperation in nanotechnology has still a high untapped potential. Hence addressing setting research and innovation initiatives could bring new avenues for joining scientific and innovation capabilities from both regions.


Participating countries and funding agencies/ministries (1= IWRM; 2=Nanotechnologies):

  • Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam2
  • Bulgaria - Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)1+2
  • Cambodia - Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY)1+2
  • Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) 1+2
  • Germany – Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 1+2
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI) 1
  • Indonesia – Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) 2
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)1+2
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MoE)1+2
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD)1+2
  • Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)1+2
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) 1+2
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)1+2
  • Vietnam – Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) 1



Some funders only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with a 1=IWRM and 2=Nanotechnologies after the name of each funding agency in the list above.



The list of funders might not be complete at the time of the launch of the call and others are expected to join later. Please check for updates.


Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in July 2020.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. You can download the respective national regulations for your country in the attachments section.

The upper funding limit can also be found in the respective national regulations.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Countries contributing to the Call are: Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Czech Republic, Germany, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Latvia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organisations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases. Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

Applicants should discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point before submitting a proposal.

Application Process

Project proposals are to be submitted electronically using the PT-Outline web tool


Deadline is 18 October 2019 12:00 (noon) CET/ 17:00 Jakarta time

Please note: Some funding agencies might require that applicants from their respective country submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the PT Outline webtool. Please check the additional requirements stated in the national regulations of the countries represented in your project before submitting your proposal.

Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project and applicant should be submitted using PT-Outline. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his/her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact for the Joint Call Secretariat.

All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 10,000 words):

1. Basic project data

Project title

Project Acronym

Name and institution of the Principal Investigator

Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Short abstract of the project

2.2 Objectives of the project

2.3 Scientific excellence

2.4 Transnational added value

2.5 Scientific excellence of applicants

2.6 Multi-/interdisciplinarity of the project

2.7 Contribution to national priorities of the participating partners (if applicable)

2.8 Self-Assessment of targeted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and explanation


3. Work plan

3.1 Methodology

3.2 Envisaged types of activities

3.3 Involvement of each partner

3.4 Time plan

3.5 Project coordination and management


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1. Expected scientific/commercial impact

4.2. Dissemination and exploitation of results

4.2. Prospects to establish sustainable partnerships

5. Financial Plan

6. Annexes

6.1. Letter of Commitment of partners participating at their own costs (if applicable)

6.2 CVs of participating researchers and scientific track-record

Proposals must clearly demonstrate the added value of transnational collaboration.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.


Evaluation Process

The evaluation process includes the following steps.

  1. Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all proposals to ensure that they meet the formal criteria of the call (date of submission, number and country distribution of participating research partners, inclusion of all necessary information in English and length). The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points who will perform a check for compliance to country/regional rules (as described in respective "National Guidelines for applicants”).

Please note that proposals not meeting the formal criteria or the national/regional eligibility criteria and requirements may be declined without further review.

  1. Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by three evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept, quality of objectives
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of a project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology/knowledge available at each participating team
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams
  2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Social and/or market related impact
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property
  3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment)

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarises the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:



Criteria                                                                                                                             Score                                         Weight

1. Scientific/Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea                            0-10                                           40%

2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project                                                      0-10                                            40%

3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation                                                                 0-10                                            20%

TOTAL                                                                                                                               0-10                                           100%


Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The two SCs, one for Integrated Water Resource Management and one for Nanotechnology will meet to discuss each proposal and, after consideration of the evaluation criteria, external reviews and their own discussions, the SC will make a classification of the proposals and rank proposals recommended for funding.

Funding decision

Based on the ranking list established by the SC and on available funding, the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) will take a final decision. The Joint Call Secretariat will communicate to all project coordinators the final decisions about their proposal together with the main comments from the SC about the proposal. In case of a positive funding decision the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract.


Reporting and project output

The coordinators of all the funded projects will be asked to submit brief annual scientific project reports and a final scientific project report (within six months of the end of the project) to the JCS. All reports must be in English and use a common electronic reporting template that will be provided. The research partners are jointly responsible for delivery of the reports, and the JFS Management Team will only accept reports delivered on behalf of the consortium, via the project coordinator. The coordinators will also be asked to provide slightly adapted versions of the reports for the JFS homepage on which each project will be presented with a project portrait. 

If required, each participant should submit financial and scientific reports to their national/regional funding organisations according to national regulations. The progress and final results of each individual contract/letter of grant will be monitored by the respective national funding organisations.

In addition, the following regulations will apply for all research projects that are funded through the Joint Call:

  • Publications or other form of output resulting from the research for which funding was awarded should be made available to the JFs Management Team (publication of the results in open access journals is strongly encouraged).
  • In any publication of results of the research for which Joint Call funding was awarded, mention must be made of the support received.


Contact information:


Call secretariat:

Indonesian Science Fund

Mrs. Marsia Gustiananda

Mr. Adam Bakthiar

Office Phone: +622122036293


National Contact Points:


Brunei Darussalam, UBD

Dr. Rosnah Abdullah

Centre for Advanced Material & Energy Sciences

Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)

+673 2460922 ext 1323


Bulgaria, BNSF

Prof. Dr. Diana Kopeva

Bulgarian National Science Fund

+359 888 345 175


Cambodia, MOEY

Dr. Bunlay Nith

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport


Czech Republic, CAS

Alena Klvaňová

Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), Division of International Cooperation

+420 221 403 566


Germany, BMBF/ DLR Project Management Agency

Hans Westphal and Dr. Adele Clausen

International Bureau of BMBF at DLR Project Management Agency and

+49 (0)228 3821 1473; +49 (0)228 3821 2171



Adhi Indra Hermanu

Ministry Of Research, Technology and Higher Education

+62 878 8444 3878


Indonesia, LPDP-ISF

Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education - Indonesian Science Fund




Phouthanouthong Xaysombath / Ms. Viengsavanh Bouttanavong

Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Planning and Cooperation

+856 21 250045


Myanmar, MoE

Dr. Thazin Han

Ministry of Education



The Philippines, DOST-PCIEERD

Dr. Enrico C. Paringit and Raul C. Sabularse,

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD-DOST)

837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121


Switzerland, SNSF

Andrea Landolt

Swiss National Science Foundation

+41 31 308 24 09


Thailand, NSTDA

Phawika Rueannoi

National Science & Technology Cooperation Agency

+66 (0) 2117- 6935



Şule Nur Sarper

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

+90 312 298 1759


Vietnam, MOST

Ms. Le Thi Viet Lam and Mr. Bui Quoc Anh and Ms. Trinh Quynh Trang

Ministry of Science and Technology – Vietnam




[1] Referring to the definition of TRL as applied by H 2020 Work Programme:

2nd Joint Call in the thematic areas Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases (CLOSED)

Posted on
(CLOSED) The 2nd Joint Call for Proposals in the thematic areas BIOECONOMY and INFECTIOUS DISEASES under the Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation has been launched. The deadline for the submission of Proposals is 18 September 2018.

SEA-Europe JFS


2nd Joint Call for Proposals in the Thematic Areas

of Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases.


Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Bioeconomy or Infectious Diseases to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones.


Deadline: 18 September 2018 12:00 (noon) CET/ 17:00 Jakarta time

Thematic Areas

1) Bioeconomy:

The bioeconomy comprises those parts of the economy that use renewable biological resources from land and sea – such as crops, forests, fish, animals and micro-organisms – to produce food, materials and energy.

Bioeconomy is a top-priority on the research agendas of the EU and its MS/AC and the ASEAN countries (e.g. see Europe's Bioeconomy Strategy and cross-cutting topic in APASTI in Sub-Committee on Biotechnology (SCB), Sub-Committee on Food Science and Technology (SCFST) and Sub-Committee on Marine Science and Technology (SCMSAT), Sub-Committee on Materials Science and Technology (SCMST) or also Sub-Committee on Sustainable Energy Research (SCSER).

2) Infectious Diseases

Research on Infectious Diseases has a long history in Southeast Asia-Europe cooperation as the pose a threat to both regions and there are strong research capacities on both sides. The topic was also part of the 1st Joint Call for Proposals under this funding scheme. A focus is on emerging infectious diseases and proposals could address subjects such as new drug and vaccine candidates (preclinical), diagnostics, epidemiology, public health preparedness. This thematic areas covers infectious diseases which pose a threat to human health.


Participating countries and funding agencies/ministries (1= Bioeconomy; 2=Infectious Diseases):

  • Belgium (french speaking) - Fund for scientific research (F.R.S – FNRS) 1+2
  • Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam1
  • Bulgaria - Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)1+2
  • Cambodia - Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY)1+2
  • France - French National Research Agency (ANR) 1+2
  • Germany – Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 1+2
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI)1+2
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)1+2
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MoE)1+2
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD)1
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST), Philippine Council for Health Research & Development (PCHRD)2
  • Poland - National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)1+2
  • Spain - Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)1+2
  • Sweden - Swedish Research Council for sustainable development (FORMAS)1
  • Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)1+2
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)1
  • Thailand - Thailand Center for Excellence for Life Science (TCELS)2
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)1+2




Some funders only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with a 1=Bioeconomy and 2=Infectious Diseases after the name of each funding agency in the list above.


Partner search:

To find a partner for your research proposal we have set up a partnering tool under


Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in April 2019.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. You can download the respective national regulations for your country in the attachments section.

The upper funding limit can also be found in the respective national regulations.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). The participation of SMEs, industries and clusters in consortia is recommended. Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Countries contributing to the Call are: Belgium (french speaking), Bulgaria, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, France, Germany, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, The Philippines, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey,

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organisations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases. Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

Applicants should discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point before submitting a proposal.


Application Process

Project proposals are to be submitted electronically using the PT-Outline web tool


Deadline is 18 September 2018 12:00 (noon) CET/ 17:00 Jakarta time

Please note: Some funding agencies might require that applicants from their respective country submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the PT Outline webtool. Please check the additional requirements stated in the national regulations of the countries represented in your project before submitting your proposal.

Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his/her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact for the Joint Call Secretariat.

All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 10,000 words):

1. Basic project data

Project title

Project Acronym

Name and institution of the Principal Investigator

Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Short abstract of the project

2.2 Objectives of the project

2.3 Scientific excellence

2.4 Transnational added value

2.5 Scientific excellence of applicants

2.6 Multi-/interdisciplinarity of the project

2.7 Contribution to national priorities of the participating partners (if applicable)


3. Work plan

3.1 Methodology

3.2 Envisaged types of activities

3.3 Involvement of each partner

3.4 Time plan

3.5 Project coordination and management


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1. Expected scientific/commercial impact

4.2. Dissemination and exploitation of results

4.2. Prospects to establish sustainable partnerships

5. Financial Plan

6. Annexes

6.1. Letter of Commitment of partners participating at their own costs (if applicable)

6.2 CVs of participating researchers and scientific track-record

Proposals must clearly demonstrate the added value of transnational collaboration.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.


Evaluation Process

The evaluation process includes the following steps.

  1. Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all pre-proposals to ensure that they meet the formal criteria of the call (date of submission, number and country distribution of participating research partners, inclusion of all necessary information in English and length). The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points who will perform a check for compliance to country/regional rules (as described in respective "National Guidelines for applicants”).

Please note that proposals not meeting the formal criteria or the national/regional eligibility criteria and requirements may be declined without further review.

  1. Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by three evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept, quality of objectives
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of a project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology/knowledge available at each participating team
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams
  2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Social and/or market related impact
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property
  3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment)

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarises the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:






Scientific/Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea




Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project




Management, Transnationality and Cooperation








Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the full proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The two SCs, one for bioeconomy and one for infectious diseases will meet to discuss each proposal and, after consideration of the evaluation criteria, external reviews and their own discussions, the SC will make a classification of the proposals and rank proposals recommended for funding.

Funding decision

Based on the ranking list established by the SC and on available funding, the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) will take a final decision (subject to budgetary considerations). The Joint Call Secretariat will communicate to all project coordinators the final decisions about their proposal together with the main comments from the SC about the proposal. In case of a positive funding decision the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract.


Contact information:


Call secretariat:

Indonesian Science Fund

Mrs. Marsia Gustiananda

Mr. Adam Bakthiar



National Contact Points:

Belgium (French Speaking), F.R.S – FNRS

Joël Groeneveld

Dr. Florence Quist

The Fund for Scientific Research; +32 (0) 2504- 9270; +32 (0) 2504- 9351


Bulgaria, BNSF

Prof. Dr. Diana Kopeva

Bulgarian National Science Fund

+359 888 345 175


Brunei Darussalam, UBD

Chee M. Lim

Centre for Advanced Material & Energy Sciences

Universiti Brunei Darussalam ,

+673 8767448


Cambodia, MOEY

Dr. Nith Bunlay

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport


France, ANR

Maurice Heral

Johann Müller

French National Research Agency


Germany, BMBF/ DLR Project Management Agency

Hans Westphal

International Bureau of BMBF at DLR Project Management Agency

+49 (0)228 3821 1473



Adhi Indra Hermanu

Ministry Of Research, Technology And Higher Education

+62 878 8444 3878



Phouthanouthong Xaysombath

+856 (0)21 213470-148


Ministry of Science and Technology


Myanmar, MoE

Dr. Thazin Han

Ministry of Education




The Philippines, DOST

For bioeconomy:

Raul C. Sabularse

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD-DOST)

837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121


For infectious diseases:

Mary Ann I. Pacho

Christine May D. Gaylan

Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD-DOST)  

837 7535 loc 304  

837 2017 loc 2111


Poland, NCBR

Ms. Krystyna Maciejko

National Centre for Research and Development

+48 22 39 07 489


Spain, CDTI

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes Escribano

Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial


Sweden, FORMAS

Dr. Louise Staffas

Swedish Research Council for sustainable development

+46 8 775 41 12, +46 76 101 49 69



Switzerland, SNSF

Dr. Vanja Michel

Swiss National Science Foundation

+41 31 308 22 74


Thailand, NSTDA

Phawika Rueannoi

National Science & Technology Cooperation Agency

+66 (0) 2117- 6935


Thailand, TCELS

Premruedee Lertsakvimarn

Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences

(+66) 2 644 5499 ext. 131



Şule Nur Sarper

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey


SEA-Europe JFS


2nd Joint Call for Proposals in the Thematic Areas

of Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases.


Type of funded projects: Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner) applying for funding from funding agencies participating in the call. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of Bioeconomy or Infectious Diseases to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones.


Deadline: 18 September 2018 12:00 (noon) CET/ 17:00 Jakarta time

Thematic Areas

1) Bioeconomy:

The bioeconomy comprises those parts of the economy that use renewable biological resources from land and sea – such as crops, forests, fish, animals and micro-organisms – to produce food, materials and energy.

Bioeconomy is a top-priority on the research agendas of the EU and its MS/AC and the ASEAN countries (e.g. see Europe's Bioeconomy Strategy and cross-cutting topic in APASTI in Sub-Committee on Biotechnology (SCB), Sub-Committee on Food Science and Technology (SCFST) and Sub-Committee on Marine Science and Technology (SCMSAT), Sub-Committee on Materials Science and Technology (SCMST) or also Sub-Committee on Sustainable Energy Research (SCSER).

2) Infectious Diseases

Research on Infectious Diseases has a long history in Southeast Asia-Europe cooperation as the pose a threat to both regions and there are strong research capacities on both sides. The topic was also part of the 1st Joint Call for Proposals under this funding scheme. A focus is on emerging infectious diseases and proposals could address subjects such as new drug and vaccine candidates (preclinical), diagnostics, epidemiology, public health preparedness. This thematic areas covers infectious diseases which pose a threat to human health.


Participating countries and funding agencies/ministries (1= Bioeconomy; 2=Infectious Diseases):

  • Belgium (french speaking) - Fund for scientific research (F.R.S – FNRS) 1+2
  • Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam1
  • Bulgaria - Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)1+2
  • Cambodia - Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY)1+2
  • France - French National Research Agency (ANR) 1+2
  • Germany – Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 1+2
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI)1+2
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)1+2
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MoE)1+2
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD)1
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST), Philippine Council for Health Research & Development (PCHRD)2
  • Poland - National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)1+2
  • Spain - Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)1+2
  • Sweden - Swedish Research Council for sustainable development (FORMAS)1
  • Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)1+2
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)1
  • Thailand - Thailand Center for Excellence for Life Science (TCELS)2
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)1+2




Some funders only participate in one of the thematic areas. This is indicated with a 1=Bioeconomy and 2=Infectious Diseases after the name of each funding agency in the list above.


Partner search:

To find a partner for your research proposal we have set up a partnering tool under


Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in April 2019.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. You can download the respective national regulations for your country in the attachments section.

The upper funding limit can also be found in the respective national regulations.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). The participation of SMEs, industries and clusters in consortia is recommended. Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Countries contributing to the Call are: Belgium (french speaking), Bulgaria, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, France, Germany, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, The Philippines, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey,

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organisations might join at their own costs). A Letter of Commitment has to be submitted in these cases. Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

Applicants should discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point before submitting a proposal.


Application Process

Project proposals are to be submitted electronically using the PT-Outline web tool


Deadline is 18 September 2018 12:00 (noon) CET/ 17:00 Jakarta time

Please note: Some funding agencies might require that applicants from their respective country submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the PT Outline webtool. Please check the additional requirements stated in the national regulations of the countries represented in your project before submitting your proposal.

Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of his/her project consortium. The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact for the Joint Call Secretariat.

All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word template has to be downloaded from the project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. number of 10,000 words):

1. Basic project data

Project title

Project Acronym

Name and institution of the Principal Investigator

Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Short abstract of the project

2.2 Objectives of the project

2.3 Scientific excellence

2.4 Transnational added value

2.5 Scientific excellence of applicants

2.6 Multi-/interdisciplinarity of the project

2.7 Contribution to national priorities of the participating partners (if applicable)


3. Work plan

3.1 Methodology

3.2 Envisaged types of activities

3.3 Involvement of each partner

3.4 Time plan

3.5 Project coordination and management


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1. Expected scientific/commercial impact

4.2. Dissemination and exploitation of results

4.2. Prospects to establish sustainable partnerships

5. Financial Plan

6. Annexes

6.1. Letter of Commitment of partners participating at their own costs (if applicable)

6.2 CVs of participating researchers and scientific track-record

Proposals must clearly demonstrate the added value of transnational collaboration.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.


Evaluation Process

The evaluation process includes the following steps.

  1. Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all pre-proposals to ensure that they meet the formal criteria of the call (date of submission, number and country distribution of participating research partners, inclusion of all necessary information in English and length). The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points who will perform a check for compliance to country/regional rules (as described in respective "National Guidelines for applicants”).

Please note that proposals not meeting the formal criteria or the national/regional eligibility criteria and requirements may be declined without further review.

  1. Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by three evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept, quality of objectives
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of a project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology/knowledge available at each participating team
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams
  2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Social and/or market related impact
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property
  3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment)

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarises the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:






Scientific/Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea




Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project




Management, Transnationality and Cooperation








Once the peer review process is finalized, the JCS will send the full proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The two SCs, one for bioeconomy and one for infectious diseases will meet to discuss each proposal and, after consideration of the evaluation criteria, external reviews and their own discussions, the SC will make a classification of the proposals and rank proposals recommended for funding.

Funding decision

Based on the ranking list established by the SC and on available funding, the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) will take a final decision (subject to budgetary considerations). The Joint Call Secretariat will communicate to all project coordinators the final decisions about their proposal together with the main comments from the SC about the proposal. In case of a positive funding decision the national funding agencies will then get in touch with the individual project partners to initiate the process of drafting the contract.


Contact information:


Call secretariat:

Indonesian Science Fund

Mrs. Marsia Gustiananda

Mr. Adam Bakthiar



National Contact Points:

Belgium (French Speaking), F.R.S – FNRS

Joël Groeneveld

Dr. Florence Quist

The Fund for Scientific Research; +32 (0) 2504- 9270; +32 (0) 2504- 9351


Bulgaria, BNSF

Prof. Dr. Diana Kopeva

Bulgarian National Science Fund

+359 888 345 175


Brunei Darussalam, UBD

Chee M. Lim

Centre for Advanced Material & Energy Sciences

Universiti Brunei Darussalam ,

+673 8767448


Cambodia, MOEY

Dr. Nith Bunlay

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport


France, ANR

Maurice Heral

Johann Müller

French National Research Agency


Germany, BMBF/ DLR Project Management Agency

Hans Westphal

International Bureau of BMBF at DLR Project Management Agency

+49 (0)228 3821 1473



Adhi Indra Hermanu

Ministry Of Research, Technology And Higher Education

+62 878 8444 3878



Phouthanouthong Xaysombath

+856 (0)21 213470-148


Ministry of Science and Technology


Myanmar, MoE

Dr. Thazin Han

Ministry of Education




The Philippines, DOST

For bioeconomy:

Raul C. Sabularse

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD-DOST)

837-2071 to 82 loc. 2100, 2120 & 2121


For infectious diseases:

Mary Ann I. Pacho

Christine May D. Gaylan

Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD-DOST)  

837 7535 loc 304  

837 2017 loc 2111


Poland, NCBR

Ms. Krystyna Maciejko

National Centre for Research and Development

+48 22 39 07 489


Spain, CDTI

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes Escribano

Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial


Sweden, FORMAS

Dr. Louise Staffas

Swedish Research Council for sustainable development

+46 8 775 41 12, +46 76 101 49 69



Switzerland, SNSF

Dr. Vanja Michel

Swiss National Science Foundation

+41 31 308 22 74


Thailand, NSTDA

Phawika Rueannoi

National Science & Technology Cooperation Agency

+66 (0) 2117- 6935


Thailand, TCELS

Premruedee Lertsakvimarn

Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences

(+66) 2 644 5499 ext. 131



Şule Nur Sarper

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey


CLOSED CALL (2017) - 1st Joint Call in the thematic areas of health and environment/climate change

Posted on
2017 1st Joint Call for Proposals in the thematic areas of Health, Environment /Climate Change.

*** The JFS Call is now closed *** The deadline to submit proposals was 30 June 2017; 50 proposals were submitted and 8-10 projects were selected to be funded.


Type of funded projects: Europe-Southeast Asian Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner from countries participating in the call or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner from countries participating in teh call) and cover the thematic areas of Health (Anti-microbial drug resistance, Emerging infectious diseases), Environment/ Climate Change (Adaptation/Resilience of food production systems, Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems/Biodiversity) to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones.

Participating countries:

  • Belgium (french speaking) - Fund for scientific research (F.R.S – FNRS)
  • Cambodia - Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY)
  • France - French National Research Agency (ANR)
  • Germany - Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST)
  • Poland - National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)
  • Spain - Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)
  • Sweden - Swedish Research Council for sustainable development (FORMAS)
  • Sweden - Swedish Research Council (SRC)
  • Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
  • Thailand - Thailand Center for Excellence for Life Science (TCELS)
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)

Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in January 2018.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. You can download the respective national regulations for your country in the attachments section.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). The participation of SMEs, industries and clusters in consortia is recommended. Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Countries contributing to the Call are: Belgium (Wallonia), Cambodia, France, Germany, Lao PDR, The Philippines, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey,

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organisations might join on their own costs). Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

Applicants should discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point before submitting a proposal.

Application Process

Project proposals are to be submitted electronically using the PT-Outline web tool.

Please note: Some funding agencies might require that applicants from their respective country submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the PT Outline web tool. Please check the additional requirements stated in the national regulations of the countries represented in your project before submitting your proposal.

Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of its project consortium.  The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact for the Joint Call Secretariat.

All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word document has to be downloaded from the Project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. nr of 10,000 words):

1. Basic project data

Project title

Project Acronym

Name and institution of the Principal Investigator

Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Short abstract of the project

2.2 Objectives of the project

2.3 Scientific excellence

2.4 Transnational added value

2.5 Scientific excellence of applicants

2.6 Multi-/interdisciplinarity of the project

2.7 Contribution to national priorities of the participating partners (if applicable)


3. Work plan

3.1 Methodology

3.2 Envisaged types of activities

3.3 Involvement of each partner

3.4 Time plan

3.5 Project coordination and management


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1. Expected scientific/commercial impact

4.2. Dissemination and exploitation of results

4.2. Prospects to establish sustainable partnerships

5. Financial Plan

6. Annexes

6.1. Letter of Commitment of partners participating at their own costs (if applicable)

6.2 CVs of participating researchers and scientific track-record

Proposals must clearly demonstrate the added value of transnational collaboration.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.


Evaluation Process

The evaluation process includes the following steps.

Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all pre-proposals to ensure that they meet the formal criteria of the call (date of submission, number and country distribution of participating research partners, inclusion of all necessary information in English and length). The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points who will perform a check for compliance to country/regional rules (as described in respective "National Guidelines for applicants”).

Please note that proposals not meeting the formal criteria or the national/regional eligibility criteria and requirements may be declined without further review.

Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by three evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept, quality of objectives
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of a project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology/knowledge available at each participating team
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams
  2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Social and/or market related impact
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property
  3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment)

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarises the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:






Scientific/Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea




Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project




Management, Transnationality and Cooperation








Once the peer review process is finalise, the JCS will send the full proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC will meet to discuss each proposal and, after consideration of the evaluation criteria, external reviews and their own discussions, the SC will make a classification of the proposals and rank proposals recommended for funding.

Funding decision

Based on the ranking list established by the SC and on available funding, the PSC will take a final decision (subject to budgetary considerations). The Joint Call Secretariat will communicate to all project coordinators the final decisions about their proposal together with a review summary from the SC.

Contact information:

Call secretariat:

Christoph Elineau,

Project Management Agency German Aerospace Center (DLR)

SEA-EU-NET Coordinator


Phone: 0049/228/3821-1437


National Contact Points:

Belgium, F.R.S – FNRS

Joël Groeneveld

The Fund for Scientific Research


Cambodia, MOEY

Dr. Nith Bunlay

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport


Germany, BMBF

Dr. Gerold Heinrichs

International Bureau of the BMBF

Project Management c/o German Aerospace Center (DLR)


France, ANR

Dr. Véronique Briquet-Laugier

Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR)



Mr. Phouthanouthong Xaysombath

Department of Planning and Cooperation

Ministry of Science and Technology


The Philippines, DOST

For health topics:

Dr. Jaime Montoya

Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD)

For climate change/environment topics:

Dr. Carlos Primo C. David

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology


Poland, NCBR

Ms. Krystyna Maciejko

National Centre for Research and Development


Spain,  CDTI

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes Escribano

Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial


Sweden, FORMAS

Dr. Lisa Almesjö

Swedish Research Council for sustainable development


Sweden, SRC

Mr. Johan Nilsson (PhD)

Swedish Research Council


Switzerland, SNSF

Ms. Andrea Landolt

Swiss National Science Foundation

+41 31 308 24 09


Thailand, NSTDA

Dr. Chanwit Tribuddharat

National Science and Technology Development Agency


Thailand, TCELS

Dr. Nares Damrongchai

CEO, Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences



Dr. Jale Sahin

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey


*** The JFS Call is now closed *** The deadline to submit proposals was 30 June 2017; 50 proposals were submitted and 8-10 projects were selected to be funded.


Type of funded projects: Europe-Southeast Asian Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner from countries participating in the call or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner from countries participating in teh call) and cover the thematic areas of Health (Anti-microbial drug resistance, Emerging infectious diseases), Environment/ Climate Change (Adaptation/Resilience of food production systems, Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems/Biodiversity) to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones.

Participating countries:

  • Belgium (french speaking) - Fund for scientific research (F.R.S – FNRS)
  • Cambodia - Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY)
  • France - French National Research Agency (ANR)
  • Germany - Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST)
  • Poland - National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)
  • Spain - Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)
  • Sweden - Swedish Research Council for sustainable development (FORMAS)
  • Sweden - Swedish Research Council (SRC)
  • Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
  • Thailand - Thailand Center for Excellence for Life Science (TCELS)
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)

Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in January 2018.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. You can download the respective national regulations for your country in the attachments section.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). The participation of SMEs, industries and clusters in consortia is recommended. Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Countries contributing to the Call are: Belgium (Wallonia), Cambodia, France, Germany, Lao PDR, The Philippines, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey,

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organisations might join on their own costs). Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

Applicants should discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point before submitting a proposal.

Application Process

Project proposals are to be submitted electronically using the PT-Outline web tool.

Please note: Some funding agencies might require that applicants from their respective country submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the PT Outline web tool. Please check the additional requirements stated in the national regulations of the countries represented in your project before submitting your proposal.

Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of its project consortium.  The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact for the Joint Call Secretariat.

All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word document has to be downloaded from the Project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. nr of 10,000 words):

1. Basic project data

Project title

Project Acronym

Name and institution of the Principal Investigator

Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Short abstract of the project

2.2 Objectives of the project

2.3 Scientific excellence

2.4 Transnational added value

2.5 Scientific excellence of applicants

2.6 Multi-/interdisciplinarity of the project

2.7 Contribution to national priorities of the participating partners (if applicable)


3. Work plan

3.1 Methodology

3.2 Envisaged types of activities

3.3 Involvement of each partner

3.4 Time plan

3.5 Project coordination and management


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1. Expected scientific/commercial impact

4.2. Dissemination and exploitation of results

4.2. Prospects to establish sustainable partnerships

5. Financial Plan

6. Annexes

6.1. Letter of Commitment of partners participating at their own costs (if applicable)

6.2 CVs of participating researchers and scientific track-record

Proposals must clearly demonstrate the added value of transnational collaboration.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.


Evaluation Process

The evaluation process includes the following steps.

Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all pre-proposals to ensure that they meet the formal criteria of the call (date of submission, number and country distribution of participating research partners, inclusion of all necessary information in English and length). The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points who will perform a check for compliance to country/regional rules (as described in respective "National Guidelines for applicants”).

Please note that proposals not meeting the formal criteria or the national/regional eligibility criteria and requirements may be declined without further review.

Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by three evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept, quality of objectives
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of a project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology/knowledge available at each participating team
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams
  2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Social and/or market related impact
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property
  3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment)

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarises the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:






Scientific/Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea




Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project




Management, Transnationality and Cooperation








Once the peer review process is finalise, the JCS will send the full proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC will meet to discuss each proposal and, after consideration of the evaluation criteria, external reviews and their own discussions, the SC will make a classification of the proposals and rank proposals recommended for funding.

Funding decision

Based on the ranking list established by the SC and on available funding, the PSC will take a final decision (subject to budgetary considerations). The Joint Call Secretariat will communicate to all project coordinators the final decisions about their proposal together with a review summary from the SC.

Contact information:

Call secretariat:

Christoph Elineau,

Project Management Agency German Aerospace Center (DLR)

SEA-EU-NET Coordinator


Phone: 0049/228/3821-1437


National Contact Points:

Belgium, F.R.S – FNRS

Joël Groeneveld

The Fund for Scientific Research


Cambodia, MOEY

Dr. Nith Bunlay

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport


Germany, BMBF

Dr. Gerold Heinrichs

International Bureau of the BMBF

Project Management c/o German Aerospace Center (DLR)


France, ANR

Dr. Véronique Briquet-Laugier

Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR)



Mr. Phouthanouthong Xaysombath

Department of Planning and Cooperation

Ministry of Science and Technology


The Philippines, DOST

For health topics:

Dr. Jaime Montoya

Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD)

For climate change/environment topics:

Dr. Carlos Primo C. David

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology


Poland, NCBR

Ms. Krystyna Maciejko

National Centre for Research and Development


Spain,  CDTI

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes Escribano

Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial


Sweden, FORMAS

Dr. Lisa Almesjö

Swedish Research Council for sustainable development


Sweden, SRC

Mr. Johan Nilsson (PhD)

Swedish Research Council


Switzerland, SNSF

Ms. Andrea Landolt

Swiss National Science Foundation

+41 31 308 24 09


Thailand, NSTDA

Dr. Chanwit Tribuddharat

National Science and Technology Development Agency


Thailand, TCELS

Dr. Nares Damrongchai

CEO, Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences



Dr. Jale Sahin

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey