Funding Decision for 2019 S&T Call on IWRM and Nanotechnology taken
On April 8, the JFS Programme Steering Committee (PSC) meeting for the selection of projects to be funded under the 2019 JFS S&T Call on Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) and Nanotechnology was successfully held online.
After the initial postponement of the funding decision (as announced on our website on March 10) due to cancellation of the PSC meeting in Bonn/Germany from March 3-5 caused by the outbreak of the Coronavirus, it was necessary to convene an online meeting soon.
The applicants will now be informed about the selected projects for funding during the next couple of days. The decision of the PSC was based on the ranking lists prepared by the two Scientific Councils for each of the thematic areas of the calls. The meetings to prepare the ranking lists were also held online from 30-31 March.
More information on the single projects will be published on the JFS website as soon as possible.
Further actions of the JFS to connect research from Southeast Asia and Europe that helps tackling the current Covid-19 crisis were discussed in the meeting as well. Details about these activities will be released soon. Stay tuned.