Successful Brokerage Event for the 9th JFS Call in Hanoi on October 3
The event was endorsed by the ASEAN Committee of Science, Technology and Innovation (COSTI), ASEAN Sub-Committee on Sustainable Energy and Research (SCSER) and supported by the ASEAN Secretariat.
The Event was opened by Mr Ly Hoang Tung, Director General of International Cooperation Department of Ministry of Science and Technology, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, Mr Gonzalo Serrano, Deputy Head of Cooperation Section, EU Delegation to Viet Nam and Mr Chhuon Sambath Ratanak, Director of Technique and Energy Business Policy, General Department of Energy, Ministry of Mines and Energy Cambodia, Sub Committee of Sustainable Energy and Research (SCSER) Cambodia / Chair.
Ms Fadila Boughanemie, policy officer for ASEAN, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission elaborated on the rationale and objectives of the JFS. The JFS is one of the crucial elements of multilateral research cooperation between the two regions of Southeast Asia and Europe that enables scientists to join forces for tackling global challenges.
Dr Adele Clausen, JFS scientific manager, introduced the basic JFS principles and the main rules for proposal submissions, such as the 2+1 rule and the opportunity for JFS funders to confine the call texts by their own national regulations. She demonstrated the diversity of 67 STI projects that have been realized under the umbrella of the JFS until today. She also shared information about matchmaking opportunities and in-depth information about the JFS beyond the brokerage event, e.g. the JFS Partnering Tool and the JFS Application Tutorial Video. The respective presentation is being shared at the bottom.
Dr Finarya Legoh, JFS Senior Programme Officer, presented the 9th Call including the participating funders and the three topics of Call 9, which support research towards Climate Change Resilience & Local Adaptation:
- Topic 1: Waste water treatment and reuse (industrial & municipal)
- Topic 2: Underwater and above-water biomass farms working with renewable energy
- Topic 3: Assessment and remediation of contaminated inorganic and organic soils
Further, she explained the application tool “PT Outline” step-by-step.
Finally, researchers from Indonesia, Thailand, The Philippines, Turkey and Viet Nam presented their catching and innovative research ideas for which they are searching partners to hand in a joint proposal under the JFS Call 9.
The event was closed by Dr Tata Sutardi, Researcher at the Research Center for Energy Conversion and Conservation of BRIN Indonesia, SCSER Indonesia / Vice Chair and Ms Fadila Boughanemi.
Special thanks go to Ms Sronkanok Tangjaijit, JFS Senior Programme Officer, who ensured smooth procedures by moderating the Event.
The Brokerage Event was well-attended by 65 persons participating in person and more than 160 persons joining online.
The JFS team is happy to have the permission to share the JFS info slides and the slides of the project ideas presented by the researchers. The uploaded agenda shows an overview of the speakers and their project titles.
Source of Photo:
Center for Research and Development of Science and Technology Communication, Department of International Cooperation, MOST Viet Nam